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Suella Braverman's time is up.

you get it by being in the Cabinet or potentially being part of it - Corbs got his after being appointed leader of the opposition, IIRC
Plus some civil servants and, apparently, prime ministers from some commonwealth countries. Who knew looking after an outside toilet could be so hard...
With all the blue sky bollocksing going on I wouldn't be surprised if some bright spark suggests tapping Tommeh on the shoulder and asking him to raise an Auxiliary Reserve Support Echelon to beef up police numbers
Though, tbh, wearing dead stoats and ruling over people without being elected is not exactly non-fucked.
Ha, again, wouldn't disagree, and almost added as much, but I'm trying to reduce the amount of caveats and add-ons I include in every sentence :oops:

But yeah, would argue that the whole nature if the Lords is part of what makes the fact it just takes a phone call so fucked. It's not like I think the standard procedure makes the whole thing legit.
thank you for your information. but there is NO WAY on god's green earth that the parliamentary conservative party would say let's have the arch-remainer and pig-fucker a) elevated to the house of lords and/or b) made foreign secretary. there'd be uproar in the 1922 committee and the conservative party more generally.

You really do need to eat a little bit of humble pie you know. You should try it occasionally, it is a good look. :)
thank you for your information. but there is NO WAY on god's green earth that the parliamentary conservative party would say let's have the arch-remainer and pig-fucker a) elevated to the house of lords and/or b) made foreign secretary. there'd be uproar in the 1922 committee and the conservative party more generally.
Aaah, you are fallible! 😉🙂
I think it’s a surprisingly adroit move by Sunak. Cameron is the last Tory PM that was actually quite popular with everyday non-membership South-Eastern Tories. Call-me Dave, I’m-socially-liberal-not-nasty — he’s never going to win round Labour voters or retain the Boris voters but he might help Sunak avoid haemorrhaging the Home Counties because he’s the Tory version of the opposite of Braverman (who is hates by the economically conservative but socially liberal South-East).
I think it’s a surprisingly adroit move by Sunak. Cameron is the last Tory PM that was actually quite popular with everyday non-membership South-Eastern Tories. Call-me Dave, I’m-socially-liberal-not-nasty — he’s never going to win round Labour voters or retain the Boris voters but he might help Sunak avoid haemorrhaging the Home Counties because he’s the Tory version of the opposite of Braverman (who is hates by the economically conservative but socially liberal South-East).

Bit of a stretch calling the Home Counties socially liberal, their main objection to Braverman (or Tommy Robinson for that matter) is that they're both too loud and obvious. You quietly shut down the immigration centre and arrest anyone coming on a boat, you don't burn it down and shoot them.
I don't follow your posts but imagine you speak from experience

Indeed. When I'm wrong or misguided I've no problem in saying so. I don't follow you particularly, but you're hard to miss as you post constantly. Mostly belligerently. And I tend to agree with you on most things. Even so, a little humility goes a long way.
Indeed. When I'm wrong or misguided I've no problem in saying so. I don't follow you particularly, but you're hard to miss as you post constantly. Mostly belligerently. And I tend to agree with you on most things. Even so, a little humility goes a long way.
yeh. i have admitted i didn't see this coming. perhaps you should read my posts to see what i have said before demanding humility
I think it’s a surprisingly adroit move by Sunak. Cameron is the last Tory PM that was actually quite popular with everyday non-membership South-Eastern Tories. Call-me Dave, I’m-socially-liberal-not-nasty — he’s never going to win round Labour voters or retain the Boris voters but he might help Sunak avoid haemorrhaging the Home Counties because he’s the Tory version of the opposite of Braverman (who is hates by the economically conservative but socially liberal South-East).

Sunak doesn’t know quite where he will be working in 2025, but it’s likely going to be a job which involves tapping up heads of governments and banks and tech firms for international favours. It’s therefore quite important to have someone at the FCO who can do the basics of diplomatic hobnobbing without pointlessly making enemies and to whom boring meetings with the PM’s counterparts in lesser countries can be delegated without causing offence - more so than worrying about an election which is already lost. So Cameron as an international safe pair of hands with a modicum of star power outweighs Cameron the slightly tainted remainer and Greensill shill.
Bit of a stretch calling the Home Counties socially liberal, their main objection to Braverman (or Tommy Robinson for that matter) is that they're both too loud and obvious. You quietly shut down the immigration centre and arrest anyone coming on a boat, you don't burn it down and shoot them.
Large stretches of the Home Counties can find it within them to to feel sorry for the deserving poor and the hardworking immigrant (“marvellous workers”), and agree with (and even set) Diversity, Equality and Inclusion targets and nod in approval at Pride parades.

They may think that the answer to society’s problems is to reduce government spending and “red tape” and introduce competition and the market to everything, but that isn’t because they actively hate those who aren’t like them. They are just duped by neoliberal discourses.

For these people, seeing the likes of Braverman take over their party generates the same anger as it does for people here seeing Sur Kieth take over Labour.
yeh. i have admitted i didn't see this coming. perhaps you should read my posts to see what i have said before demanding humility

Didn't demand anything. It was a gentle suggestion. And yes I did read the subsequent posts, but there was nothing resembling a mea culpa.
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