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The 7/7 Report

So that is Prole's whole theory in a flapping useless heap on the floor.

The evidence has been released, the train time confirmed.

What now for the fruitloop fraternity?
Whoops! There goes the only remote strand of 'evidence' that the clowns in the 7/7 truth campaign (or whatever the fuck it's called) could muster.
Oh I'm so glad all of that has been cleared up. The final hole in the official narrative filled. I guess all of us tiresome whingers who are calling for an independent public inquiry can go back to sleep now because it's all been answered, right?

Jesus if you are pooling all the intelligence and information from across HMG how do you make such a school boy error. Pathetic.

And so at least on the train times saga that makes Prole NOT to be a liar.
Badger Kitten said:
So that is Prole's whole theory in a flapping useless heap on the floor.

The evidence has been released, the train time confirmed.

What now for the fruitloop fraternity?
Hey BK Why are you not concerned that the offficial report, which this government thinks suffices for evidence & explanation for the atrocities on 7th July, should contain such errors? Appalling, no? A report based on intelligence, security & police reports should have a fact (one? how do we know there aren't more?) wrong. Yes we were right about the train time, what else are we right about?

Until this government Releases the Evidence to support the narrative, a narrative already proved to be factually incorrect, it remains a deeply flawed and inaccurate document. That is what is important BK not 'prole's theory'.

I'll say this once more because it is important that you all get it, it's the one thing you refuse to take on board, what you try to bury beneath the abuse and outrageous accusations, i am only interested in truth and justice. Now just have a good laugh at that.

While I'll have a good laugh about the man with the talking dog being right.
sparticus said:
And so at least on the train times saga that makes Prole NOT to be a liar.
Err, yes it does.

Her claims that the emails had supposedly been "verified" by "independent researchers" remains a big pile of stinky, porky pies.
Prole said:
I'll say this once more because it is important that you all get it, it's the one thing you refuse to take on board, what you try to bury beneath the abuse and outrageous accusations, i am only interested in truth and justice.
My arse you are.

You're been exposed as a hypocritical liar by your very own words here.
Someone ban the surplus conspiraloon, for the sake of Prole's own sanity, leave her to the company of David "Kill The Jews!" Icke and similar fuckwits... this site deserves better.

If we keep Prole can we have an insult amnesty, i.e. everybody gets to take the piss without repercussions??
JHE said:
That's not true. There's you and Superman.
Wasn't this fella partial to a bit of the truth and justice lark too?

editor said:
Err, yes it does.

Her claims that the emails had supposedly been "verified" by "independent researchers" remains a big pile of stinky, porky pies.

And don't forget her wriggling on which boards she posts on... Does she post on just the 7th of July one, or many others... Who knows, who can say for sure...? Certainly not the liar Prole...!
pk said:
If we keep Prole can we have an insult amnesty, i.e. everybody gets to take the piss without repercussions??

I've been doing that to the mad old hagbag for the last week...! I did stop for a while, but know that she won't answer my posts I think its open season on her...!
Badger Kitten said:
There you go. I suppose the conspiraloons will claim that as a Phyrric victory. Yes, they were right that they didn't get the 7.40 train. No, they were wrong that the bombers didn't get on it and kill 52 people a bit later on...

BBC said:
He told MPs the error did not seem to affect anything else in the account.

Priceless... :rolleyes: :D Prole's whole arguement vanishes in whispy smoke...! :D :D :D
Priceless... Prole's whole arguement vanishes in whispy smoke...!

No no no...Proles independently verified story vanishes in wispy smoke.

It's important to remember that it was independently verified by independent researchers who were all independently wrong
kyser_soze said:
No no no...Proles independently verified story vanishes in wispy smoke.

It's important to remember that it was independently verified by independent researchers who were all independently wrong

I thought it was independently verified by independent researchers who were independent professional "bods like you and me" who were independent researchers that just happened to post about talking terriers, people from the planet X and fruitloop consiparcy theories.

All put up by that barkingly fruitloop (and liar) old maid, Ms Prole...
And Prole probably made the independent decision to obfuscate and then lie to us all about the indepedence and qualifications of these researchers. Those two have obviously done a cracking job, properly investigating the timings of the train, rather than taking an email from some Railtrack bod at face value and adding no insight whatsoever.

Trustworthy lot some of these 'truth seekers' aren't they?

pk said:
Someone ban the surplus conspiraloon, for the sake of Prole's own sanity, leave her to the company of David "Kill The Jews!" Icke and similar fuckwits... this site deserves better.

If we keep Prole can we have an insult amnesty, i.e. everybody gets to take the piss without repercussions??

Isn't that what already happens? The mob are out in force and libelling people. Par for the course. So, you who are so intent on evidence and proof – can you show me where David Icke has advocated killing "the jews"?

He might be a journalist with patchy research skills, or fail to understand the difference between symbol and reality, but he's not an anti-semite as anyone who actually has read any of his books will know. But why read? Who cares?

