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Suella Braverman's time is up.

See these tory cunts like Braverman, its not that they are as such traditionally racist, they just hate anyone whos not them, everybody, whoever and however they are, if they aint a tory cunt, they hate them. All just little people there to justify them and subservient to them in their world view
She’ll sleep easy tonight. Another link in the chain of civility broken. It’s what she lives for.
Here's another schedule 7 of the Terrorism 2000 Act catch: Philip O'Keefe, a friend of Finbar Cafferkey who was killed in the fighting with Russia in Bakhmut, was stopped in Heathrow while connecting to a flight to Ireland to inform Finbar's family of his death. They had been comrades in the YPG.

Is she completely thick, or just preaching to others that are? I mean, explaining the shortage of fruit pickers and lorry drivers as being due to training needs, is just bonkers. There clearly aren't enough folks that want to do these jobs as a lifestyle choice.

Is she completely thick, or just preaching to others that are? I mean, explaining the shortage of fruit pickers and lorry drivers as being due to training needs, is just bonkers. There clearly aren't enough folks that want to do these jobs as a lifestyle choice.

She doesn't know or care about fruit picking. Can't let basic stuff like feeding people get in the way of her crack-addled fantasies of defeating the imaginary enemies of an imaginary Britain.
Why would anyone bother going for the "training" (to be a fruit picker FFS) if the pay isn't good enough to attract local labour in the first place?

It's not so much pay as the impossibility of accomodation/transport for working people in rural areas. And the seasonal thing doesn't help either. Rent needs paying all year round, not just the six weeks it takes to pick hops or whatever.
It's not so much pay as the impossibility of accomodation/transport for working people in rural areas. And the seasonal thing doesn't help either. Rent needs paying all year round, not just the six weeks it takes to pick hops or whatever.
Exactly. I've done my share of fruit-picking in my time and tbh I'd go and do it again if the pay was comparable to the 'compensation' paid to investment bankers/asset managers. The thing is about these Leave voting, Tory fruit farmers in Kent; they don't realise that if they can't pay the workers, they haven't got a business.
Used to be you could work tax credits for self-employment so that seasonal work was viable. I had loads of mates who travelled around doing this or that eight months of the year then hunkered down for winter somewhere. This was also (really not that far back) when you could find a liveable flat advertised in a corner shop window, pay cash for it and there was minimal fuss. Now you've got to send in a fucking CV to some agent to even be considered worthy of a roof over your head.

Nobody wants to work. Nah, the problem is the people who really don't want to work can get rich without doing anything of any use to anyone, and the people who do work are fucked coming and going as a result.
Top marks to the photographer who snapped this.
Sunday Times exclusive

Suella Braverman asked civil servants to help her dodge speeding fine​

Home secretary told aides to arrange private driving awareness course

Trouble is, this sort of placed leak gives spineless Sunak the chance to hoof Braverman without the factional shitstorm that would create without such an excuse.
Trouble is, this sort of placed leak gives spineless Sunak the chance to hoof Braverman without the factional shitstorm that would create without such an excuse.
Giving into the activist civil service woke blob wouldn’t create a factional shitstorm? I think you’re calling that one wrong.
As Tory scandals go this is at the lower end of the spectrum so I can't see it going anywhere but Sunak was a bit weird about it in his press conference today 'Do you have faith in the home secretary prime minister?' - awkward pause - then 'do you have any questions about the summit?'

I really hope he grows a set and sacks her though. She is absolutely awful.
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