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The 7/7 Report

editor said:
Best apologise for getting it wrong then.

Now, if you please.

I know that throwing around unfounded accusations based on nothing more than personal prejudice and loonspud wishful thinking is the modus operandi of people like you, but I'll be fucked if I'm going to let you post up inaccurate personal comments about me, thanks very much.
Yet you give yourself permission to do this to me! Treat people as you would like to be treated methinks.
jæd said:
Look, this is interesting... Your personal profile links to the blog "http://www.bridgetdunnes.blogspot.com/" . And if I go to the forum you mention, I find the sub-forum "Bridget Dunne's Discussion Forum". And there are 13 (of 15) topics started by "Bridget".

Does that sound like an exciting, independent bulletin with lots of members with a high level of debate...? Ie, credible.

For the *fourth* time of asking... Which other, credible, independent forums do you post on...?
That's just a wee sub-forum that linked to my blog, nowt special, just allows me to post things seperately from the main J7 people's inquiry forum.
Prole said:
That's just a wee sub-forum that linked to my blog, nowt special, just allows me to post things seperately from the main J7 people's inquiry forum.

So... How come, on a credible, independent website you have entire forum about your blog...? Which you post the majority of the threads... And there aren't that many replies -- since April there are only about 10 replies, and most seem by you...

So... For the *5th* time of asking... Which independent, credible forums do you post theories about 7/7 on...?
KeyboardJockey said:
Prole, I looked at the July 7th site that you put up as a link and quite frankly it is full of shit.

As well as the mainstream news orgs referenced there is an awful lot of cack. Can't you see tht if you make a big thing about evidence free fruitloop sites like Prison Planet then it will pull down how credible the other informaton is.

There is a need to debate J7 but referencing PP and info wars etc is not credible and to be honest laughable.
These sites are referenced but then so are many main stream news items and the BBC. The J7 Truth Campaign wesite's main purpose is in compiling the evidence that is in the public domain and calling for the Release of the Evidence & a Fully Independent Public Inquiry. Personally I agree with you about AJ and Prisonplanet, I distrust sites that appear to have 90% 'information' mixed in with 10% disinfo.

I watched Aj's film on 7/7 and was appalled when he mentioned that these events were to ensure Blair's victory in the election! We know the election was in May, therefore why trust anything else he says if he can't get that right!

I expect much govt money is spent on infiltrating and psyops etc, and some sites are very dubious. Given the nature and growth of the internet (and I believe that mainstream news is already scared of people getting their info from blogs such as Guido rather than official channels), it seems highly unlikely that this isn't happening.

You have to pick through stuff with an open mind and an awareness that some sites are there to lead you up the garden path (Icke & lizards comes to mind). I don't agree with the right wing slant of the Telegraph, but I can read an article and pick out useful information methinks without buying into the whole thing. A bit of savvy, it's possible to do this with sites such as PP. Otherwise baby and bath water come to mind, and frankly we'd be unlikely to read most things.
jæd said:
So... How come, on a credible, independent website you have entire forum about your blog...? Which you post the majority of the threads... And there aren't that many replies -- since April there are only about 10 replies, and most seem by you...

So... For the *5th* time of asking... Which independent, credible forums do you post theories about 7/7 on...?
This is the forum I post on:


The editor just wanted to include a small sub forum from my blog because a lot of discussion happens on it sometimes. It is hardly important, just a small thread.
Prole said:
This is the forum I post on:


The editor just wanted to include a small sub forum from my blog because a lot of discussion happens on it sometimes. It is hardly important, just a small thread.

So... Yet another Prole statement is exposed. "I post on other forums where I don't so much hassle as on U75" is actually "I don't post on any forums about from http://z13.invisionfree.com/julyseventh/index.php?act=idx".

Ho-hum. Next Prole statement to be demolished, pur-leaze...!
Prole said:
/url] It is hardly important, just a small thread.
Strange then to find that not only are you a moderator on these nothing-to-do-with-you boards, but you're also by far and away one of the biggest contributors there, notching up the second highest total of posts and the most posts today (a hefty 33% of all posts!)
detective-boy said:
Anyone can type up something like that. It is words on a bit of paper.

