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Thatcher is dead

Knock down that cunt Churchill and put Emmeline Pankhurst in his place if you must.
Just the fact that a Thatcher statue poses a threat to safety should tell them its not a popular choice.
Looks like she won’t be getting a statue on Parliament Square

Thatcher set to lose out in statue battle

Westminster Council has not ruled out a statue to Ms Pankhurst in the square at some stage - provided campaigners move an existing statute of the suffragette leader that stands in nearby Victoria Gardens first, but they seem to be less convinced of the case for a Thatcher monument, even though it has already been created by sculptor Douglas Jennings.

That plumbing-cunt in Vauxhall can stick it outside his business if he likes. Like Al Fayed did with the dead paedo.
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"Margaret Thatcher believed South Africa should be a 'whites-only state', says UK's former chief diplomat"

Doesn't surprise me. She was a nasty piece of work.

I remember that day well. I was on train from Liverpool to London (bit symbolic) and the news came over the Guardian app on my phone. I was obviously delighted and wanted to share my feelings. I was in a single seat without anyone next to me so i stared through between the seats in front of me and the 2 guys at the table in front were unsuitable. One was reading a Jeffery Archer novel and the other was reading The Telegraph so no luck there. I wandered down the train to get a cup of overpriced privatised rail service tea. When i got there i said to the guy behind the counter 'Did you hear about Thatcher?'. Big grin...'Yeah...shame isn't it?'. And when i got to Euston i bought a bottle of champagne.
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