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The Cranberries are a Top50 band in History

Well, you're clearly upset so I'll answer you soberly and then leave the thread.

I didn't say I've never met anybody in Spain who like the Cranberries. I've said nobody mentioned off-the-bat that they like them. That is to say that there are some bands that people mention without prompting on a regular basis; as in they are so massively popular they crop up everywhere. I listed the ones that applies to.

I do not live in a place which is predominantly expats at all. In fact, I reject the term expat as I find it unpleasant, and moved here from Barcelona as I found even that too guiri. I would not live on the Costa del Sol or suchlike in a billion years.
Do you live in Spain actually?
you are joking. Cranberries weren’t alternative if you mean obscure. They were everywhere.

I think a few of their songs got massive radio time.
But a lot just got to the fans.
They really were a band to see live..great entertainers. In some ways the gigs were streets aheas of the albums. If that makes sense? The atmosphere was electric. And Dolores small as ahe was had some stage presence.
oh I think the idea you are the same person as this guy is stupid. I just thought the other bit was funny. Sorry to hear you’re having a hard time though. I am only posting in fun. As I think most people are.

And yes...at the moment life is very shit.
And perhaps I am being sensitive about Dolo.
Defensive of her memory.....because well she shouldnt have died so young and she had just gotten back to recovery.

Nuff said. I'm off
I think a few of their songs got massive radio time.
But a lot just got to the fans.
They really were a band to see live..great entertainers. In some ways the gigs were streets aheas of the albums. If that makes sense? The atmosphere was electric. And Dolores small as ahe was had some stage presence.
Tbf any band you like are likely to create an electric atmosphere and appear to have great stage presence. I've not been to any non-festival gig where the crowd weren't buzzing when the headliners came on.
I think a few of their songs got massive radio time.
But a lot just got to the fans.
They really were a band to see live..great entertainers. In some ways the gigs were streets aheas of the albums. If that makes sense? The atmosphere was electric. And Dolores small as ahe was had some stage presence.
And the first label that signed The Cranberries was Xeric, with amateur material and without studio.

This is the first LP compilation:

If The Cranberries is not an indie/alt band, no one it is :)
Tbf any band you like are likely to create an electric atmosphere and appear to have great stage presence. I've not been to any non-festival gig where the crowd weren't buzzing when the headliners came on.
All these bands have a frontperson as good as was Dolores?
And yes...at the moment life is very shit.
And perhaps I am being sensitive about Dolo.
Defensive of her memory.....because well she shouldnt have died so young and she had just gotten back to recovery.

Nuff said. I'm off
And no one has the right to insult the legacy that she left us without at least being able to reply to the people who do this.
I think a few of their songs got massive radio time.
But a lot just got to the fans.
They really were a band to see live..great entertainers. In some ways the gigs were streets aheas of the albums. If that makes sense? The atmosphere was electric. And Dolores small as ahe was had some stage presence.

Yeah, I don't hate them or anything. Just heard the big hits too much in the 90s and not really a band I'd play.

And yes...at the moment life is very shit.
And perhaps I am being sensitive about Dolo.
Defensive of her memory.....because well she shouldnt have died so young and she had just gotten back to recovery.

Nuff said. I'm off

Fair enough, yep. Take care.
It's opinion isn't it. No way to prove it. You keep presenting your opinion as fact. This is dishonest.
I just asked you one question, very honest because I didn't even say it was one of the best, I just said "so good."

What is VERY dishonest is not recognizing the quality of Dolores just because someone does not like her way of singing or her voice. That is dishonest
I just asked you one question, very honest because I didn't even say it was one of the best, I just said "so good."
What is VERY dishonest is not recognizing the quality of Dolores just because someone does not like her way of singing or her voice. That is dishonest
So it's 'dishonest' to have individual musical taste? Just so you know: the more you uncritically squeak on and on and on about the Cranberries, fawning over their every note and inflating their importance, the lower my opinion of the band goes. And I imagine I'm not alone.
The problem with the idea that what you like (with respect to music or anything else) is subjective is that there isn't a knowable subjective response.

You can be turned off by something and nevertheless feel intrigued by it.

You can be swept up by something and then later come to feel that listening to it is like eating a box of chocolates. Too much sugar rush and not enough substance.

And then your subjective experience is related to what you are looking for and what you want. Do you want to dance, sing a long, to feel something, to relate to it. Is it a personal experience or a collective experience?

