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The DUP, eh? Welcome to your new lizard overlords


Well-Known Member
We've had to put up with them for years over here - now it's your turn.

Kay Burley hits the nail on the head here. Mrs Merton would be so proud.

"Given that the Lib Dems are where they are, what first attracted you to the anti-abortion, pro-Brexit, climate change deniers that are the DUP?"

WATCH: Kay Burley sums up everyone's fears about the DUP in the mother of all questions | JOE.ie

The Giants Causeway now has a brand new, state-of-the-art visitors Centre. The centre-piece is all about the geology - as you would imagine it would be.

All except the bit where the Creationist exhibition, the one that claims the Earth is 5000 years old, the one the DUP insisted on, is housed.

Good luck explaining climate change to these cunts.

National Trust in Giant's Causeway creationism row

"The issue of including creationist theories has sparked controversy in the past in Northern Ireland, when prominent members of the Democratic Unionist Party at Stormont lobbied for museums to include such opinions."
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Maybe I'm being stupid but why does it make sense politically / pragmatically that TM decided to bunk up with this lot and go through the brexit shitstorm instead of just stepping aside and letting labour try to cobble a coalition together ? That way Corbyn'd get blamed for whatever comes to pass in the next couple of years- In the longish term I mean haven't they the Tories just set themselves up for a monumental fuckup ?
Maybe I'm being stupid but why does it make sense politically / pragmatically that TM decided to bunk up with this lot and go through the brexit shitstorm instead of just stepping aside and letting labour try to cobble a coalition together ? That way Corbyn'd get blamed for whatever comes to pass in the next couple of years- In the longish term I mean haven't they the Tories just set themselves up for a monumental fuckup ?
That might benefit the Tories but it wouldn't benefit May. Her hubris is all her own and this election was supposed to be all about her.
bimble You are forgetting a/ they absolutely believe in a Tory right to govern and b/ they are genuinely terrified of any threat to their power and privilege.

They don't actually give a shit about taking the country down with them, they see that as their entitlement.
All except the bit where the Creationist exhibition, the one that claims the Earth is 5000 years old, the one the DUP insisted on, is housed.

Having done a bit of reading up on this, it seems you are hyping things up a little.
Any proper dirt on them? Violence/corruption?

Cash for Ash anybody? Only gonna cost the taxpayer a few hundred million

Stormont's jacket on a shaky peg...

Then there was the time when the Leaders 60-yr old wife was shagging a 19 year old student. She set him up with a nice little business. She borrowed £50k with one simple phone call (no business plan, not one item of paperwork, just one phone call) to a business man who owed much of his wealth to DUP patyronage. ANd she shaved 10k off the top for herself before she passed on £40k to the toy-boy
Then there was the time when the Leaders 60-yr old wife was shagging a 19 year old student. She set him up with a nice little business. She borrowed £50k with one simple phone call (no business plan, not one item of paperwork, just one phone call) to a business man who owed much of his wealth to DUP patyronage. ANd she shaved 10k off the top for herself before she passed on £40k to the toy-boy
Which leader is this (given that the current leader is a woman and they're against same sex marriage)?
Maybe I'm being stupid but why does it make sense politically / pragmatically that TM decided to bunk up with this lot and go through the brexit shitstorm instead of just stepping aside and letting labour try to cobble a coalition together ? That way Corbyn'd get blamed for whatever comes to pass in the next couple of years- In the longish term I mean haven't they the Tories just set themselves up for a monumental fuckup ?

One would hope so
Notice Iris Robinson thinks homosexuality is an "abomination".

Jim Wells MLA has stated publicly that gay marriage is ' a red line issue' for the DUP - as in they won't sit down to negotiate re-establishing the stormont executive with (pro-marriage equality) Sinn Féin, if the Shinners insist on puruing the issue of marriage equality.

He seemed quite smugly pleased that his 'Peter won't be marrying Paul in Northen Ireland' quote made a few headlines.
You can't seriously put these people in a position of power. It's insane.

Umm..they've been in govt over here for the past ten years . And yes..it's insane . And now it's your turn .
I don't wish them on anyone but it's fucking brilliant they can't be ignored any more . The dirty secret can't be swept under the rug . Walk a mile in my moccasins kemosabe .
Im convinced if the British public are fed a solid enough diet of the dup..when it dawns on them these cunts are blowback from owning a bit of Ireland there'll be a clamour from lands end to John ogroats to cut the sick counties loose for good . To erect razor wire round Stranraer and the mull of kintyre and mine the fucking channel . And train dolphins to kill swimmers just in case .
It'll also be a complete hoot watching actual British people aghast with their mouths open at these strange people who are the most unbritish thing ever . And telling them that too . I think it's fucking hilarious ..on that level . I appreciate the downside of being ruled by the DUP.

I'll say that again in case it hasn't sunk in.

Ruled..by..the ...D.U...P!!!
It'll also be a complete hoot watching actual British people aghast with their mouths open at these strange people who are the most unbritish thing ever . And telling them that too . I think it's fucking hilarious ..on that level . I appreciate the downside of being ruled by the DUP.

I'll say that again in case it hasn't sunk in.

Ruled..by..the ...D.U...P!!!

Just wait 'til the Commons bars empty out one day and the strained and aged voices of Tory back benchers kick in saying 'well I think those Irish chaps have a good point about Creationism/homosexuality/dancing' - one tiny, insane love in.
Maybe I'm being stupid but why does it make sense politically / pragmatically that TM decided to bunk up with this lot and go through the brexit shitstorm instead of just stepping aside and letting labour try to cobble a coalition together ? That way Corbyn'd get blamed for whatever comes to pass in the next couple of years- In the longish term I mean haven't they the Tories just set themselves up for a monumental fuckup ?
Not sure the maths allows it. Labour plus everybody else is not a majority. And the DUP hate Labour and Corbyn in particular - they would bring them down as soon as they could. So unless the tories agreed to vote for a Labour Queen's speech, I don't see how a Corbyn-led govt gets started with this seat distribution. Tories have just too many seats to make giving Corbyn a go an option.

Also, the Tories looking like they don't want to govern would look really fucking bad.

tbh my first thought was fucksticks, so close. But that was not knowing a huge amount about the DUP beyond that they're Paisley's mob and have displaced they other ones, Trimble's lot. The more I learn of the DUP, the better this current maths starts to look.
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