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The 7/7 Report

zArk said:
another artifact that is crumpled is white t-shirt mans feet but they are moving so you can argue 'distortion' but the initial arguements of image burning over time by stationary camera cannot be upheld when looking at the curb.
Again: seeing as you clearly know absolutely fuck all about photo manipulation software and video artefacts, why do you think you know more than the host of imaging experts who would have seen and carefully examined all the first generation images?

A nice simple explanation will do, perhaps continuing on from here: "I, zArk, know that all the imaging experts are all wrong and I am right because....."
Bob_the_lost said:
You are completely ignorant on this issue aren't you?

http://www.idvd.ca/dvd-definitions-glossary.htm <- Artifact
http://www.idvd.ca/dvd-definitions-glossary.htm <- ISO speeds.

Different bloody things. :mad:

An undesirable picture element in a video image, which may naturally occur in the recording process and must be eliminated in order to achieve a high quality image. Most common artifacts are cross-color and cross-luminance. Not to be confused with artifact as a cultural product.

yet the point in my previous post is still valid, even in the case of 'artifacts'.
zArk said:
Photoshop -- give me a break thats too expensive for this kind of alteration. I am guessing Paint and Imaging were used.

^^ Paint and Imaging are packaged with Windows and therefore 'cheap'. Used as an example of 'cheapness'

I agree that the manipulation is cheaply done and the curb sticks out a mile -- when you actually look at it rather than a fleeting glance to see the 4 lads.

So a government "black ops" department couldn't afford to buy Photoshop? They couldn't afford £490? Are you on ket? :eek:
zArk said:
Your persistance with my statement is embarrassing.
I was using it as an example of how the curb crumpling shows the 'job' was done so quickly and poorly. It is obvious that the image has been doctored.


To frame those 4 lads for the attacks of 7th July.

Literally someone took the cctv footage, quickly pasted in as fast as possible the four lads, then let the cctv footage continue on its way.

zArk said:
yeah yeah yeah. Editor, since you cannot discuss futher this issue of the curb because you cannot continue on about the pixelation issue and here while they could be bothered here or claim that the curb was 'cropped' ( you did say that didnt you? )

it is now 'take zark out of context' and we can laugh it all off.

Your "knowledge" on video recordings is fucking laughable, and I've already destroyed your misgivings regarding that footage.

Oh but you conveiniently forget that, just like all your other conspiranoid twat mates, cling desperately on to tenuous facts but ignore the plain truth and simple answers just so that you can twist the accounts of people who were there to suit your own paranoid lizard-fearing agenda...

Fuck you and all your fucked-up friends.
pk said:
Your "knowledge" on video recordings is fucking laughable, and I've already destroyed your misgivings regarding that footage.

Oh but you conveiniently forget that, just like all your other conspiranoid twat mates, cling desperately on to tenuous facts but ignore the plain truth and simple answers just so that you can twist the accounts of people who were there to suit your own paranoid lizard-fearing agenda...

Fuck you and all your fucked-up friends.
The plain truth and simple answers include a train that didn't run or arrived too late I suppose?
zArk said:
Literally someone took the cctv footage, quickly pasted in as fast as possible the four lads, then let the cctv footage continue on its way.
Literally someone must have come into office and literally took out a laptop, hooked it up to the video recorder, transfered the entire thing to their laptop (we're talking real time here, which could be anything up to 6 hours), found the correct frame, manipulated the individual frames(s) using (splutter) paper document scanning software/Paint and then uploaded the whole thing back on to the video (that's another 3-6 hours) and put it back in the machine without anyone noticing a thing.

Prole said:
what could be simpler than one year later actually knowing which train these men are alleged to have taken from Luton.
Just because YOU haven't been told doesn't mean no-one knows. How many fucking times do you need to be told that? What makes you think you are so fucking important that Sir Ian will drop everything to ensure that he keeps YOU in the loop? I would put an awful lot of money on there being absolutely definitive evidence on exactly which train they got from Luton to London.

And have you read that Guardian article properly? I have no idea whether you are Bridget Dunne or not, or even the Antagonist, but it reads to me that Mark Honigsbaum thinks they are all as mad as a bucket of frogs ... :D
Prole said:
A point that has concerned me since last year, how do witnesses come forward if they don't even know what train they travelled on, or are all dark men with rucksacks suspect?
I know you won;t believe it ... but for the benefit of anyone with two brain cells who may be interested ...