For example I would never listen to Queen's Bohemian Rhapsody on my own. It's a campy quasi operatic singalong that's best experienced Wayne's World style.

Your subjective experience is not something simply there and given. In philosophical terms, it's something that's mediated.

How do you assess something like the music of Aguaviva? It's not something that's hugely popular or well known - so you can't rely on popular opinion. It's difficult, it draws on different traditions - classical serialism, Andalusian folk, rock, spoken word/poetry, theatre. How do you know how you relate to the component parts nevermind the whole? There isn't a real subjectivity that's in your mind just as there isn't a real objective quality that's strictly out there in the sound itself. If you're looking for a challenge you might find something powerful there, but then again you may not. But if you don't find it, that doesn't mean there was nothing there to find.

Likewise, I can't assess whether I like the Cranberries. I've just not had the circumstances to get into them in one way or another and what I have heard just doesn't inspire me to try to find those circumstances.
A terrible band-name as well. We've just got used to it over the years.

If you change the berry it gives you a sense of how bad it is when not so accustomed.

The Gooseberries. The Raspberries. The Loganberries. The Elderberries.Niall Quinn takes responsibility here.

Niall Quinn takes responsibility here. Strictly for the anoraks this stuff.

We decided on the name that day – and contrary to what I’ve read elsewhere I came up with it. Actually what I came up with was the name ‘The Cranberries’ and then suggested several variations on it. These included ‘The Cranberry Saw Us’, ‘The Cranberry Doodles’ ‘The Crandoodles’ and several more I can’t remember. Without actually voting on it we discussed them and eventually settled on ‘The Cranberry Saw Us’.
A terrible band-name as well. We've just got used to it over the years.

If you change the berry it gives you a sense of how bad it is when not so accustomed.

The Gooseberries. The Raspberries. The Loganberries. The Elderberries.
To be fair...band names can be odd..
I just asked you one question, very honest because I didn't even say it was one of the best, I just said "so good."

So it's 'dishonest' to have individual musical taste? Just so you know: the more you uncritically squeak on and on and on about the Cranberries, fawning over their every note and inflating their importance, the lower my opinion of the band goes. And I imagine I'm not alone.

Just to say...I'm not Cranaddict
That is your opinion, as valid as mine. And mine is that Dolores has been a better vocalist better than Rory Gallagher as a guitarist, even though Gallagher is possibly a Top 50 of guitarists.

Much as I love Dolo and the Cranberries I would not compare them with Rory Gallagher who was utterly flawless and an absolute genius.
Much as I love Dolo and the Cranberries I would not compare them with Rory Gallagher who was utterly flawless and an absolute genius.
Both were geniouses, I am convinced Rory is one of the best guitarist of all time. And not just in Rock genre, also as a acoustic guitarist and Blues. Probably Rory is better guitarist than Dolores vocalist, but I enjoy more when I listen to The Cranberries than when I listen to Rory, it is just personal Taste ;)

I think we both agree Dolores and Rory are the best Irish rockers.
Just so you know: the more you uncritically squeak on and on and on about the Cranberries, fawning over their every note and inflating their importance, the lower my opinion of the band goes. And I imagine I'm not alone.
It's part of the plan. In reality, he loathes the band, and his zombie like adoration for them is actually designed to tarnish their top 50 band in history image.
Why has this thread about the Cranberries been locked?

Is this some sort of conspiracy to downplay one of the best bands of the 90's?
Both were geniouses, I am convinced Rory is one of the best guitarist of all time. And not just in Rock genre, also as a acoustic guitarist and Blues. Probably Rory is better guitarist than Dolores vocalist, but I enjoy more when I listen to The Cranberries than when I listen to Rory, it is just personal Taste ;)

I think we both agree Dolores and Rory are the best Irish rockers.

I love the Cranberries but I don't actually think they're the "best Irish rockers ".
They're remarkable.
And for 1991/ 1993 they were pretty unique.
I can appreciate them and enjoy them
But Thin Lizzy were better
And I have to say given a choice I would enjoy listening to Horselips more.
Dont get me wrong...I love Dreams and other songs. And my main points on the other thread were that Dolos voice was unique and different. And that she didnt deserve trashing.
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Why has this thread about the Cranberries been locked?

Is this some sort of conspiracy to downplay one of the best bands of the 90's?
Could be considered bad taste, with a post wishing she was dead.
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