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The 7/7 Report

TAE said:
Prole, I meant that the only source I know of is the Thameslink employee.
Nafeez's book also verifies the actual train times.

(Actual train times supplied by Marie Burnes, Thameslink customer relations)

The email we have from Chris Hudson is from the Thameslink database. I expect all this info has to be kept now due to customers ablility to claim compensation for delay's cancellations etc.
Prole said:
Nafeez's book also verifies the actual train times.

(Actual train times supplied by Marie Burnes, Thameslink customer relations)

The email we have from Chris Hudson is from the Thameslink database. I expect all this info has to be kept now due to customers ablility to claim compensation for delay's cancellations etc.
Yes, now see post 1305 point 3. :rolleyes:
Bob_the_lost said:
Train times issues:

1) Source location, we know that the owner of the site is at best sloppy with his use of language and is it seems a jibbering fruitloop (see his application for registered charity status).

2) Confirmation, we can't get any, it's a single source with no independant verrification.

3) Even assuming that the email posted is a fair reproduction how do we know that the orriginal source of it was correct? I trust rail company time keeping about as far as i can throw a railway sleeper.

4) The four were there for the explosions, as such they must have got there somehow. Thus throwing doubt upon the already dubious source.

All in all you're just wasting everyones' time here.
I've answered points 1 to 3.

Point 4. Well Khans's id was found at the scene of 3 of the explosions, with no explanation.
Prole said:
I've answered points 1 to 3.

Point 4. Well Khans's id was found at the scene of 3 of the explosions, with no explanation.
You have not answered 3 at all as far as i can see.

Source? Your record (entailing the entire truth movement in you) of accurate quoting is pretty shit after all.
zArk said:
Nafeez Mosaaddeq Ahmed has verified the email.
3) Even assuming that the email posted is a fair reproduction how do we know that the orriginal source of it was correct? I trust rail company time keeping about as far as i can throw a railway sleeper.

You plank, if the data in the database is wrong then it's not going to be reliable no matter who the email comes from.

Now adress the point or accept that i'm right and that there is a significant weakness in your analysis.
3) Even assuming that the email posted is a fair reproduction how do we know that the orriginal source of it was correct? I trust rail company time keeping about as far as i can throw a railway sleeper.

see 1316 & 1321
Prole said:
see 1316 & 1321
I trust rail company time keeping about as far as i can throw a railway sleeper.
I have the emails, with headers. Also independently verified by Nafeez Mosaaddeq Ahmed in his new book:

The London Bombings An Independent Inquiry
Nafeez's book also verifies the actual train times.

(Actual train times supplied by Marie Burnes, Thameslink customer relations)

The email we have from Chris Hudson is from the Thameslink database. I expect all this info has to be kept now due to customers ablility to claim compensation for delay's cancellations etc.

So, where the fuck did you address the point again?
Why do I detect a clutching at straws here?

First I had to counter a different train, an earlier train, a mainline train, timetables, dodgy websites, no headers, forged emails, and now the Thamlesink database itself.
Wow, i am back looking at the CCTV outside the Luton Train Station and summit aint right.

Look at the curb in the 28/6/05 cctv snap shot where the black tarmac meets the curb and lighter tarmac/concrete.

Now see the same curb stone in the 7/7/05 cctv snap shot.

Whats happened to the curb stone?

I am changing my mind about the validity of the picture.
Where is the original copy of the picture?

please show me the curb stone is just altered through compression and cropping
What are you on about?

..oh wait, they've adapted a curbstone via photoshop, or so it might appear. STOP THE PRESS - these men are obviously innocent and the bombs were faked. The official story is clearly duff, because I can see something I don't trust in the CCTV still, despite my entire lack of qualifications and expertise in this footage-manipulation area.

Worra flaming load of rubbish.

Move along now. Nothing to see here, just another nutter mouthing off a load of speculative tosh on a bulletin board.

zArk said:
shut up.

you know fuck all about rockall. I have previous stated that i didnt think the photo was altered. The other argument went on about the windows or railings which i disagree with.
the curb is clearly altered

The official story is clearly duff, because I can see something I don't trust in the CCTV still, despite my entire lack of qualifications and expertise in this footage-manipulation area.

fuck off dipshit. the cctv pictures are right there in front of you. look. taken directly off the guardian website and wiki.
Well that's nice, you don't belive in their bullshit theories, but you do in your own.

Good good.
Bob_the_lost said:
Well that's nice, you don't belive in their bullshit theories, but you do in your own.

Good good.

Lookie lookie the curb is all messed up. Whats going on?

Even the line of the tarmac is messed up. Photoshop -- give me a break thats too expensive for this kind of alteration. I am guessing Paint and Imaging were used.
editor said:
Caught out and banged to rights again: another lying conspiraloon.

taking about caught out. There is no way that the CCTV footage picture of the 7th July 05 is un-altered. No way.

Who released the picture? The police dont host it thats for sure.

Now the train time is important, as is the time they bought the tickets and also the kings cross cctv is suspect.

Now lets get this clear;

28/7/05 they did a dry run and there are pictures of them on the platform and buying tickets
7/7/05 no pictures of them on the platform and no pictures of them buying tickets

It stinks to high heaven.
I can't honestly believe that we're even trying to stare at a cropped curbstone and thinking it's worthy of discussion.

I used to work for the world's largest supplier of stock photography and imagery for over 5 years. I suspect I've got a better grasp of photo manipulation and editing than some on this thread.

Tell us again Zark. Where's the logic in 'manipulating' a curbstone like that? What does it achieve? What does it tell you, honestly? Don't you think it'd be easier to photoshop from a real photo and curb?

Answers on a postcard to 'What sort of flaming idiot thinks this is significant'

tarannau said:
I can't honestly believe that we're even trying to stare at a cropped curbstone and thinking it's worthy of discussion.

cropped : - cut off as by clipping or biting off

So you are saying that the curb stone has been cut off but the yellow lines with the "oppps gone tooo far" english workmanship hasnt?
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