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The 7/7 Report

KeyboardJockey said:
Yes we know that the security services leak info into the media and we know all about the lobby system and how it was and can be abused but knowing about these things and sorting the wheat from the chaff in reporting is not the same as accepting conspiraloon bollocks about under floor tube bombs and the extrapolation of normal disaster preparation exercises as evidence of state involvement in the london bombs.

What also bothers me about the lizard sites like PP et al is it is but a small jump from 'there is a secret cabal of controllers of theworld' to 'the jews are behind it all' there is a great similarity between some of the guff on conspiraloon sites about 'world controllers' and the sort of stuff that is in the Protocols of the Elders of Zion.

It isn't much of a leap of faith to appreciate that they will now be infesting the internet, forums websites etc?

BTW the Media lens article is not just about leaking info or lobby journalists:

"one of Britain’s most distinguished journals” as believing that more than half its foreign correspondents were on the MI6 payroll. And in 1991, Richard Norton-Taylor revealed in the Guardian that 500 prominent Britons paid by the CIA and the now defunct Bank of Commerce and Credit International, included 90 journalists."
Prole said:
"one of Britain’s most distinguished journals” as believing that more than half its foreign correspondents were on the MI6 payroll. And in 1991, Richard Norton-Taylor revealed in the Guardian that 500 prominent Britons paid by the CIA and the now defunct Bank of Commerce and Credit International, included 90 journalists."

Link, please...!
jæd said:
Um... Isn't that what you wanted...? Trial by cctv...?
Proof of their presence at the scene, at KX getting off the 8.23 from Luton etc. All the CCTV that supports the official report (for a start)
KeyboardJockey said:
Stop wriggling I was talking about conspiraloons in general. If the J7 'truth' campaign wants to be taken seriously lose the links to PP et al or at least flag them up as view with caution
We could have a footnote I suppose that says by linking to external sites we are not supporting the content of those sites (or words to that effect)
Explain how people go hurt, if it wasn't from bombs carried by the bombers... With evidence, please

It was all MI5 mate, didn't you know? Muslims could never do something like this. Not angry/organised enough. Only HMG are competent enough to pull anything like this off, dincha know?
Prole said:
We could have a footnote I suppose that says by linking to external sites we are not supporting the content of those sites (or words to that effect)

Well it would be a start wouldn't it? Or maybe delete all links to shite like PP.
Prole said:
Where did I say these boards were nothing to do with me? I was just putting jaed straight about that particular thread to my blog.
Please don't start another witch-hunt about where else I post.
So basically, the general picture is this:

You don't get hassled on the other board because you're a moderator with your own forum and by far one of the biggest contributors, and there's barely a soul around to argue with your barking theories.

But when you post on a far, far busier board that has a far more representative range of people posting, you find yourself laughed at and ridiculed.

And, in return, you think that the reason why you are ridiculed has nothing to do with the laughable paucity of credible evidence that accompanies your wild claims, but it's down to the fact that in your (clueless) opinion the "majority" of posters here are "middle class."

Is that right?
Prole said:
Proof of their presence at the scene, at KX getting off the 8.23 from Luton etc. All the CCTV that supports the official report (for a start)

Round-and-round we go...! DNA evidence of their remain, personall effects. In the narrative report it states:

Narrative said:
The train arrives at King’s Cross, slightly late due to a delay further
up the line. The 4 are captured on CCTV at 08.26am on th concourse close to the Thameslink platform and heading in the direction of the London Underground system. At around 08.30am, 4 men fitting their descriptions are seen hugging. They appear even euphoric. They then split up. Khan must have gone to board westbound Circle Line train, Tanweer an eastbound Circle Line and Lindsay a southbound Piccadilly Line train. Hussain also appeared to walk towards the Piccadilly Line entrance.

DNA Evidence:

Narrative said:
DNA has identified the four at the four separate bombsites. The
impact on their bodies suggests that they were close to the bombs.

Bomb Factory:

Narrative said:
3 of the men (Khan, Tanweer and Hussain) have so far been
forensically linked to the suspected bomb factory at 18 Alexandra


Narrative said:
There is a video statement by Khan, shown on the al Jazeera
television network on 1 September, and, separately, a last Will and Testament indicating his intention to martyr himself through a terrorist attack.
jæd said:
So... Yet another Prole statement is exposed. "I post on other forums where I don't so much hassle as on U75" is actually "I don't post on any forums about from http://z13.invisionfree.com/julyseventh/index.php?act=idx".

<jumps in>
So the only other place Prole posts is on that "Truth Campaign" website, where, surprisingly she doesn't get any flack. Could that be because it's inhabited solely by fellow conspiraloons I wonder.

Conspiraloons never ask awkward questions about eachothers' theories - eg. if conspiraloon a thinks conspiraloon b's theory is bonkers, nothing is said on the matter. Preferring instead to maintain a united front against the "official" line, and us hapless people who just won't see the "truth".

