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The 7/7 Report

pk said:
First you laugh at survivors of terror attacks, then you call them liars, then you get laughed at, then you get hospitalised with any luck...
I've never laughed at any survivors though. Or called them liars. Or attacked them.

That description is more fitting of what happens to anyone who questions the official story. Hopefully not the hospitalised bit ....
Prole said:
I apply it to the truth. And I can quote anyone I like thanks Ed. Your views on what my agenda is (interestingly, truth and justice, hardly 'twisted' methinks) are not required.

Where's the truth and justice in harrassing Bager Kitten and her family just because her accounts don't tally with your New World Order bullshit?

You're a fucking pig. I hope we never meet.
jæd said:
Go on then. Tell the loved one of people who were killed that they can't of been killed because the train wasn't actually their. Go on then. Tell people who lost their legs and were maimed horribly that they are acually ok and should stop whinging because obviously they weren't on a train that was blown up.

pk said:
She was there. You were not.

Get over it, you fucking idiot.

just to confirm the above. Badgerkitten was on the train from luton?

Prole was talking about the train times from Luton to KingsCross wasnt he?
and why Prole has now linked the Luton train and ADdgate train explosion i have no fucking clue.

What has happened during the last page?
The objections to the offical report are as follows:

1) Train time discrepancies
2) Photographs of the bombers not having a time stamp.
3) The drill held on the day by a private company for a private company.
4) Allegations that the explosions were located under the trains.

That's it.

Each and every one of these issues has been delt with (excepting possibly 1, for which it has not been possible to confirm or deny the sole source on a very unreliable website). Why the fuck are we still here?
pk said:
Where's the truth and justice in harrassing Bager Kitten and her family just because her accounts don't tally with your New World Order bullshit?

You're a fucking pig. I hope we never meet.
I have never harrassed BK or her family though. I don't know anyone who has ever done this either.
i thought perhaps the Guardian article would encourage some of you to think a bit more about these issues, obviously not.

I am a great believer in Truth and Justice, neither of which have been served yet to my satisfaction.

If I have to accept that they must have been on a train that either didn't run or arrived too late to board the underground trains to be able to believe everything that we are told, then I'd be a fool.
editor said:
No, you're not.
And in that one statement Ed you prove just how biased narrow-minded and deceitful you are.

The truth will out, it may take time and effort, but lies have a way of rebounding on those who tell them. We'll see.
Prole said:
And in that one statement Ed you prove just how biased narrow-minded and deceitful you are.

The truth will out, it may take time and effort, but lies have a way of rebounding on those who tell them. We'll see.

prole, can you explain what happened above?

posts 1269>>1272>>>1279>>>1283?
Train times issues:

1) Source location, we know that the owner of the site is at best sloppy with his use of language and is it seems a jibbering fruitloop (see his application for registered charity status).

2) Confirmation, we can't get any, it's a single source with no independant verrification.

3) Even assuming that the email posted is a fair reproduction how do we know that the orriginal source of it was correct? I trust rail company time keeping about as far as i can throw a railway sleeper.

4) The four were there for the explosions, as such they must have got there somehow. Thus throwing doubt upon the already dubious source.

All in all you're just wasting everyones' time here.
I don't understand what's with this thread? Surely it's in everybody's interests to have a full public enquiry into 7/7? Closed government enquiries haven't exactly a good name for truth in the past - the bloody sunday enquiry was a total coverup which had to be reopened years later - the David Kelley enquiry looks like it's heading the same way.

There will be conspiracy theories for as long as all the facts aren't available to the public - it's not as if *this* government hasn't lied to us before. People need closure - and closure demands that the whole truth is told.

Meanwhile, I am disappointed at all the name calling in this thread - what is wrong with people wanting all the facts? In 'Manufacturing Consent', Noam Chomsky defines 'conspiracy theory' as - "a term that's used to discourage institutional analysis." Maybe we should all be 'conspiracy theorists' to the extent that we demand the whole truth from our government? Don't we have the right to it?

Some like badger kitten want a more open analysis of what went right and what went wrong in terms of the disaster management procedures, but there is nothing at all to justify an enquiry into what exactly did happen which is what zARK and Prole seem to want.
An Inquiry under the Inquiries Act 2005?

Amnesty International has called for the boycott of all inquiries under the Inquiries Act 2005, specifically with regard to the Finucane case and demanded that the act be repealed:

Amnesty International calls on all judges, whether in the United Kingdom (UK) or in other jurisdictions, to decline appointments as chairs or panel members to any inquiry established under the recently enacted Inquiries Act 2005, including an inquiry into allegations of state collusion in the murder of Patrick Finucane. The organization is also urging the Act's repeal.

Amnesty International supports the call of Geraldine Finucane, Patrick Finucane's widow, to all senior judges in England, Wales and Scotland not to serve on an inquiry into her husband's case held under the new legislation.

"By proposing to hold an inquiry into the Finucane case under the Inquiries Act 2005, the UK government is trying to eliminate independent scrutiny of the actions of its agents. Any judge sitting on such an inquiry would be presiding over a sham," Amnesty International said.

If The State will go to such great lengths to prevent an inquiry into one brutal killing 16 years ago, it may be sensible to consider to what lengths the state will go to prevent further inquiry into the brutal murders of 56 in London on July 7th 2005.
zArk said:
any chance of an explanation for the weirdorama goings on between page 32 and 33?>
With the greatest respect, I have gone back and read these but am not sure what your point is. These threads always seem to fly all over the place.
Everybody seems to be having fun shitting on Prole no matter what she says ...

Prole said:
btw Badger Kitten was disingenuous in claiming that it was the scheduled train times rather than the actual times that trains ran that day, that were being quoted by me in this article.
You mean in the Guardian? Yeah, I noticed that too. It's a shame really because she could have pointed out that there is only one source (the thameslink employee - assuming the email is real) for the cancellation claim. Oh well.
TAE said:
Everybody seems to be having fun shitting on Prole no matter what she says ...

You mean in the Guardian? Yeah, I noticed that too. It's a shame really because she could have pointed out that there is only one source for the cancellation claim. Oh well.
I have the emails, with headers. Also independently verified by Nafeez Mosaaddeq Ahmed in his new book:

The London Bombings An Independent Inquiry
zArk said:
well stop posting here and fuck off if thats how you feel
No because otherwise the shit that is spouted gets free reign.

If we're messing about with quotes:

"All it takes for evil to prosper is for good men to do nothing"

(Again no attempt to counter the points i so consideratly numbered for you)
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