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The 7/7 Report

zArk said:
Lookie lookie the curb is all messed up. Whats going on?

Even the line of the tarmac is messed up. Photoshop -- give me a break thats too expensive for this kind of alteration. I am guessing Paint and Imaging were used.

Why do you continue to make a prick out of yourself on here? Do you get some kind of thrill out of it?
editor said:
You haven't actually bought the book and read it yourself, have you?!!! That's why you keep on wriggling away when asked for details.

Caught out and banged to rights again: another lying conspiraloon.
I've been sent a copy to review which I haven't finished yet.
Prole said:
I've been sent a copy to review which I haven't finished yet.
So why can't you answer my question?
You made the claim, so why are you refusing to back it up?

And who are you 'reviewing' it for?
zArk said:
what do you think about the pictures and the curb?
Here's what I think: the second image has been cropped, both images are highly compressed, there's nothing odd about the kerb and you're a fucking idiot.
zArk said:
what do you think about the pictures and the curb?
I was wondering what the conclusion for the bars through the (unidentifiable) 'Khan' image are? Am I right in thinking that someone here has suggested they are burnt onto the camera lens? If they were wouldn't that mean they should go through the Lindsay image and not Khan, who is behind him?

It was good to see the Guardian used this image across two pages. They then added it to their online version. Seeing is believing? I see bars and I concur with zArk no curbstone.
"That the media provides some information about an issue... proves absolutely nothing about the adequacy or accuracy of media coverage. The media do in fact suppress a great deal of information, but even more important is the way they present a particular fact - it's placement, tone, and frequency of repetition - and the framework of analysis in which it is placed.

The enormous amount of material that is produced in the media and books makes it possible for a really assiduous and committed researcher to gain a fair picture of the real world by cutting through the mass of misrepresentation and fraud to the nuggets hidden within.

That a careful reader, looking for a fact, can sometimes find it, with diligence and a skeptical eye, tells us nothing about whether that fact received the attention and context it deserved, whether it was intelligible to most readers or whether it was effectively distorted or suppressed."

Edward Herman & Noam Chomsky,
Propaganda Mill: The Media Churn out 'The Official Line'
Prole said:
What question ed? You ask so many.
Has anyone else had enough of this wriggling idiot?

I think it's ban time as this is just trolling now.

Our policy on endlesly repeating threads has been made crystal clear many, many times and I'm getting fed up seeing the same bullshit going around in ever decreasing circles.
editor said:
Has anyone else had enough of this wriggling idiot?

I think it's ban time as this is just trolling now.

Our policy on endlesly repeating threads has been made crystal clear many, many times and I'm getting fed up seeing the same bullshit going around in ever decreasing circles.
Do you hold a poll to decide to ban me or is it arbitrary?

This is the 7/7 report thread isn't it? What should we discuss? The weather?
Oh and editor BTW

the pixelated faces occurs on the platform shot of 28/6/05 seen


and at Kings Cross


which refutes your claim that (paraphrasing) 'the police couldnt be arsed doing that to Hussains picture' which is claimed to be of him in Luton train station 7/7/05 as seen on the met site. Cropped and without time or date stamp here
Show us exactly where you mean Zark. It all looks pretty inocuous to me and I can't be arsed with playing conspiracock spot the difference if I'm honest.

In any case I'm hard pressed to see anything on that photo that's particularly out of the ordinary, or unlikely to be able easily explained - these are low resolution CCTV stills after all, with all the artefacts and visual problems inherent in this format. The people talking about bars going 'through' people clearly haven't a fucking clue about the foibles and shortfalls of footage.

To put it another way, even a two-bob Photoshop operator would be able to come up with razor-sharp (and suspiciously so) stills that would outwardly be more convincing than the one we have. No bloke manipulating the image would make such a stupid mistake, particularly with ill-informed numpties waiting to pounce on any inconsistency.

