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The 7/7 Report

Prole said:
Hey Ed they have been independently verified, it's just I refused to post names here or send it to you.

If they are have been indepenently verified then what these professionals scared of...!

Prole said:
Us Proles just won't do what we're told uh? Therefore I must be a liar.

Bigfish got this treatment and I notice hasn't been back, I refuse to be bullied and you don't like it.

Never mind that the offical report has a lie about 4 men on a train that didn'r run or an image of the 4, 3 of which are unidentifiable as anyone let alone the men we are told they are. Never mind about that, that isn't the point of this thread, no. It is far more important to you to try and make me out be a liar (which I am not, I know it and that's all that matters).

From kangaroo court to lynch mob methinks.

Um... We have streams of evidence of your wriggling Prole. Unlike your evidence for any of the above...

You are, and remain, a liar of the first order...!
Prole said:
Hey Ed they have been independently verified, it's just I refused to post names here or send it to you.
Don't you know when to shut the fuck up? You lied about this and got caught out, despite doing your undignified wriggling for days on end.

The emails were not "independently verified" to any remotely credible standard of proof - they were, in fact, looked at by two totally unqualified fellow loons who are heavily involved with yous ridiculous campaign group.

The one "independent researcher" is a conspiracy-tastic fruitloop who runs a fraudulent 'charity', has a talking terrier on his site and believes in UFOs, while the other is a 9/11 nut partial to writing loved up astrological paeans to Princess Di and crop circles.

From those two clowns you could expect the same level of impartiality and independence as a Liverpool fan commentating on Everton. And *still* you swallow their every word.
Prole said:
Oh I see, I'm not actually allowed to defend myself. Kangaroo court rules.

You can defend yourself by posting some evidence or a professionaly accreditted researchers name we can verify...
Do you honestly think those two can count as 'independent researchers' in any credible sense though Prole. Surely that's like claiming that Cheney and Rumsfeld are independent advisers to the US of A or somesuch nonsense? Their bias is all too obvious from their links.

Such mealy-mouthed, evasive bollocks doesn't do you or your cause any credit whatsoever. Your standards seem to be lower than those you criticise so vociferously.
tarannau said:
Do you honestly think those two can count as 'independent researchers' in any credible sense though Prole. Surely that's like claiming that Cheney and Rumsfeld are independent advisers to the US of A or somesuch nonsense? Their bias is all too obvious from their links.
They're not just completely partisan signed up 9/11 and 7/7 nuts - they're also woefully unqualified for the job too.

Yet Prole still unquestioningly swallows what they say, hook line and sinker.
Prole said:
Oh I see, I'm not actually allowed to defend myself. Kangaroo court rules.

Has this deluded twat still got permission to post here, even after being proved to be talking bollocks about 7/7??

editor said:
They're not just completely partisan signed up 9/11 and 7/7 nuts - they're also woefully unqualified for the job too.

Yet Prole still unquestioningly swallows what they say, hook line and sinker.
Ed for the last time just in case you didn't get it the first, fifth, twentieth time I have said it: The train time information has been independently verified. End of story. You are flogging a dead horse by going on about it.

I don't care if you or jaed or whoever else wishes to call me a liar or somehow smear me with 'guilty by association' crap, I DONT CARE.

Talk about something else, ignore me, ban me whatever, the times the actual trains ran are there for all to see (I've posted the link b4). Ignore them, I don't care. it matters not. Your choice. OK?
Jazzz said:
This is exactly how dissidents in pre-war nazi Germany got treated.

An outrageous thing to say, take it back jaed.

Prole et al ARE terrorists, and deserve to be treated with the same contempt.
Prole said:
Ed for the last time just in case you didn't get it the first, fifth, twentieth time I have said it: The train time information has been independently verified. End of story. You are flogging a dead horse by going on about it.

I don't care if you or jaed or whoever else wishes to call me a liar or somehow smear me with 'guilty by association' crap, I DONT CARE.

Talk about something else, ignore me, ban me whatever, the times the actual trains ran are there for all to see (I've posted the link b4). Ignore them, I don't care. it matters not. Your choice. OK?

How come their dna and personal possessions were found at the scene of the bombings, prole?
pk said:
Prole et al ARE terrorists, and deserve to be treated with the same contempt.

Disagree there

For the conspiraloons it shouldn't be prison but Broadmoor :D They all sit inthe day room and hold endless debates about the zionist pixies and radio controlled 911 planes with Ian Brady and Peter Sutcliffe. :rolleyes:
pk said:
How come their dna and personal possessions were found at the scene of the bombings, prole?
Who knows. Although I would expect that their remains would be found as well. Perhaps they arrived at the scene much the same way as Atta's passport miraculously survived an event that managed to destroy steel and concrete. Who knows? I certainly don't.

PK That is the last reply I make to you as with jaed I find your accusations of being a 'terrorist' outrageous.
Prole said:
Perhaps they arrived at the scene much the same way as Atta's passport miraculously survived an event that managed to destroy steel and concrete. Who knows? I certainly don't.
Sorry, what's this got to do with your fact-free claims about the events of 7/7?
Prole said:
Hey Ed they have been independently verified, it's just I refused to post names here or send it to you.
Funny how a self declared "truth seeker" supposedly fighting for "truth and justice" refuses point blank to reveal the truth when asked isn't it?

Why are you keeping this valuable information to yourself?
Why the secrecy?
Why won't you name names?
What have you got to hide?
Who knows.

So...you don't think it's coincidental and clearly not much use that this evidence was found at the explosion sites but you DO think that some potentially iffy time signatures on the trains prove that it was some kind of fit up?
So are you admitting that 'independent researchers' may have been a deliberately misleading way to overstate these guys' credentials then Prole?

I can leave the question of whether Railtrack's timetables were accurate or whether that guy was best placed to respond on their behalf to the side for the moment. What worries me is that you seem to have a loose approach to facts and honest reporting, both of which don't bode well for someone positioning themselves as an organiser of the 7/7 'Truth Campaign.'

Surely you should be above such distortions and inflating people's 'independent' credentials so blatantly? Seems a crap way to build trust and faith in your organisation.
Prole said:
Ed for the last time just in case you didn't get it the first, fifth, twentieth time I have said it: The train time information has been independently verified
By who?
What are their qualifications so I can check them for myself?
How did they 'verify' the emails?
What's their technical backgrounds?
How do you know they didn't tamper with the 'evidence'
Why won't you tell me?
Why the secrecy?
Why are you withholding information from the public?
How do I know that you're not just making all this up?

Release the evidence!
Prole said:
Ed for the last time just in case you didn't get it the first, fifth, twentieth time I have said it: The train time information has been independently verified.

Erm, where? I have seen nothing close to showing that these guys are in any way independent, nor that they have any expertise in such matters. Why are you applying such a distortion field around this - why not give straight answer? You're coming across worse than a two-bit politico, certainly not someone worth investing trust in.

For a 'truth campaign' to succeed, it's vital that the participants and organisers aim for the highest standards, not prove evasive or make claims that they simply can't or won't back-up
editor said:

Release the evidence!

Whenever you say that it reminds me of:


Welease Woger the wobber and wapist!

Sorry :oops:

Prole said:
Who knows. Although I would expect that their remains would be found as well. Perhaps they arrived at the scene much the same way as Atta's passport miraculously survived an event that managed to destroy steel and concrete. Who knows? I certainly don't.

PK That is the last reply I make to you as with jaed I find your accusations of being a 'terrorist' outrageous.

Pity the bit about the passport is as accurate as her other claims...

Wikipedia said:
Four days after the attacks, the FBI claimed to have found al-Suqami's passport among the rubble on Vesey Street. (This was mistakenly reported by many news outlets to be Mohammed Atta's passport) Some news organizations openly doubted this report, questioning the idea that his passport had escaped from the inferno relatively unsinged. According to testimony before the 9/11 Commission by lead counsel Susan Ginsburg, his passport had been "manipulated in a fraudulent manner"

According to testimony before the 9/11 Commission by lead counsel Susan Ginsburg, his passport had been "manipulated in a fraudulent manner in ways that have been associated with al Qaeda." [4] Passports belonging to Ziad Jarrah and Saeed al Ghamdi were found at the crash site of United Airlines flight #93.
Prole said:
PK That is the last reply I make to you as with jaed I find your accusations of being a 'terrorist' outrageous.

What-cha gonna do Prole...? Ignore everyone who disagrees with you...? Who thinks your a frothing-old bat who should be locked up for her good...? You're going to be ignoring everyone...! And how can you seek the truth and yet ignore everyone around you...!

Lock'em up in Broadmoor...! Lock'em up in Gitmo...! Why won't someone just lock Jazz & Prole and co and throw away the key...!
Very well, a polite question to Prole.

On this thread you have been suggesting that the four men accused by the government of perpetrating the July 7th attacks as suicide bombers were innocent of the attacks.

Can you indicate how you square your views with the recently released video of one of them ranting about the imminent atrocity and glorifying in his imminent actions?
If our govt wanted to stop it, they could have done. They had them all bugged upt their eyeballs, they had the mastermind on the bloomin payroll! How much more do you want?!

"intelligence failures".... you people will buy anything! :rolleyes:

Its not important who did the deed, you can find someone for anything you must know this by know. Who funded, who trained, who protected, who had the motive, who gained.

You`d make shite detectives. :p
Look! Look!

BBC breaking news

Reid reveals 7 July account error

Fifty-two people were killed in the bombings
The home Secretary has asked police to explain why a mistake was made in the government's version of what happened on the day of the London bombings.
John Reid revealed the time at which the bombers left Luton station to head to London was wrong in the official "narrative" of 7 July 2005.

He told MPs the error did not seem to affect anything else in the account.

But he acknowledged it might cause concern and said he had asked police for a report about the discrepancy.

The official account, published earlier this year, said the four bombers left Luton train station on their deadly journey at 0740 BST.

That was inaccurate - they actually left at 0725. But the account was right in saying they arrived at King's Cross station at 0823 BST.

The bombers went on to attack London's transport network in four bombings - killing 52 people and injuring nearly 800.
There you go. I suppose the conspiraloons will claim that as a Phyrric victory. Yes, they were right that they didn't get the 7.40 train. No, they were wrong that the bombers didn't get on it and kill 52 people a bit later on.

Actually, they'll probably manage to find a wriggle for this as well.

The evidence has been released, Prole and pals - now are you going to shut up about it?

That is the major leg of your case fallen off. What's next? The bombers DNA and effects were found at the scenes, ( Khan having seemingly gone so far as to furnish his fellows with his ID just to make the point that he's the mastermind and get the post-humous glory) 2 of the bombers released ranting videos, the fact that they all trained in bomb making in Pakistan, were dobbed in by a IT bloke for the hseer nastiness of the ir home made videos.

I suppose the loons will now claim the bombers did do it, and M!5 are responsible for brainwashing them, rather than them choosing to become jihadi suicide murderers all of their own sick accord.
Prole said:
Who knows. Although I would expect that their remains would be found as well. Perhaps they arrived at the scene much the same way as Atta's passport miraculously survived an event that managed to destroy steel and concrete. Who knows? I certainly don't.

Which begs the question.. where is Mr Hussain now..?? If as Prole assets he was not one of the bombers & was not on the number 30 bus in the first place on 7/7..
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