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The Reform UK Party (latest nigel farage vehicle) is it to be laughed at or not

Unsurprisingly Tommy Robinson has a lot of support amongst Reform MPs and their supporters. I wonder when he will join forces with NF and co...

The Reform UK party MP Rupert Lowe, responding to the reported arrest, tweeted: “Is this action proportionate and in line with how the streets of London have recently been policed? More details are urgently required.”

Unsurprisingly Tommy Robinson has a lot of support amongst Reform MPs and their supporters. I wonder when he will join forces with NF and co...

The Reform UK party MP Rupert Lowe, responding to the reported arrest, tweeted: “Is this action proportionate and in line with how the streets of London have recently been policed? More details are urgently required.”

Farage is unlikely to be happy any Reform MP suggesting any support for Robinson, he doesn't like being seen associated with him, despite no doubt sharing most of his views.

He was the reason Farage resigned from UKIP, and resulted in him setting up the Brexit/Reform party.

In September 2018, Robinson expressed a desire to join the UK Independence Party (UKIP). On 23 November 2018, UKIP leader Gerard Batten appointed Robinson as his own advisor.[123][124] In response, the former UKIP leader Nigel Farage described Robinson as a "thug" and said he was heartbroken with the direction UKIP was going.[125] Farage and a Welsh Assembly member called for Batten to be removed as leader.[123] At a UKIP meeting on 30 November, Robinson sat with Daniel Thomas, a convicted kidnapper.[126]

Many prominent UKIP members, including eight of its MEPs, resigned from the party in response to Robinson's appointment. Of the eight MEPs who left, two were former party leaders. One was the UKIP's leader in Scotland; and another was Nigel Farage, who said Robinson and his associates brought "scuffles" and "violence" into the party and "many have criminal records, some pretty serious".[127]

It would be funny if this resulted in a split in Reform already.

Farage is unlikely to be happy any Reform MP suggesting any support for Robinson, he doesn't like being seen associated with him, despite no doubt sharing most of his views.

He was the reason Farage resigned from UKIP, and resulted in him setting up the Brexit/Reform party.

It would be funny if this resulted in a split in Reform already.


Thanks for that information.

This bit did make me laugh. Sounds just like Reform candidates. How did that vetting go Nigel 😂

Nigel Farage, who said Robinson and his associates brought "scuffles" and "violence" into the party and "many have criminal records, some pretty serious".
eta: am talking here about Farage very unfortunate phrasing by me

I just wonder whether you're a shit stirrer I don't know 🤷‍♂️
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Opportunist scum Farage taking advantage of the Southport murders to push conspiracy theories and borderline incitement 🤬

Deleted link as people were unhappy, no offense meant. Sorry.
Sorry - that came across completely wrong, I was referring to Farage not you.

That must have seemed a really unpleasant thing to say to someone :( Apologies again.
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Unsurprisingly Tommy Robinson has a lot of support amongst Reform MPs and their supporters. I wonder when he will join forces with NF and co...

The Reform UK party MP Rupert Lowe, responding to the reported arrest, tweeted: “Is this action proportionate and in line with how the streets of London have recently been policed? More details are urgently required.”

There are not enough Reform MPs for them to give a lot of support to anyone or anything.
One point though on posting Farage videos - fair enough that we don't want to give him the clicks but it's good to know what the old fraud is saying.

Would giving a nitter link still add to his financing (if you can post videos on nitter) or does he just then get the single nitter click and we're then all viewing that?

eta: just been told that nitter doesn't exist any more :( ignore this post :mad:
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One point though on posting Farage videos - fair enough that we don't want to give him the clicks but it's good to know what the old fraud is saying.

Would giving a nitter link still add to his financing (if you can post videos on nitter) or does he just then get the single nitter click and we're then all viewing that?

eta: just been told that nitter doesn't exist any more :( ignore this post :mad:
There's a newer version of nitter that keybored posted about on the the use of twitter posts thread:

Does any other Political party, charge so much for such events?

It's not a party, folks. It's a company. A cult.

One Reform hand is telling you they are the one party that you workers can rely on to act in their interests.

The other Reform hand is telling you, pay me a significant subscription to be a member, pay significant sums to come to our events, your rich overlords get all the say on policy, you'll have none.

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Over a grand to have a photo with Farage? As I found out on my holiday, he's desperate to have his photo taken with anyone for free. Just hang around Clacton Wetherspoons and he'll be beckoning you over for a selfie with him. He only got nervous, stopped, pretended he hadn't seen me, and started chatting to some girl instead, when he saw my milkshake. You can see it in his hands and face. 😂 😂😂

Does any other Political party, charge for such events?

It's not a party, folks. It's a company. A cult.

One Reform hand is telling you they are the one party that you workers can rely on to act in their interests.

The other Reform hand is telling you, pay me a significant subscription to be a member, pay significant sums to come to our events, your rich overlords get all the say on policy, you'll have none.

Yes they charge, but it varies by what type of pass you want. After all, the venue has to be paid for. For instance, the current Lib Dem week pass cost for members is £130. Price goes up the later you leave it.
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