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The 7/7 Report

Prole said:
If anybody is interested in checking out the email from Chris Hudson of Thameslink confirming the actual train times from Luton to KX:

And what is it that you infer from this?

Has it not occurred to you that perhaps the four Islamogits (i) caught the train that (according to the email) had been scheduled to leave Luton at 7.24 and in fact left at 7.25 and arrived at Kings Cross at 8.23 and (ii) a few minutes later, at 8.26, were caught on CCTV?

What significance do you attach to the email you have plonked on your site?


Also, why do you keep covering up for the pixies?
editor said:
  • Do you support the actions of self-declasred "truth seekers" in calling the bereaved parents of the suicide bombers?
  • Have you contacted any bereaved parents yourself?
  • How were their telephone numbers obtained?

The longer prole refuses to answer, the more reasonable it seems to conclude that she approves and suspect that she has... and deduce that someone gave her the number if so.
laptop said:
The longer prole refuses to answer, the more reasonable it seems to conclude that she approves and suspect that she has... and deduce that someone gave her the number if so.
Well, it took me over a week and about 15 requests to get her to admit that she'd made up the "independent researchers" who were supposedly expertly qualified to verify the emails, so I'm not holding my breath on this one either.

I can't help wonder why these self declared 'truth seekers' are so reluctant to tell the truth themselves?
editor said:
I can't help wonder why these self declared 'truth seekers' are so reluctant to tell the truth themselves?

Because they serve a Higher Truth that is Revealed to them and transcends mere mundane truth established by evidence?

Because dealing with evidence would mean accepting that the voices that do the Revealing aren't real?
laptop said:
Because they serve a Higher Truth that is Revealed to them and transcends mere mundane truth established by evidence?

Because dealing with evidence would mean accepting that the voices that do the Revealing aren't real?

Choccie mikey?
Prole said:
Tell you what, why don't one of you contact Thameslink and ask them yourselves. Find out the actual times the trains ran on 7th July 2005 between Luton and KX. Do some research yourself, I am sure it's the only evidence you'd accept anyway.
Because, you fucking moron, we don't want to waste the time of an already stressed public fucking service provider by repeatedly asking them the same fucking question.

IF you have asked the question and IF they have openly answered it then they must have realised that their communication was passing in to a non-confidential medium.

So why not publish it - not just a fucking transcript which proves nothing because even a fucking idiot like you could make that up, but the original data which would demonstrate that it were genuine.

If you feel you can't, why not get back to them and tell them you need it to be verifable, would they mind awfully, etc.

Until then, stop wasting your fucking breath. We know when you're lying. Your lips move. You disgust me.
Prole said:
Tell you what, why don't one of you contact Thameslink and ask them yourselves. Find out the actual times the trains ran on 7th July 2005 between Luton and KX.

Have you ever tried ringing Thameslink, even if you have a complaint about one of their services? Have you ever tried to extract information from them? :rolleyes:
aylee said:
Have you ever tried ringing Thameslink, even if you have a complaint about one of their services? Have you ever tried to extract information from them?
In Prole's world, Thameslink operates like a well oiled perfect machine, with trains running on atomic accuracy, every movement recorded to the nano-second and when their press officer quickly knocks out an email then it is the Unquestionable Truth, even when the email hasn't actually been verified by anyone remotely independently and impartial.
detective-boy said:
Because, you fucking moron, we don't want to waste the time of an already stressed public fucking service provider by repeatedly asking them the same fucking question.

IF you have asked the question and IF they have openly answered it then they must have realised that their communication was passing in to a non-confidential medium.

So why not publish it - not just a fucking transcript which proves nothing because even a fucking idiot like you could make that up, but the original data which would demonstrate that it were genuine.

If you feel you can't, why not get back to them and tell them you need it to be verifable, would they mind awfully, etc.

Until then, stop wasting your fucking breath. We know when you're lying. Your lips move. You disgust me.

We have published it DB.

If any of you continue to address me in abusive terms, such as 'fucking moron', given that I never use abusive terms to any of you, I'll ignore you in future.

I sense a 'clutching at straws', having to now question the authenticity and veracity of the emails that confirm the actual times the trains ran that day. It's pathetic, it really is.

Independent = beholden to noone

Researcher = one who carries out research

Middle-class wankers = well you know who you are
For fuck's sakes you moron.

1) The email does not preclude them catching the earlier train
2) The email is based upon the thameslink database which is suspect itself
3) You're an idiot.
editor said:
Allow me to reword it:

* Do you support the actions of self-declasred "truth seekers" in calling the bereaved parents of the suicide bombers?
* Have you contacted any bereaved parents yourself?
* How were their telephone numbers obtained?
Why does communication with you Ed & some others here often feel like some kind of 'witch-hunt'?