What it isn't is an electronic entity - a bit of digital memory, a file which has all sorts of stuff (don't ask me what, I just ask an expert if I want to know) which tells more or less about it's history.
A file is nothing more than a series of numbers between 0 and 255. There is nothing special about it. What you see on that website is all you get.

detective-boy said:
But the electronic entity, the digital file, presenting the words on the screen, would also enable you to click into the "properties" bit and get basic information (dated created, last edited, etc.) and if you knew what you were doing, and dependant upon the set up, maybe much more.
That has nothing to do with the file. That kind of information is stored by the operating system, and for that you'd need direct access to the email server which sent the email or the computer which received it.
TAE said:
A file is nothing more than a series of numbers between 0 and 255. There is nothing special about it. What you see on that website is all you get.

That has nothing to do with the file. That kind of information is stored by the operating system, and for that you'd need direct access to the email server which sent the email or the computer which received it.

Posting the message source info as well as the header would have been helpful though?
editor said:
Strange then to find that not only are you a moderator on these nothing-to-do-with-you boards, but you're also by far and away one of the biggest contributors there, notching up the second highest total of posts and the most posts today (a hefty 33% of all posts!)
Where did I say these boards were nothing to do with me? I was just putting jaed straight about that particular thread to my blog.
Please don't start another witch-hunt about where else I post.
cesare said:
Posting the message source info as well as the header would have been helpful though?

Nope... There is the message id included, so, in theory you could go to ThamesLink and find the person in question and ask him to search his "Sent Box" for the email that matches up.

Assuming that he kept it and hadn't altered it.
jæd said:
So... Yet another Prole statement is exposed. "I post on other forums where I don't so much hassle as on U75" is actually "I don't post on any forums about from http://z13.invisionfree.com/julyseventh/index.php?act=idx".

Ho-hum. Next Prole statement to be demolished, pur-leaze...!
I don't remember you answering my question, where else do you post?
Prole said:
These sites are referenced but then so are many main stream news items and the BBC. The J7 Truth Campaign wesite's main purpose is in compiling the evidence that is in the public domain and calling for the Release of the Evidence & a Fully Independent Public Inquiry. Personally I agree with you about AJ and Prisonplanet, I distrust sites that appear to have 90% 'information' mixed in with 10% disinfo.

there is so much bollocks on the PP and AJ and IW sites and those of this ilk that I believe they are totally discredited. If you think these sites are dubious then why do you link to them?

Prole said:
I watched Aj's film on 7/7 and was appalled when he mentioned that these events were to ensure Blair's victory in the election! We know the election was in May, therefore why trust anything else he says if he can't get that right!
I've no interest in watching aj's lizard conspiraloon bollocks. I agree with you there.

Prole said:
I expect much govt money is spent on infiltrating and psyops etc, and some sites are very dubious. Given the nature and growth of the internet (and I believe that mainstream news is already scared of people getting their info from blogs such as Guido rather than official channels), it seems highly unlikely that this isn't happening.

Proof please.

All the conspiraloon sites are bollocks. Not that I trust mainstream news totally either.
Prole said:
You have to pick through stuff with an open mind and an awareness that some sites are there to lead you up the garden path (Icke & lizards comes to mind). I don't agree with the right wing slant of the Telegraph, but I can read an article and pick out useful information methinks without buying into the whole thing. A bit of savvy, it's possible to do this with sites such as PP. Otherwise baby and bath water come to mind, and frankly we'd be unlikely to read most things.

There big difference between having an open mind and being gullibile. It has been proved time and time again that the info on PP etc is not reliable. There is a need to investigate aspects of 7/7 for the reasons I have prevously given but referencing fruitloon lizard sites like PP is not the way to do it. Any baby inthe PP bathwater would be instantly poisoned.
Prole said:
Where did I say these boards were nothing to do with me? I was just putting jaed straight about that particular thread to my blog.
Please don't start another witch-hunt about where else I post.

Prole said:
For certain U75 is not a comfortable place to post. So much abuse is thrown at me here, and only here btw, is what I find interesting.

Indicates you post elsewhere and get away with going unquestioned. But you don't, apart from some board you are a mod on. I don't call that independent or credible.
Prole said:
I don't remember you answering my question, where else do you post?

For the 2nd time. I don't post unsubstanticated theories about 7/7 or any other terrorist act, either on U75 or any other internet forum.
detective-boy said:
There does not appear to be any mention of any verification (in fact there does not appear to be any mention of the e-mail at all) in the link.