I recommend some of the people on this thread take a course in photoshop and stop speculating over such nonsense.
Prole said:
With respect Ed I wasn't aware that I hadn't. Is it mandatory to answer them btw?
It's considered a courtesy to back up your claims. If you're just going to post up stuff you've made up off the top of your head, then there's not much point you posting here.

So tell me about this "verified" email.
tarannau said:
Show us exactly where you mean Zark. It all looks pretty inocuous to me and I can't be arsed with playing conspiracock spot the difference if I'm honest.

In any case I'm hard pressed to see anything on that photo that's particularly out of the ordinary, or unlikely to be able easily explained - these are low resolution CCTV stills after all, with all the artefacts and visual problems inherent in this format. The people talking about bars going 'through' people clearly haven't a fucking clue about the foibles and shortfalls of footage.

To put it another way, even a two-bob Photoshop operator would be able to come up with razor-sharp (and suspiciously so) stills that would outwardly be more convincing than the one we have. No bloke manipulating the image would make such a stupid mistake, particularly with ill-informed numpties waiting to pounce on any inconsistency.

I recommend some of the people on this thread take a course in photoshop and stop speculating over such nonsense.

Apart from 4 dark looking men can you categorically identify any of the 4 accused from this image? Or is this all you need to prove their guilt?

What is your explanation for the bars?
zArk said:
which refutes your claim that (paraphrasing) 'the police couldnt be arsed doing that to Hussains picture' which is claimed to be of him in Luton train station 7/7/05 as seen on the met site.
My suggestion remains just as valid, as do the comments posted by others. The police are under no obligation to release CCTV images in a format that suits you.

Have you approached the police and asked for the original?
Or why they chose to use a close up?

No, of course not. You prefer to get your 'info' off The Daily Fruitloop.
Prole said:
What is your explanation for the bars?
What's your explanation for the bombs, the totally vanished accused bombers, the DNA evidence and all the other corroborative evidence if it wasn't them?
editor said:
It's considered a courtesy to back up your claims. If you're just going to post up stuff you've made up off the top of your head, then there's not much point you posting here.

So tell me about this "verified" email.
I have it complete with headers and a complete with headers email to verify it. It will be on the July 7th Truth Campaign website for your scrutiny.
Prole said:
I have it complete with headers and a complete with headers email to verify it. It will be on the July 7th Truth Campaign website for your scrutiny.
For the last fucking time you fucking moron, a 7 year old child could forge those headers. Or - just as likely - the train company have got the train time wrong. It's hardly unusual, and it's far more likely than your idiotic, fact-free, evidence-untroubled conspiraloon bullshit.
editor said:
What's your explanation for the bombs, the totally vanished accused bombers, the DNA evidence and all the other corroborative evidence if it wasn't them?
Accoording to the official report we still do not know the exact explosives used or their means of detonation. How strange after nearly a year. But perhaps Hasib's new 9v battery that he purchased in W H Smiths is a clue? They aren't sure. How can any of you be satisfied with this threadbare account? We all need to ask questions, to find out the truth and to achieve justice.
tarannau said:
Show us exactly where you mean Zark. It all looks pretty inocuous to me and I can't be arsed with playing conspiracock spot the difference if I'm honest.

link back to post

the black tarmac takes a dog-leg to the right and meets the curb. At the point of contact with the curb there is a curb stone that in the 28th pic curves with the road but in the 7th picture appears crumpled. Plus note that the curb in the 28th picture is raised slightly, showing the what should be hidden side of the curb( clearly showing a shadow on that side), compared to the curb that runs vertically (looking at the picture) into it.

1st. The compression issue is difficult to use as the other curb stones appear the same shape granted with the difference of lighting in each of the mornings.

