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Suella Braverman's time is up.

she brags to the Jewish Chronicle no less that he is a Zionist, quickly followed up with familial support for the IDF in her quote. This is utterly different to her husband being "Jewish" - meaningless on its own, and that's what I thought the conversation was about earlier. This quote on the other hand is laying out a very particular political position and allegiance.

Have it your way.
This isn't trivial stuff, we've got one of the most hideous crimes against humanity I've ever witnessed with my own eyes happening in front of us and the government not only back it but make out that the most peaceful of protests against it are hate marches......

What's left of the legal freedom to protest is already wafer thin in this country and we have a home secretary acting with maximum prejudice in this situation, to the extent that she might lose her job even. The fact she aligns herself totally to zionism in britains leading zionist publication is highly relevant.

So the huge risk is that, even if Suella Braverman got her way, people would not only come out, but they would march independently. That would be twice as hard for police because there would be no organisers on the ground directing events and calling on people to abide by a route and curfew.
Gove? Home Secretary. Oh lordie me, this I have to see. The HS has consistently over the years become more authoritarian, more racist, more... insane. And yet Gove - awful though he is - is pretty much the only person in the current government with an ounce of sense in his head. I can't imagine he's eager.
Gove? Home Secretary. Oh lordie me, this I have to see. The HS has consistently over the years become more authoritarian, more racist, more... insane. And yet Gove - awful though he is - is pretty much the only person in the current government with an ounce of sense in his head. I can't imagine he's eager.
It's one of the Great Offices of State. Of course he wants it.
It's one of the Great Offices of State. Of course he wants it.
I did read somewhere the other day that Gove was probably going to step down at the next election. Rather than be on TV this generations' election night Portillo moment.
So that'd make it now or never for the office. No way he passes on his last chance.
Surely this moronic fascist can't hang on long after the past week? I suspect she's brown bread politically.. at least in this current government. Going to the media without permission and causing grief with the Met police. Her days must be numbered.. and thank fuck for that!!!

As soon as the PM is saying he has "full confidence" in you you are definitely fucked. It's like when Russia denies being involved in a journalist's murder :D
I can't see her getting sacked tbh. Sunak's desperate not to recreate the endless merry-go-round of senior ministers from Johnson's tenure. Moral bankruptcy and endless failure aren't things that bother him. If they were, he'd not have appointed Braverman in the first place. She'd already lost one front bench job by being unable to do even the most basic shit properly, she was a known crank and an obvious liability. Sunak still gave her the job.
I did read somewhere the other day that Gove was probably going to step down at the next election. Rather than be on TV this generations' election night Portillo moment.
So that'd make it now or never for the office. No way he passes on his last chance.
Get that pension bump
I can't see her getting sacked tbh. Sunak's desperate not to recreate the endless merry-go-round of senior ministers from Johnson's tenure. Moral bankruptcy and endless failure aren't things that bother him. If they were, he'd not have appointed Braverman in the first place. She'd already lost one front bench job by being unable to do even the most basic shit properly, she was a known crank and an obvious liability. Sunak still gave her the job.
Sunak's one similarity to Johnson is that he seems to like weak people around him so that they can't challenge him. Unlike Johnson he's got appalling political instincts though, so who knows what he'll do. Whatever makes him look worst probably.
Sunak is fucked by this however he plays it. If he keeps her he endorses her clumsy attempts to advance her openly fascist tactics. If he fires (or reshuffles) her she can spout her hate filled conspiracy bullshit from the backbenches, providing a slew of stories for the Mail and Express.

And there she sits, exuding a desire for martyrdom. Fuck these people.
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What an evil lump of fascist shit Braverman is. I was reminded of the bloodthirsty beast's fetid existence either this morning or yesterday (I've been sick and time's gone a bit fucky) when my flatmate returned from work and started ranting about her latest wizard wheeze to kill more homeless people because she's a heartless fucking ghoul.
Gove? Home Secretary. Oh lordie me, this I have to see. The HS has consistently over the years become more authoritarian, more racist, more... insane. And yet Gove - awful though he is - is pretty much the only person in the current government with an ounce of sense in his head. I can't imagine he's eager.

things are really fucked when pob faced cunt is seen as the sensible option....
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