And I have no intention of being conned into buying a book to find out the truth. Remember, I don't doubt what happened. You do. YOU are trying to convince ME. :rolleyes:
I am not trying to convince anyone. If you think and feel you have seen enough evidence to support the official report then that's your choice.

I still believe in innocent until proven guilty. That's my choice.
jæd said:
Nope... There is the message id included, so, in theory you could go to ThamesLink and find the person in question and ask him to search his "Sent Box" for the email that matches up.

Assuming that he kept it and hadn't altered it.

Fair enough.
Prole said:
I am not trying to convince anyone. If you think and feel you have seen enough evidence to support the official report then that's your choice.

I still believe in innocent until proven guilty. That's my choice.

And I don't "believe" in anything. Thats why I want to see the evidence your theories are based on. IMHO the worst people are those who "believe" things because these are the irrational people. People "believe" in God. People "believe" they will have 50 virgins in Heaven, and look where thats got us.

If you "believe" you are part of the problem...!
cesare said:
Posting the message source info as well as the header would have been helpful though?
But that would also just have been a bunch of characters that anyone could type up.
KeyboardJockey said:
there is so much bollocks on the PP and AJ and IW sites and those of this ilk that I believe they are totally discredited. If you think these sites are dubious then why do you link to them?

I've no interest in watching aj's lizard conspiraloon bollocks. I agree with you there.

Proof please.

All the conspiraloon sites are bollocks. Not that I trust mainstream news totally either.

There big difference between having an open mind and being gullibile. It has been proved time and time again that the info on PP etc is not reliable. There is a need to investigate aspects of 7/7 for the reasons I have prevously given but referencing fruitloon lizard sites like PP is not the way to do it. Any baby inthe PP bathwater would be instantly poisoned.


Prole said:

Yes we know that the security services leak info into the media and we know all about the lobby system and how it was and can be abused but knowing about these things and sorting the wheat from the chaff in reporting is not the same as accepting conspiraloon bollocks about under floor tube bombs and the extrapolation of normal disaster preparation exercises as evidence of state involvement in the london bombs.

What also bothers me about the lizard sites like PP et al is it is but a small jump from 'there is a secret cabal of controllers of theworld' to 'the jews are behind it all' there is a great similarity between some of the guff on conspiraloon sites about 'world controllers' and the sort of stuff that is in the Protocols of the Elders of Zion.
jæd said:
And I don't "believe" in anything. Thats why I want to see the evidence your theories are based on. IMHO the worst people are those who "believe" things because these are the irrational people. People "believe" in God. People "believe" they will have 50 virgins in Heaven, and look where thats got us.

If you "believe" you are part of the problem...!
I rephrase it: I support the concept of innocent until proven guilty OK.
Dark days indeed if that concept is to be replaced by one cctv image of all 4 outside luton as proof of guilt
KeyboardJockey said:
Yes we know that the security services leak info into the media and we know all about the lobby system and how it was and can be abused but knowing about these things and sorting the wheat from the chaff in reporting is not the same as accepting conspiraloon bollocks about under floor tube bombs and the extrapolation of normal disaster preparation exercises as evidence of state involvement in the london bombs.

What also bothers me about the lizard sites like PP et al is it is but a small jump from 'there is a secret cabal of controllers of theworld' to 'the jews are behind it all' there is a great similarity between some of the guff on conspiraloon sites about 'world controllers' and the sort of stuff that is in the Protocols of the Elders of Zion.

If you can find any reference to any of this on the J7 Truth Campaign website please produce evidence
goldenecitrone said:
So, how far have we got? Does Nessie exist or not? And I want facts, dammit, not hazy photos of seals in the sunset.
or hazy cctv images of 4 unidentifiable men outside Luton methinks
Prole said:
I rephrase it: I support the concept of innocent until proven guilty OK.
Dark days indeed if that concept is to be replaced by one cctv image of all 4 outside luton as proof of guilt

Um... Isn't that what you wanted...? Trial by cctv...?

Prole said:
If the cctv sequence from Luton & London were released, and I see no argument for them not being released, then this will surely decide their guilt? Until then, we cannot categorically state that these men are guilty of these atrocities.
Prole said:
If you can find any reference to any of this on the J7 Truth Campaign website please produce evidence

Stop wriggling I was talking about conspiraloons in general. If the J7 'truth' campaign wants to be taken seriously lose the links to PP et al or at least flag them up as view with caution
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