It is fairly standard investigative practice to consider a lot of different issues before releasing information to assist in tracing witnesses. Sometimes if you release too little you risk getting a flood of irrelevant information and it takes you for ever to dig through it. Conversely if you release too much information potential witnesses go "Oh no, I saw a red car / black man / was on the other train" and don't bother with reporting what they know. In this case, bearing in mind how unlikely it is that any person would know with any certainty which train they were on by any particular title (the 18.50 from Leicester; the 19.46 from Luton or the train which actually left Luton at 19.53) I think it is pretty likely that they have erred on the side of releasing less information and living with the fact that they may get more stuff to wade through - and in view of the seriousness they would invariably want more, not less, information.
pk said:
Your "knowledge" on video recordings is fucking laughable, and I've already destroyed your misgivings regarding that footage.
Fuck you and all your fucked-up friends.

The evidence is there in front of you.

Artifacts -- my arse.
Cross colour or cross luminance do not explain the curb
Macroblocks -- give me a break

Care to enlighten me on other artifacts that can cause the curbstone distortion please.

Otherwise shut the fuck up because you lot are talking bollocks trying to explain the curbstone.
zArk said:
CCTV for 28th and 7th is the same camera and same position.
And precisely the same light conditions? And the same weather conditions? And precisely the same arrangement of movable aspects (such as people) who cast shadows, reflect light, etc.)?

(I'll give you a clue ... the answer is ... er ... no. So why expect the images to be identical? :rolleyes: )
editor said:
(6 hours), (that's another 3-6 hours) and put it back in the machine without anyone noticing a thing.


Police were only altered to Luton when Hussains mum called them around 10pm that evening worried about where her son was.
And you forget the main premise of this;

This was planned well before 7.21am 7/7/05. The people who set this up wouldnt need to be running around inside Luton train station swapping tapes. FFS you are a stupid bastard.
zArk said:
Artifacts -- my arse.
Cross colour or cross luminance do not explain the curb
Macroblocks -- give me a break
This coming from the clueless buffoon who "guessed" that "they" managed to edit video footage with a copy of a basic Windows drawing package or an office paper scanning suite!

Now, for the third time: seeing as you clearly know absolutely fuck all about photo manipulation software and video artefacts, why do you think you know more than the host of imaging experts who would have seen and carefully examined all the first generation images?

A nice simple explanation will do, perhaps continuing on from here: "I, zArk, know that all the imaging experts are all wrong and I am right because....."
zArk said:
This was planned well before 7.21am 7/7/05. The people who set this up wouldnt need to be running around inside Luton train station swapping tapes. FFS you are a stupid bastard.
Whoops! You seem to be getting yourself into a right tiswas!

One minute you're saying that it was all done so hastily that the 'doctored' images were "quickly pasted in as fast as possible" and now you're saying that it was planned long before so they had lots of time to compile a perfect forgery using their, err, (guffaw) office scanning software or copy of Microsoft Paint.

Make your mind up! Which is it? Did they have lots of time or no time?
detective-boy said:
(I'll give you a clue ... the answer is ... er ... no. So why expect the images to be identical? :rolleyes: )

I am not expecting anything.
I can see the two pictures, same cctv, same angle, same position and the curbstones are are all the same (except the light -- i did say that previously -- time of morning is different) except for that one which is fucked up.

The initial claims of the photo being manipulated were because the railings can clearly be seen even with one of the lads heads in the way --- refuted by people saying the image was burned onto the camera. FINE

what about the curb? thats stationary, why are all the other curb stones normal but that one is different?
Is its position in the frame important?

all the other questions you ask have been approached here

editor said:
This coming from the clueless buffoon who "guessed" that "they" managed to edit video footage with a copy of a basic Windows drawing package or an office paper scanning suite!

Now, for the third time: seeing as you clearly know absolutely fuck all about photo manipulation software and video artefacts, why do you think you know more than the host of imaging experts who would have seen and carefully examined all the first generation images?

actually you know nothing of 'artifacts'.

why dont you add onto the list of artifacts and name the one which would produce the crumpled curb.
editor said:
Whoops! You seem to be getting yourself into a right tiswas!

