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Thatcher is dead

I think the thing was with thatcher that she was quite clever because she never attacked her core support base directly, or if she did she made it appear like she was helping people. For example a lot of people supported her because of right to buy in the 80s, to a lot of people it seemed as though it was going to help them by allowing them to own their own property. Obviously to the people that she openly screwed she didn't give a fuck about it but there were loads of demographics (the police etc) which she never touched, mainly because she needed them to enforce her policies.
RTB was gerrymandering - to buy the tory vote in previously unwinnable seats - she only had a relatively small majority in 1979 (50?) wanted to ensure a bigger majority at the next election and that was against an unpopular labour government - Cameron failed to win against arguably an even more unpopular Labour government - luckily for her the Falklands came along

Lovely to see so many smiles on so many faces. :)
I think I'm going to buy a copy of the Daily Mail on the way home just so I have a souvenir from this happy occasion.
sounds like a tall story frankly
jackets the SAS:rolleyes: of course and military police in the same unit. most squaddies would rather throw rocks at monkeys(mps) given half a chance than stand with them:). Offical Secrets Act is always handy when bluffing
the SAS are good but not really much use in crowd control.
its the fact the police were based at barracks and the ex squaddies would be very recognisable as coppers.
to be of any value you'd need hundreds of soldiers and thats rather a difficult thing to hide especailly as its basically grunts your be wanting who wont be getting overtime not really fans of the police either.:oops:
RTB was gerrymandering - to buy the tory vote in previously unwinnable seats - she only had a relatively small majority in 1979 (50?) wanted to ensure a bigger majority at the next election and that was against an unpopular labour government -
It was also the marginals and 'soft' labour seats in the South, but her main aim in the policy was to take housing out of the public sector as much as was possible; hence the poisonous clause banning councils from using RTB revenues from building new stock

Tony Blair has criticised people who held parties to "celebrate" the death of Baroness Thatcher, saying they were in "pretty poor taste".

The former Labour prime minister urged critics of his Conservative predecessor to "show some respect".

The comments come after parties took place in several cities to mark the 87-year-old's death on Monday.

A Labour source also said that leader Ed Miliband "categorically" condemned such behaviour.

Can't wait to celebrate Blair's death, too.
It was also the marginals and 'soft' labour seats in the South, but her main aim in the policy was to take housing out of the public sector as much as was possible; hence the poisonous clause banning councils from using RTB revenues from building new stock
not unlike the current government - they up the RTB discount at the same time as introducing the bedroom tax - reducing the stock at the same time as forcing people to pay more who can't move as there isn't enough social housing to meet demand and more is being sold off under a more generous RTB :facepalm:
not unlike the current government - they up the RTB discount at the same time as introducing the bedroom tax - reducing the stock at the same time as forcing people to pay more who can't move as there isn't enough social housing to meet demand and more is being sold off under a more generous RTB :facepalm:
sure, it's a 100% logical continuation, as they intend
I was talking about the military police they are loathed by the army and would be the last people you'd call out for public order duty or in fact anything frankly.
As embarrasingly crap at police work as they are at soldiering :(
most greenjackets would gleefully put the boot into a monkey in a riot situation
"Posterity ne'er surveyed
a nobler urn than this
Here are the ashes of Margaret Thatcher
rinse them out with your piss"
I have NEVER, ever celebrated the demise of a human being before now.
I saved it all up for today, for someone who destroyed millions of lives.
I hope you burn in hell, you evil bitch

Nice pastiche there, Jez!

Hmmm would have liked to leave a message, but just got this:-

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Kinda ironic? :D

Oh well, let's hope their on-line readership dies like the dirty digger's, then there'll be left with the ever decreasing 'grey' paper readership. Good business model!
thats bullshit:facepalm: unless maggie had every soldier dressed up as a copper disposed of afterwards nobodys ever come forward from the military to claim they were
hitting miners.
Plus sandhurst is the rupert school about the least useful unit for public order.
As a distinct lack of dead miners from baton rounds or live rounds we can safely assume all the brutality came from the coppers.
I dont know why this myth keeps appearing maybe the fact the people want to belive it took the military to stop the miners.
rather than the UK goverment learnt lessons from 1974 and the miners didnt.

Frankly, I think you're talking shite. There's a long history of the British army being used as police, right from the birth of the police through to at least the end of "the troubles" in Northern Ireland. Okay, it was mostly honed away from the mainland, but why the fuck you think the govt wouldn't stick a couple of companies in police blues and hand em a truncheon, I don't know. It was already an established role in military matters and in military uniform. You really think the MoD would object and not strong-arm the brass?

I mean, I know that most of the brass wouldn't go for it, but I also know that many of 'em, offered the choice between knuckling down or being retired, would knuckle down, because at the end, they're indoctrinated to obey, and it'd only be a little bit illegal, and "for the good of the nation" too!
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