Jason Cowley “Would you go into coalition with Labour?”
Nigel Farage “I’d do a deal with the Devil if it got me what I wanted.”
JC If Miliband said to you, “Look, Nigel, can I have your eight to ten MPs in the coalition and we give you an in-out referendum?” would that be enough?
NF That would depend when the referendum was, and the terms.
JC But you’re not ruling it out.
NF Of course not. There is no left and right any more. Left and right’s irrelevant.
JC So there could be a Ukip-Labour-Lib Dem rainbow coalition.
NF Sounds extremely unlikely.
JC Or a Ukip-Labour coalition.
NF Why coalition? There are other ways of doing things.
JC Tell me how. Confidence and supply?
NF Absolutely.
JC Would that suit you better?
NF To be honest, the way I look at it now, I can’t see Ukip wilfully going into formal coalition with anybody.
JC But you support Labour on confidence and supply . . .
NF Confidence motions and primary legislation of certain kinds, yes.
JC And because there’s no left and right, you’d be comfortable supporting Labour?
NF I’d be very comfortable supporting anybody that gave me an opportunity to get my country back.