Member Since: 1985 Post Count: 3
This is me. . . except all my invoices and expenses only exist in the digital realm rather than on paper. Probably only six invoices to add up and five or six expenses to take away.The intention is for the whole process from capturing the data in your bookkeeping software through to submission of the final results to be digital with very little human intervention.
At the moment, you could keep a carrier bag of paperwork and then summarise all this on the back of a couple of envelopes, add up the totals and then input those summarised results onto HMRC's website. HMRC don't like that as they think it's prone to errors. The reality is that if you've just got 12 sales invoices and a handful of expenses you're just as likely to end up with the right result as if you had software you paid £50 a month for.
I'm going to be pretty fucked off if I have to pay £20 to wade through some software four times a year just to punch those numbers in.
I agree that this probably great for bigger businesses, but won't they have been working on systems like this already?
Surely they need to figure something different for smaller one man self employed operations like myself?
I have no problem in adding invoices to a HMRC cloud as they come and hitting a 'go' button four times a year.