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Test yourself ... Climate Hero Carbon Calculator

Mine came out as..20210705_123237.jpg

As apparently..

Areas covered:
House heating.
Electricity source.
Air travel
Food waste
Beef & lamb : cut back to 2 per week.
Vegetarian : choose more
Buy Local produce.
Walking / cycling
Recycling properly.
Avoiding palm oil completely.
Not buying new clothing.
Recycling clothes.

Areas I can improve on are generally related to transport, diet, home heating.

Of all these heating is the big one that I can work on. Got solar panels for hot water...and have natural gas heating which they say is great. The house is massively insulated so one hour of heating goes a long way plus I dont like it too hot so the thermostat is at max 20 in winter and usually is at 16. I happily throw on a wooly jumper rather than turn on or up the heating.
I'm already non red meat 5 days a week. Could push that to 6 days.

Transport is necessary for me as a person with physical problems and I'd be safer on my own so the car wont be changed. But I could in the future opt for an all electric car.

Diet. I need a high protein diet. Which I can get from chicken and eggs. So I could cut down beef to once a fortnight. Which would make an impact.
I dont eat lamb.

I dont fly anymore. And wont...ever again. So that's a massive reduction.
It's not clear if it's an individual rating or a household rating. I haven't flown in 8 years and have no plans to soon but my wife might want to see her parents sometime. It said 4.5 tonnes but I think that's based on the household and our old-fashioned gas central heating in a semi.
Over 15 tonnes! Making me a 'Climate Villain', apparently.

Despite having a hybrid car, recycling, fossil-free electricity supplier, eating seasonal and local, and growing/shooting a fair bit of my own food.

The big killer for me is lots of meat and flights.

They did offer me the chance to offset my carbon footprint for $36/month, though. :hmm:
People's results on this thread mean little without knowing how many people are in their household.
I did it twice due to the lurgy having forced unusual circumstances on us this past year, we haven't taken any holidays and I've worked from home for the past 16 months. I got 8.5 tons making me a Climate Consumer, going by our usual lifestyle such as one foreign holiday (Europe) per year, weekends away in this country and driving to work I am a dastardly Climate Villain at 12.8 tons.
It's got some odd quirks, I selected 3 or more cars and it told me that the calculator could only handle 2 (so why is 3 an option then)
Looks like it.

Over 15 tonnes! Making me a 'Climate Villain', apparently.

Despite having a hybrid car, recycling, fossil-free electricity supplier, eating seasonal and local, and growing/shooting a fair bit of my own food.

The big killer for me is lots of meat and flights.

They did offer me the chance to offset my carbon footprint for $36/month, though. :hmm:

It only specifies Beef and Lamb...no other meat mentioned.
Unless you manage your cookies it’s possible enough of your details are easily obtained.

I didnt give them my full name. Or anything elae about me.
I didnt give an email address. And there was no option to accept cookies.

Unless you manage your cookies it’s possible enough of your details are easily obtained.

I guess. I think there was a sweetener with free offers at the end where I presume you enter your email though - I ended up doing it 3 or 4 times so that's scuppered any data they get off me :thumbs:
I got 4 tons. Climate Friend, apparently.

I always tend to score well on these kinds of tests, because I have no children, I don't fly at all, I don't own or operate any motor vehicles, and my small flat has no gas or air conditioning. I could probably improve my score even further if I didn't consume as much electricity as an average family of four (or at least that's how much my electricity supplier claims I use).

Of course, if the grid I was drawing my electricity from was powered entirely by nuclear fission and renewable sources, then my electricity consumption would be a moot point. Which is why the individualised "carbon footprint" narrative was invented by BP as a way of distracting people by getting them to scrap about their personal consumption habits, instead of focusing on the industries that actually produce all that CO2 in the first place.
Under their FAQs:

Is ClimateHero for profit?​

ClimateHero’s goal is to ward off the climate threat by educating and helping the planet’s inhabitants to decrease their carbon footprint. We believe that this mission is performed better in the format of a fast-growing digital start-up than through yet another non-profit environmental organization.

ClimateHero is completely without political or ideological affiliation and is thus not dependent on any contributions or anyone else’s agenda to develop the service. Instead, ClimateHero has taken a corporate form and has as its sub-goal the aim to generate its own revenue. Revenues are reinvested in the business to develop the service and fund marketing in order to get more people to understand and decrease their climate impact.
I could be a climate hero if I switched electricity suppliers, which is a shame as there's only the state grid here. China does generate a lot of renewables but burns a lot of dirty coal too and we're a long way from the big hydro and solar schemes so didn't want to make any claims about how green the supply is, not very is my guess but suppose I ought to check.
ETA Also described the heating as a heat pump which I think is right for the underfloor thing we have here but not sure; it does the AC too and I suspect if you could put that in might shave a few points off for not being a separate system.
Yeah, I eat a lot of beef.

I've cut beef to two days a week. I figure I could cut that to one day...at a real push but their algorythm says 1 to 2 days a week so....

I think flying is probably a massive influence on carbon footprints...and buying from over seas.
Been buying all my veg locally from local farm shops. Its grand but it does mean you get what they have. Not a problem.
I'm not hugely into fruit because I have real problems with citrus fruits. So blackberries and blueberries would be ok but not oranges or grapefruit.

I figure I have enough clothing and shoes to last me 25 years. 😳
Assuming I get to wear them out.
Also, if the climate really is my friend why is it pissing down and steamy hot now and bollock freezing all winter causing me to wreck the environment with my heating, eh, eh?
You don't have to enter any personal details apart from your 'name'
I just left it blank. :)

Apparently my score is 4.5 tons co2 per year despite having a well insulated house, solar panels, biomass heating and recycling everything I can, no car and don't fly anywhere. :facepalm:
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