Jeff Robinson
Marxist-Lentilist: Jackboots and Jackfruit
Another Free State paradise:
Ah, I see what you've done now. You define 'fascist' to mean 'collective'. Certain decisions are taken at the collective rather than the individual level. Twas always thus in human societies. That's what a society is. We are highly social animals that cannot survive without the help of others – so we have to negotiate a deal with them: put in language you might understand, rights come with obligations. You cannot have any meaningful rights unless you are prepared to give something back to the collective. And no, you can't just opt out, but that doesn't mean that you are being forced in a 'fascist' way. It merely means that you are but one of many in the decision-making process.
You need to grow up, basically. Your argument is at the level of a six-year-old having a tantrum because they have to go to bed.
onanarchy said:By viewing fascism in terms of individual laws it makes it far more easier to compartmentalize and isolate fascist components of someone's policy
To me Libertards do come other as spoilt only-children. Don't want share toys, why should I!
Santa is a communist because he distributes toys to children
No, I've read it. I just don't acknowledge it. I'll respond when people start behaving as what you could expect from a decent human being.
I'm asking very little of you. I'm only asking that you don't behave like an asshole. Is that really too much to ask? Am I intellectually dishonest because I want to be treated with an inch of respect? I'm learning more and more interesting things about socialism for every word you guys utter on this forum! Keep it coming. I'm inviting over an audience to watch socialism in practice.
I am actually enjoying your posts and respect that you have your opinions, I have so far enjoyed watching your opinions and beliefs being challenged and admire your ability to persistantly try to justify your position instead of just folding or storming off in a huff. I won't insult you, and think you deserve not to just be hate-swarmed for saying the things you say. Telling you why you are wrong is good sport, both directly and to observe. You've maintained the interest of a few posters for several pages now, you should regard it as a complement. Many would merely have roll-eyed you or put youon ignore by now.
Also I don't think calling you 'onan' is intended as an insult, it's just a shortening of your name.
If the US Constitution isn't a textbook example of the basis for a liberal regime then no liberal regime exists or has ever exists. Which is probably what onan will reveal shortly. Rather like the way some communists disappointingly try to pretend that there's never been a communist regime.
But let's face it, it's better than just arguing with the same old u75 faces.
I don't beleive there ever has been a true communist regime, and I'm not a communist.
And therefore a fascist, sending his trusted emissary Rudolph (Hess) the Red Nosed Reindeer all over the world every year, to spread evil collectivist notions among the young and impressionable.
Can't argue with that.
What's your take on Chile's neighbour, Argentina?
You profanity and rudeness neither scares nor shocks me.
Bullying is after all the very essence of fascism...
....and in my experience the vast majority of socialists are fascists, i.e. people who want to use force against peaceful individuals to make people march in unity.
Deviants are not accepted.
Neither does it surprise me that the socialists on this list reacts with horror that a peace lover enters their "domain" without their approval, and at the same time profanity, rudeness and death threats are considered perfectly legitimate behavior.
Now, how about we start a civil conversation? Or is that a bit too much to ask from a socialist? Guns and brute force are preferred?
I am not as intimately familiar with Argentina today, but from what I have seen it is absolutely horrible. Also, notice that Peron was the quintessential Fascist, in the classical sense. His politics closely mirrored Hitler, Mussolini, Franco and FDR.
I am not as intimately familiar with Argentina today, but from what I have seen it is absolutely horrible. Also, notice that Peron was the quintessential Fascist, in the classical sense. His politics closely mirrored Hitler, Mussolini, Franco and FDR.
There are a lot of things with the Pinochet regime I cannot defend. His 17 year autocratic rule could not be defended. Here is however what can easily be defended:
1) Pinochet's toppling of the Allende regime was both LEGAL and NECESSARY to save Chile from either a Cuba-like regime or civil war. How was it LEGAL? a) Allende was deemed a criminal by the Supreme Court for violating the constitution. b) the opposition had signed a treaty with Allende before he took office where he accepted that the military should be allowed to remain independent in case Allende violated the constitution. So Pinochet only took action based on the ruling of the Supreme Court and the agreement which Allende himself had signed with the opposition. How was it NECESSARY? Communism had destroyed many countries all over the world, and Allende had already plummeted Chile into hyper-inflation. Had Pinochet not intervened Chile would surely have collapsed, either into a communistic dictatorship or into civil war.