I've seen this countless times with Jazzz, fela et al.
jæd said:
Ho-hum... The ones you post here: http://www.bridgetdunnes.blogspot.com to start with.

Explain how people go hurt, if it wasn't from bombs carried by the bombers... With evidence, please...
I don't post any theories on my blog, just my research (usually emails and FOI requests). And yes unless they had other abilities they certainly didn't arrive in London via the 7.40, despite what the official report says. If they can't have got to London how could they have carried out these attacks? And why the hell 12 months later we are having to have these discussions given that this was Ian Blair's largest criminal inquiry in British history I do not know, I do know that it is appalling that the PTB think they can get away with this instead of a fully Independent Public Inquiry. More evidence could of course come out at the inquests though, which should be held this time next year, but the govt are busy busy changing the Inquest's Act.
Prole said:

MediaLens said:
MediaLens is a response based on our conviction that mainstream newspapers and broadcasters provide a profoundly distorted picture of our world. We are convinced that the increasingly centralised, corporate nature of the media means that it acts as a de facto propaganda system for corporate and other establishment interests. The costs incurred as a result of this propaganda, in terms of human suffering and environmental degradation, are incalculable.

Prole said:
I don't post any theories on my blog, just my research (usually emails and FOI requests). And yes unless they had other abilities they certainly didn't arrive in London via the 7.40, despite what the official report says. If they can't have got to London how could they have carried out these attacks? And why the hell 12 months later we are having to have these discussions given that this was Ian Blair's largest criminal inquiry in British history I do not know, I do know that it is appalling that the PTB think they can get away with this instead of a fully Independent Public Inquiry. More evidence could of course come out at the inquests though, which should be held this time next year, but the govt are busy busy changing the Inquest's Act.

So... Whats your evidence that they didn't get there...? And why is there dna evidence of them there...? And if you're so interested in getting the truth to the Government why haven't you contacted the security services with your evidence...?
jæd said:
So... Whats your evidence that they didn't get there...? And why is there dna evidence of them there...?
... and if they didn't do it, why has no-one seen or heard from them since the bombing if they didn't blow themselves up? Who was that on the just-released video footage on AJ etc. etc...
editor said:
So basically, the general picture is this:

You don't get hassled on the other board because you're a moderator with your own forum and by far one of the biggest contributors, and there's barely a soul around to argue with your barking theories.

But when you post on a far, far busier board that has a far more representative range of people posting, you find yourself laughed at and ridiculed.

And, in return, you think that the reason why you are ridiculed has nothing to do with the laughable paucity of credible evidence that accompanies your wild claims, but it's down to the fact that in your (clueless) opinion the "majority" of posters here are "middle class."

Is that right?

I came here by accident originally I think jazz posted a link to my blog. I found the hostility intriguing and have ever since. I much prefer a good argument than loads of people agreeing with each other, yes. I've also been tempted to stay because despite all the abuse I get, I have a) waited to see what would force you to ban me b) if any of your opinions shift c) If they do, what shifts them d) what makes you feel so threatened by me e) because sometimes BK comes on and her attitude towards me is interesting f) I have never been the target of a character assassination or smears before, so it's interesting to see what passes for and becomes accepted as truth g) it appears all it takes is for something to be repeated enough times ie conspiraloon etc. h) how people here are unable to deal with me as an individual.

Almost a sociological experiment methinks.
Prole said:
I don't post any theories on my blog, just my research (usually emails and FOI requests). And yes unless they had other abilities they certainly didn't arrive in London via the 7.40, despite what the official report says. If they can't have got to London how could they have carried out these attacks? And why the hell 12 months later we are having to have these discussions given that this was Ian Blair's largest criminal inquiry in British history I do not know, I do know that it is appalling that the PTB think they can get away with this instead of a fully Independent Public Inquiry. More evidence could of course come out at the inquests though, which should be held this time next year, but the govt are busy busy changing the Inquest's Act.

You still haven't responded as to whether you'd accept the findings of an independent enquiry if it didn't reveal the 'truth' that you seem to know.

So I ask again - if an independent public enquiry were to be held, and it's results supported the current official narrative, would you accept it's findings and shut up, or would you continue to insist that it was all a fix up?
Prole said:
if any of your opinions shift c) If they do, what shifts them d) what makes you feel so threatened by me e)
I'd say you've been 100% unsuccessful in persuading anyone to believe in the laughably ill-informed and unresearched drivel you've posted here. In fact, I'd imagine you're doing a very good job of turning your campaign into a laughing stock.

As for your "character assassination" whines, I'd say it's all been brought on by yourself, with your hypocritical demands that the evidence be "released" while you refused point blank to release your evidence about these "independent researchers" - until finally admitting that you'd made it all up, of course.

And you really are quite deluded if you think I'm 'threatened" by you in anyway at all. I actually feel rather sorry for you.

The sheer desperation you display to be part of some sort of truth-seeking vanguard while you wilfully ignore anything that doesn't fit in with your highly selective version of reality would be funny if it wasn't so depressing.

And your latest, truly woeful attempt to introduce class into the equation just shows the utter paucity of your argument.
jæd said:
And if you're so interested in getting the truth to the Government why haven't you contacted the security services with your evidence...?

Prole... Can you answer this please...? If your train times are so accurate, how come you haven't alerted the Government to this...?
kyser_soze said:
You still haven't responded as to whether you'd accept the findings of an independent enquiry if it didn't reveal the 'truth' that you seem to know.

So I ask again - if an independent public enquiry were to be held, and it's results supported the current official narrative, would you accept it's findings and shut up, or would you continue to insist that it was all a fix up?
A fully Independent Public Inquiry that wan't held under the terms of the flawed Inquiries Act 2005 which allowed all aspects of the evidence into what who why how etc. I don't start with any preconceived notions on whether or not I would support it's findings, I would support it's findings if the Inquiry was open and honest and heard and was shown all the evidence.

In the meantime I support the demand to Release the Evidence.
Prole said:
A fully Independent Public Inquiry that wan't held under the terms of the flawed Inquiries Act 2005 which allowed all aspects of the evidence into what who why how etc. I don't start with any preconceived notions on whether or not I would support it's findings, I would support it's findings if the Inquiry was open and honest and heard and was shown all the evidence.

In the meantime I support the demand to Release the Evidence.

For the second time of asking... Have you submitted your evidence (ie, the ThamesLink email) for Government scruitiny...?
jæd said:
Prole... Can you answer this please...? If your train times are so accurate, how come you haven't alerted the Government to this...?
I suspect they already know. Part of the campaign will be to put together a series of questions and evidence that challenges the official narrative which we will present with a petition to release the evidence. We have already started a campaign for a fully Independent Public Inquiry.
Prole said:
I suspect they already know. Part of the campaign will be to put together a series of questions and evidence that challenges the official narrative which we will present with a petition to release the evidence. We have already started a campaign for a fully Independent Public Inquiry.

Either "Yes" or "No". For the third time. Have you submitted your evidence (ie, the ThamesLink email) for Government scruitiny...?
editor said:
I'd say you've been 100% unsuccessful in persuading anyone to believe in the laughably ill-informed and unresearched drivel you've posted here. In fact, I'd imagine you're doing a very good job of turning your campaign into a laughing stock.

As for your "character assassination" whines, I'd say it's all been brought on by yourself, with your hypocritical demands that the evidence be "released" while you refused point blank to release your evidence about these "independent researchers" - until finally admitting that you'd made it all up, of course.

And you really are quite deluded if you think I'm 'threatened" by you in anyway at all. I actually feel rather sorry for you.

The sheer desperation you display to be part of some sort of truth-seeking vanguard while you wilfully ignore anything that doesn't fit in with your highly selective version of reality would be funny if it wasn't so depressing.

And your latest, truly woeful attempt to introduce class into the equation just shows the utter paucity of your argument.
I always find your arguments rather depressing as well Ed, when they are not being abusive. I've never been impressed by your inability to show any moderation or lack of bias. I often find you an unreasonable and hectoring bully. in fact you probably set the tone of the debate to some degree.

Not desperation methinks, I trust the truth will come out it's the very nature of it. Remember you can always ban me if I am so objectionable.
BTW A reply from the HO regarding the train times and other anomalies:

June 20, 2006

Dear Mr [name withheld by request],

Thank you for your e-mail of 19/05/06 addressed to the Home Secretary, In your e-mail you identify a number of areas which you believe are inaccurate or incomplete in the official report on 7th July last year. I have been asked to reply on the Home Secretary’s behalf.

I note your detailed comments on the Official Account, but please be reassured that it draws together the information across Government and from the police and intelligence agencies in order to establish clearly the events leading up the 7 July bombings. It is intended to reflect what is known about the persons responsible for carrying out the attacks and how and why they came to do what they did.

The narrative draws together the information across Government and from the police and intelligence agencies in order to clearly establish what we know about the events leading up the 7 July bombings.

About your request seeking permission to post our reply on the July 7 website, whether you decide to publish it is a matter entirely up to you.

Crime Reduction and Community Safety Group

You have got to ask : Do they care?
Prole said:
You have got to ask : Do they care?

No, you have got to ask: why should the Home Office waste its time trying to explain what happened to every loonspud with too much time on his/her/its hands/lizard claws?

Personally I'd rather that they got on with sorting out the disgrace which is our prison system and trying to unpick the legislative mess that they've created around judicial sentencing.
Prole said:
You have got to ask : Do they care?

Well... Since they have the DNA evidence at the explosion sites then I shouldn't really think they care...

Prole, tell me how the bombers DNA and their personal effects got to the scene of the explosions...? I've mentioned it before and you haven't answered...
Prole said:
I've never been impressed by your inability to show any moderation or lack of bias.
Why do you post up lies, Prole?

First you claimed that these non-existent "independent researchers" had verified the emails and now you're lying again, incorrectly claiming that I am "threatened" by you.

Why do you have to lie?
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