In this sick world of illiterate imbeciles it seems that to slander people is the way to get ahead, and the viler and untruer the insult it seems the more you can get away with it.

I'm glad the boards are still a true reflection of the sick society we live in.

Fuck truth eh? The lynch mob rules.
squeegee said:
Isn't that what already happens? The mob are out in force and libelling people. Par for the course. So, you who are so intent on evidence and proof – can you show me where David Icke has advocated killing "the jews"?

Wikipedia said:
"I strongly believe that a small Jewish clique which has contempt for the mass of Jewish people worked with non-Jews to create the First World War, the Russian Revolution, and the Second World War. This Jewish/non-Jewish Elite used the First World War to secure the Balfour Declaration and the principle of the Jewish State of Israel). They then dominated the Versailles Peace Conference and created the circumstances which made the Second World War inevitable. They financed Hitler to power in 1933 and made the funds available for his rearmament."[6]
squeegee said:
Isn't that what already happens? The mob are out in force and libelling people.

Proles been caught out at least twice as being a liar on these boards... Please keep up... :rolleyes:
squeegee said:
I'm glad the boards are still a true reflection of the sick society we live in.
How's that then, chief?

I'd say the ones making up wild, fact-free fantasies about 7/7, the ones stirring up hatred and discord by trying to blame the government for the slaughter and the ones ringing up the grieving bomber's parents to give them false hope with their fairy tales are the real sick fucks.

What do you think?

And who's been "libelled"?
jæd said:

Is that proof of David Icke being anti-semitic? Other people who haven't read his books accusing him of it? Funny how when it suits you, any allegation is acceptable. Slander, suddenly is acceptable.

If you read even a few pages of any of his books you'd know how slanderous and untrue that comment is.

I'm not defending his books or his highly misguided lizard doctrine. Just pointing out that there is no evidence that he is anti-semitic other than the anti-defamation league accusations. This is the same league that has branded Noam Chomsky a self-hating jew. Hardly a credible organisation.
Slander my arse squeegee. Are you claiming that Prole didn't state that these emails were verified by two independent researchers then? Were their qualifications and expertise not overinflated at the very least, particularly as the release of this information means that they did absolutely no research of consequence whatsoever.

You can take your jockeying for the moral high ground and routine toss about 'mob slander' and shovel up it your conspiralunarse. It's one thing to be cynical about the govt and want an independent inquiry - I'm behind that. What I can't support is someone positioning themselves as a 'truth seeker' and then making untrue claims about 'indendent researchers,' ,making mealy mouthed excuses why she can't reveal their (lack of) qualifications or methodology and then failing to apologise for her lies and continuing if nothing untoward had happened. I'm not trusting of the Govt line by any means, but I can only trust Prole, her inaccuracies and shockingly hypocritical double standards even less. Fair enough?
Not really my business as I've not been here long but I'm surprised this site tolerates conspiracy types given how offensive survivors and their families find them, plus their far right links.

But I suppose the people here want to expose them as nutcases, which is fair enough.
vince noir said:
Not really my business as I've not been here long but I'm surprised this site tolerates conspiracy types [one homogenous whole of course] given how offensive survivors and their families find them [you can speak for all of them], plus their far right links. ["their" far right links – you know them all of course and have researched this thoroughly]

But I suppose the people here want to expose them as nutcases [such a tolerant and well-grounded comment. Are you a liberal freedom seeker?], which is fair enough.

Four generalised erroneous comments in one short post. Way to go :rolleyes:

I'm bored of this again

Bye :p
How convenient squeegee. You're going to throw a faux-tizzy about some mild insults, but you're not going to deal with the fact that Prole made some deliberately misleading statements (read lies) and hassled the families of at least one of those involved in the atrocities. You're obviously got your priorities exactly correct there....

squeegee said:
Is that proof of David Icke being anti-semitic? Other people who haven't read his books accusing him of it?
I think you'll find that there's a host of people and organisations who have labelled Icke anti-semitic.

Icke has further claimed that a small group of Jews, namely the Rothschild family, also a "reptilian bloodline," financed Adolf Hitler and supported the Holocaust. As a result, Icke's speaking tours at one time attracted the interest of British neo-Nazis such as Combat 18, and he continues to face opposition from Jewish and anti-racist groups such as the Anti-Defamation League and the B'nai Brith in Canada. Icke has strongly denied that he is an anti-Semite, stressing that the Rothschilds are reptiles, not Jews.
Looks like there might be a hint of holocaust denial in the pot too:
The same attitude that suppressed the challenge to the manipulation of World War Two, today sees people vilified and jailed for questioning some of the official versions of the Holocaust in Nazi Germany. If you do that, no one listens to the evidence because this is lost in the tidal wave of vilification and condemnation. If people want to believe that all those who question the official line are Nazis and apologists for the Hitler regime, or anti-Jewish, then they must go ahead and do so. But I'll tell them this. They are kidding themselves, because that isn't true. It simply isn't."
David Icke, "...And The Truth Shall Set You Free", p. 127
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