2) Pinochet treated the situation in Chile as that of a war. He regarded communism as a threat that would destroy or enslave the country. The experience with ALL other communist states has WITHOUT EXCEPTION shown that communism is absolutely lethal. Pinochets war against communists was therefore equally necessary and justified as a war against Nazi-Germany.
What part of Pinochet's regime cannot be justified? a) he stayed in power way too long. Destroying the communist threat only took at the very most 5 years, probably much less. He should have returned the power to civil rule much sooner. b) he started out with the traditional corporatist regulation of the economy inspired by Franco in the first 3-5 years of his regime. This meddling in the economy was uncalled for and prolonged the problems of Chile's economy unnecessarily.
Fortunately for Chile a) Pinochet pragmatically tried out the economic liberalism of the Chicago boys and b) when Pinochet finally did return Chile to civil rule, the civil government deepened the reforms started by the Chicago boys under Pinochet, and as a result Chile's economy boomed when civil government returned. Today Chile is, despite its turbulant recent past, the most prosperous nation in South-America and it has the lowest level of poverty in all of South-America.
But still it is very sad to know how much both Allende and partially Pinochet did to destroy Chile's economy. Chile lost at least two decades of economic growth. Imagine where Chile had been today in terms of economic prosperity had Allende's disaster never happened. Imagine if the Chicago boys had been allowed to reform the economy already in 1973, by purely peaceful means. Then Chile would today be among the richest countries in the world with close to zero poverty. THAT's what Allende (and partially Pinochet) robbed from Chile.
Ideology is not the same as reality, so there'll never be a 'true' representative of any kind of political theory. But if you're a Leninist then you should take, at least some, responsibility for what regimes based on Lenin's ideas do. If you're a liberal, then you should take some responsibility for what regimes based on liberal ideas do. Is that too much to ask?
I am actually enjoying your posts and respect that you have your opinions, I have so far enjoyed watching your opinions and beliefs being challenged and admire your ability to persistantly try to justify your position instead of just folding or storming off in a huff. I won't insult you, and think you deserve not to just be hate-swarmed for saying the things you say. Telling you why you are wrong is good sport, both directly and to observe. You've maintained the interest of a few posters for several pages now, you should regard it as a complement. Many would merely have roll-eyed you or put youon ignore by now.
Also I don't think calling you 'onan' is intended as an insult, it's just a shortening of your name.
When you strip away all the intellectual fluff of fascism, force lies at its center. The most cogent definition of fascism I've seen is FORCED UNITY. I.e. deviants are not tolerated, everyone has to march to the same beat (whatever that beat may be). Socialists do not tolerate social deviants. Socialists come in two variations 1) leftwing socialists who believe that everyone are born the same way and that any unequality in society must therefore be the result of oppression. 2) rightwing socialists who accept that some are born smarter and some are born less smart, which results in social inequality. They accept this as true, but just don't like it and want to rid society of the deviants.
In practice both leftwing and rightwing socialists end up with the same politics aimed at reducing social inequality.
As a tolerant person I accept that people are born different and that they choose to be different. So I am tolerant to all forms of peaceful deviants: gays, different races, smart people, less smart people, rich people, poor people. Fascists generally speaking refuse to tolerate some kind of group of deviants. Socialists refuse to accept material deviants. Not all socialists are as extreme though. Stalin and Hitler through the deviants into concentration camps...
....whereas moderate socialists are satisfied with a mild form of concentration camp for the able in the form of high taxes and strict regulations.
I understand why you think like you do. It is because you are stupid and ignorant.
Fascism is the same as socialism because Hitler said it was.
The Chilean economy was absolutely destroyed under Allende. He did more damage to the economy percentagewise than the tsunami did to Japan's economy recently. That's the scale of the destruction of socialism that we're talking about here.
Another Free State paradise: