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SWP split?

Tears or spittle?

Fucking hell, I bet your keyboards barely working! What with the usual spittle, and now the ejaculate.:D

Yuck. What an image!

Still, it does prompt me to wonder exactly what bodily fluids are falling on your keyboard when you read of German's resignation. Do you weep for a lost comrade or spit at the very thought of the renegade?
Fucking hell, I bet your keyboards barely working! What with the usual spittle, and now the ejaculate.:D
Yuck. What an image![/QUOTE]I bet it's accurate though.;)
Still, it does prompt me to wonder exactly what bodily fluids are falling on your keyboard when you read of German's resignation. Do you weep for a lost comrade or spit at the very thought of the renegade?
I have made my position on the swp very clear, several years ago, but for most of the borg on here, it just doesn't compute.
well, that is partly because your position was a rather all over the shop contradictory mess.

Of course it was contradictory, all truth is contradictory, dialectical. :cool:

The problem isn't my 'mess', the problem is many such as Louis cannot conceive of the possibility of a genuine/honest socialist worker, preferring a conspiracy theories ie.
Dora Kaplan
February 11, 2010 at 10:45 pm It all makes sense. Where else can clapped out trots and tankies go for pleasant and well paid career opportunities…?

They know their chances of riding to state power on the back of a revolution are now finished. So it makes perfect sense for them to cultivate the TUC and labour party, where comfortable jobs are available for low ranking apparatchiks who are willing to toe the line.
Let me get this right - someone else somewhere else makes a post that you don't like and so you decide to pretend that a poster here actually made that other post on another site to back up your self described 'contradictory' position - and this you call clarity? This you call 'truth'?

yes but you dont understand what a 'conspiracy theory' actually is RMP. I seem to recall you dismissed some basic marxism as a 'conspiracy theory' - tho no one had told you it was Marx of course.
Let me get this right - someone else somewhere else makes a post that you don't like and so you decide to pretend that a poster here actually made that other post on another site to back up your self described 'contradictory' position - and this you call clarity? This you call 'truth'?

Ejaculate on you screen as well? :eek:

As stated, "Dora Kaplan" made comment. She is from the link you provided. thats it.
Of course it was contradictory, all truth is contradictory, dialectical. :cool:

The problem isn't my 'mess', the problem is many such as Louis cannot conceive of the possibility of a genuine/honest socialist worker, preferring a conspiracy theories ie.http://www.urban75.net/vbulletin/showthread.php?p=10321516#post10321516
yes but you dont understand what a 'conspiracy theory' actually is RMP. I seem to recall you dismissed some basic marxism as a 'conspiracy theory' - tho no one had told you it was Marx of course.
Do you want to discuss anything specific?
Do you want to say anything meaningful? I mean, your misunderstandings of basic marxism are amusing, but hardly enthralling
mmm, that doesnt actually mean anything, silly boy. You'd be better off if you wrote with a little more clarity.

Do you wish to be taught how to enthrall people?

No educate me on Marxism. ie where I went wrong, and what is right. Or what a conspiracy theory is. [the clue was in what YOU said.]

Won't hold breath.
not being a pompous, patronising, arse would be a good start.
Tried that, but being a arrogant pompous, patronising, hysterical arse is my mimicking butchers etc now.
They generally do when weepy old rmp3 bleeds all over them. I reckon we're in the lull right now - next tranche of expulsions is coming very soon though.
No educate me on Marxism. ie where I went wrong, and what is right. Or what a conspiracy theory is. [the clue was in what YOU said.]
We've tried, you abjectly refuse to pay anyone any attention :( Almost as if you didnt really have an interest, except in tryng to look clever. Hey ho.

Tried that, but being a arrogant pompous, patronising, hysterical arse is my mimicking butchers etc now.

we'll add that to the very long list of things you are really very bad at then.
next tranche of expulsions is coming very soon though.

not that many left to expel. The 'Left Faction' was miniscule, a few more will drift away, but there won't be much need for expulsions. Rees? They'll let him suffer in a pathetic internal wilderness. Might be something interesting happening just before STW conference, a few who might make anoise in favour of Lindsey being given the heave ho
Martin Smith, yesterday:


I can't say I'm surprised that she's gone, tbh. The problem for her and her clique is where they go from here. Given the SWP's stock is so low with many other activists and groups and that the Rees/German group were in charge at the time their stock sank to an all time low, I don't see what other groups will touch them with a bargepole.

All Smith is doing is consolidating his position post power grab. He doesn't want anybody in a position to damage him remaining around the SWP and I don't doubt that there will be other resignations and expulsions until Smith's personal witch hunt has been concluded to his satisfaction.

Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.

The perils of Leninist vanguardism, eh? :D
not that many left to expel. The 'Left Faction' was miniscule, a few more will drift away, but there won't be much need for expulsions. Rees? They'll let him suffer in a pathetic internal wilderness. Might be something interesting happening just before STW conference, a few who might make anoise in favour of Lindsey being given the heave ho
think your right.
42 RESIGNATIONS FROM THE SWP including former leaders John Rees and Chris Nineham


That answers the question in the OP. Yes the SWP is split. It looks as if things have turned very nasty. At a time of declining membership and support, the authoritarians on the CC have probably done the party a lot of harm by using disciplinary methods to squash the alternative views that were held within the Left Platform. I can already hear the cheering from the anarchists and members of other 'left' sects.
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