People cannot be categorised for your purposes into 'truth-seekers' conspiraloons' or whatever terms aid you to remain prejudiced and biased. That's your problem not mine.

I can only speak for myself, I am not answerable for the actions of others. Neither do I have to defend myself or answer your pre-conceived and frankly ludicrous accusations.
Prole said:
If any of you continue to address me in abusive terms, such as 'fucking moron', given that I never use abusive terms to any of you, I'll ignore you in future.
You just insult our intelligence with every clueless post, wriggle and fresh lie.

So what do you think about your (non) "independent" researcher's paean to Princess Di's astrological love life? You know - the fella who believes in astrology, waxes lyrical about crop circles and is a fully signed up member of the 9/11 loon association?

And how about the other "researcher" - the UFO-loving one with the talking terrier and a load of barking websites who who is still fraudulently claiming to be the owner of a (non-existent) charity?

Are they your idea of credible researchers, then?
Thus Spake the Truthseeker.

Aren't these the kind of answers one usually gets from politicians and other public figures when trying to duck out of questions they don't like too much?
Prole said:
I can only speak for myself, I am not answerable for the actions of others. Neither do I have to defend myself or answer your pre-conceived and frankly ludicrous accusations.
Then stop this latest bout of pitiful wriggling and answer the questions please:

* Do you support the actions of self-declared "truth seekers" in calling the bereaved parents of the suicide bombers?
* Have you contacted any bereaved parents yourself?
* How were their telephone numbers obtained?
editor said:
You just insult our intelligence with every clueless post, wriggle and fresh lie.

So what do you think about your (non) "independent" researcher's paean to Princess Di's astrological love life? You know - the fella who believes in astrology, waxes lyrical about crop circles and is a fully signed up member of the 9/11 loon association?

And how about the other "researcher" - the UFO-loving one with the talking terrier and a load of barking websites who who is still fraudulently claiming to be the owner of a (non-existent) charity?

Are they your idea of credible researchers, then?

I have no opinion on them as people that I would choose to share with you. It is a case of attacking the messenger when you don't like the message. We all know that. The information is accurate and has been verified. Tough, you don't like it because it questions the accuracy of what this government thinks should suffice for evidence & explanation of these atrocities.
editor said:
Are you middle class?
Thatcher didn't eliminate all the proles, despite a great deal of effort. Nor did Bliar with all his talk of meritocracy. There are some of us left. So no, I'm not middle-class. although I'd guess the majority of you are.
Prole said:
The information is accurate and has been verified.

By who...? The only people who have "verified it" are self-proclaimed experts who you admit are ordinary "bods like you and me". :confused:

Who are these other researchers...?
Prole said:
I sense a 'clutching at straws', having to now question the authenticity and veracity of the emails that confirm the actual times the trains ran that day. It's pathetic, it really is.

Isn't it clutching at straws to base an arguement that bombers couldn't have bombed the trains & bus they did based on one train timetable...? Even though there is dna evidence, evidence from videos made by the bombers, evidence from cctv, evidence from the car they hired and the house they lived in...?
The headers look ok, but (as has been pointed out) there is no way to know if the actual text of the email has been changed.
jæd said:
Isn't it clutching at straws to base an arguement that bombers couldn't have bombed the trains & bus they did based on one train timetable...? Even though there is dna evidence, evidence from videos made by the bombers, evidence from cctv, evidence from the car they hired and the house they lived in...?
Hasib's own father has said he has been shown no evidence. The videos do not make the claim that they carried out these atrocities though. CCTV, well if only!

Do you remember the strange explosive devices found in the cars at Luton? According to the official report:

"One car contained explosive devices of a different and smaller kind from those in the rucksacks. It is not clear what they were for, but they may have been for self-defence or diversion in case of interception during the journey given their size: that they were in the car rather than the boot: and that they were left behind."

No further explanation of what these explosives were, just baseless and incredible supposition that they may have been for 'self-defence'. Now that is novel, a suicide-bomber requiring self-defence? And this is what the PTB consider an acceptable explanation for 'the biggest criminal inquiry in english history'... and it is accepted by the public as evidence & explanation. It's unbelievable. If we allow the PTB to get away with this 'official report' then I believe we are all in trouble.
Prole said:
That's just a transcript. Anyone could put that together. Where is the electronic version with all the audit trail stuff?

Anyway, if you claim to have published everything needed to verify it as genuine, won't you reveal the findings of the independent expert who has already done so?

It's not me who's saying "Look, look, this is genuine". It's you. YOU are trying to convince ME. So go ahead. Don't expect me to.

And anyway, why should I harass Chris Hudson (my first move would be establish (a) does Cris Hudson exist; (b) whether the e-mail was sent as claimed; (c) whether the reproduced data is accurate and, if so, (d) more detail about where HE got it from - what sources, how they operate, any info. re reliability of data, etc.) if someone already has and I can just review their work?
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