2nd. It clearly had rained that night/morning and it could be construed that rainwater had collected on top of the curb, thus giving it a crumpled look due to light reflections yet on closer inspection
  • a) the 'rain water' idea follows a straight line down the middle of where the curb apparently should be.
  • b) either side of this 'rain water' line at the edge of the supposed curb there are light points which indicate the sun is shining upon the raised side. This cannot be as the sun is clearly coming from behind the side raised [note telephone box shadow]
  • c) notice the light strip alongside the dog-leg towards the curb. This suggests rain water is holding between the lighter concrete/tarmac and the black tarmac and is reflecting the sun light and so if rain water was ontop of the apparently crumpled curb why doesnt that reflect the sunlight in the same way?
  • d) the rainwater in the shadows does still reflect back light making the puddles look dark but none-the-less shiny and in comparison the crumpled curb is a 'dead' area devoid of shinyness

So the 'crumpled curb stone' cannot be rainwater, it cannot be compression problems and so it must be something else.


White t-shirt lads shadow does move down (as looking at picture) towards the crumpled curb stone and so we must ask is that what is causing the distortion?
1) No, as can be seen from the shadow of the telephone box and some sort of pole, their shadows do not affect the curb stones and they pass across them, incredibly without even affecting the curbstones and continue in the yellow markings on the road

Hope that helps more
editor said:
For the last fucking time you fucking moron, a 7 year old child could forge those headers. Or - just as likely - the train company have got the train time wrong. It's hardly unusual, and it's far more likely than your idiotic, fact-free, evidence-untroubled conspiraloon bullshit.
It's precisely these facts and evidence that we should demand are placed in the public domain. Where are the facts in the official report? Are they verified?

Release the Evidence!
Prole said:
Apart from 4 dark looking men can you categorically identify any of the 4 accused from this image? Or is this all you need to prove their guilt?

What is your explanation for the bars?

They look like it to me although, unlike you, I wouldn't presume to 'categorically' know without having the source footage available.'

I would suspect that the bars are an artefact from the footage, perhaps caused by repeated use of the CCTV tapes. I'd like to look into it a bit more and know the kit involved, but that would appear be the most likely and logical explanation.

What's your reasoning for the bars by the way? The police tried to fake it, but used the most spectacularly incompetent and myopic photoshop operator? Couldn't any idiot notice that they had done a bad job?

Do you think logically before you post here, or are you all consumed in your haste to find any apparent/visual/made up inconsistency to suit your 'it's a cover up' agenda?
Prole said:
It's precisely these facts and evidence that we should demand are placed in the public domain. Where are the facts in the official report? Are they verified?

Release the Evidence!
It's precisely this sort of bullshit that the FAQ is there to prevent. Why is it not enforced?

Lock the thread!
Prole said:
It's precisely these facts and evidence that we should demand are placed in the public domain. Where are the facts in the official report? Are they verified?

Release the Evidence!

Um... Prole why you continue to post...? Everyone is being very insulting to you and doesn't give two shits to what you are saying. And anything you do say makes you look madder (and more stupid) with every post.

So why do you come here...? This is the only thread you post on...? Do you get a thrill out of people insulting you, everyone thinking you have the intelligence of a dead stoat...? :rolleyes:
Bob_the_lost said:
It's precisely this sort of bullshit that the FAQ is there to prevent. Why is it not enforced?

Lock the thread!

woah, my post took a while to write.

can you just leave or cease your calls about this thread

Bob_the_lost said:
It's precisely this sort of bullshit that the FAQ is there to prevent. Why is it not enforced?

Lock the thread!

Lock the thread and ban the silly bint...! Sod knows why the Editor hasn't already...! :rolleyes:
zArk said:
So the 'crumpled curb stone' cannot be rainwater, it cannot be compression problems and so it must be something else.

Anyone who uses the logic in your post to 'eliminate' the possibility of rainwater or compression, based on a couple of snapshots of some low res CCTV footage, really isn't in a position to even start worrying about . It's near-random speculation, wrapped up in a bit of hokey-cokey reasoning to give it some respectability. I'm really hoping that you cut and pasted it from some nonsense site rather than cooking it up yourself

And anyway, isn't the more pertinent question 'Why the hell would anyone bother with manipulating a curbstone on a photo?' Why not answer that one.
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