One minute you're saying that it was all done so hastily that the 'doctored' images were "quickly pasted in as fast as possible" and now you're saying that it was planned long before so they had lots of time to compile a perfect forgery using their, err, (guffaw) office scanning software or copy of Microsoft Paint.

Make your mind up! Which is it? Did they have lots of time or no time?

Whooops, thats your speculative argument that i was filling out for you.

I have said previously, ahem

Originally Posted by tarannau
And anyway, isn't the more pertinent question 'Why the hell would anyone bother with manipulating a curbstone on a photo?' Why not answer that one.
Originally Posted by zArk
I suppose that would follow after we can conclude that there is no natural explanation for the crumpled curb.

Are we there yet?

Do we have a consensus that the photo is a fake?
zArk said:
Whooops, thats your speculative argument that i was filling out for you.
Fourth time of asking: seeing as you clearly know absolutely fuck all about photo manipulation software and video artefacts, why do you think you know more than the host of imaging experts who would have seen and carefully examined all the first generation images?

A nice simple explanation will do, perhaps continuing on from here: "I, zArk, know that all the imaging experts are all wrong and I am right because....."
zArk said:
Do we have a consensus that the photo is a fake?.
Only in your sad, twisted little mind, and a handful of other nutters.
editor said:
Fourth time of asking: why do you think you know more than the host of imaging experts who would have seen and carefully examined all the first generation images?.

I seriously doubt that first generation images have been seen and carefully examined which is why a full independent public inquirey into 7/7 is required and not one that will be hijacked by Patrick Mercer and Homeland Security

I awaiting a response from you with regard to what artifacts or anything else that can cause distortion to that curb.
1) That area was dug up and resurfaced a while back, sometimes the curbs are replaced when that happens. Image burnt into that frame from way back when.

2) Flaw in the film on that slide.

3) Codec making things too rectangular when digitised.

4) The lizards did it.
zArk said:
The evidence is there in front of you.

Artifacts -- my arse.
Cross colour or cross luminance do not explain the curb
Macroblocks -- give me a break

Care to enlighten me on other artifacts that can cause the curbstone distortion please.

Otherwise shut the fuck up because you lot are talking bollocks trying to explain the curbstone.


"you're a bleedin' nutter!"
zArk said:
I seriously doubt that first generation images have been seen and carefully examined...
And there ends the case for the 'this poster is a nutter' prosecution.

One of the worst terrorist atrocities in the UK's history happens and you think they didn't bother examining the CCTV footage?

What kind of fucking idiot are you?
Bob_the_lost said:
1) That area was dug up and resurfaced a while back, sometimes the curbs are replaced when that happens. Image burnt into that frame from way back when.

thats decent. Yet the area still has the "ooops gone to far" yellow line and apparently undisturbed tarmac and gutter stones. The gutter stones are key as they look like cobbles and are the same as in the 28th picture
zArk said:
actually you know nothing of 'artifacts'.

why dont you add onto the list of artifacts and name the one which would produce the crumpled curb.

Give it up, you're arguing with people here who make a living out of using Photoshop and video editing.
Blagsta said:
Give it up, you're arguing with people here who make a living out of using Photoshop and video editing.
Ah yes, but we haven't moved onto cunningly manipulating CCTV footage with office paper scanning software and bog standard Windows paint programs yet.

Now, that must take some skill!

Curse those clever government boffins!

<shakes fist>
editor said:
And there ends the case for the 'this poster is a nutter' prosecution.

One of the worst terrorist atrocities in the UK's history happens and you think they didn't bother examining the CCTV footage?

What kind of fucking idiot are you?

I don't think the original footage was ever in their possesion. Dont you get what i am saying?
I have said this before:

I am not blaming the cops. I dont think all the investigators are 'in on it'.

4 lads could be named as Suicide Bombers falsely.
Travesty of justice.
but it aint the first time eh?
and the murderers get away with it.

what kind of fucking idiots do the murderers think we are? Gullible shits who believe any crap thrown in our faces, i guess.

Come up with a decent rebuttal of the curb distortion other than
"cropped" otherwise stop harping on about

who what why when

those are irrespective unless it is clear that the photo is fake.
editor said:
Curse those clever government boffins!

and there you go again.

Government boffins ... who the fuck has said the government altered the footage?
did i? no i fucking didnt
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