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Suella Braverman's time is up.

I know it's easy and perhaps problematic to say about political enemies, but I do think she's not firing on all cylinders. Look at her, she's almost glassy eyed. I dunno
I know it's easy and perhaps problematic to say about political enemies, but I do think she's not firing on all cylinders. Look at her, she's almost glassy eyed. I dunno
Probably better if that’s the case. A despicable human being in a position of power who is firing on all cylinders is more savvy and thus difficult to remove from their post.
It’s grim and so depressing. The language is well and truly fascist. I’m not someone who flings that word around. It does mean something. But what else can we call the escalating language of this type, turning on a group who are already being treated appallingly by this government. I feel sick to the pit of my stomach. These are dark, dark times.
I know exactly what you mean about not using such a word easily, and I too think this kind of thing's proper far-right, yes fascist, or fascist leaning.

It feels a bit naff to write this, but in solidarity we WILL resist. They are many people who hate this and are fighting against this. These bastards won't get away with it, we won't let them, and I have a lot of hope for younger people too.
Yes. And so..it doesnt matter which of them is in charge we shouldn't waste time caring about it cos they're all the same, functionally?
I don't think we shouldn't care, but I don't think we should be 'impressed' by politicians whose main aim is to administer similar policies more effectively either. Especially as the policies in question have been proved to be unworkable when they come into contact with reality.

The former Home Secretary Priti Patel was one of the most vicious scum to ever hold the position, but eventually they turned on her for not getting a grip on immigration. The same will happen to every home secretary who chooses to set their stall out in similar terms because there is no way of getting a grip on it. The number of people fleeing war, economic turmoil and increasingly inhospitable living conditions across the globe is only going up for the foreseeable future - unless the conversation can be changed so it's more widely recognised as the humanitarian crisis it is, then the politicians - of all stripes - are simply going to end up moving the goalposts further and further right each time a new twist on the same failed policies fails again. I don't see the current Labour leadership making any attempt at doing this. I'm not impressed.
She's one of those that lies and doesn't even register she's lying. Fucking psycho nazi
Braverman's answers to questions in the House after her statement were very rehearsed and repetitive, robotic. They were also very lawyerly. She kept saying how many hotels had been contracted since 6 September and emphasised she hadn't 'blocked' the booking of hotels. But if you're fluent in legalese and paying close attention, she also didn't deny ignoring civil servants' and advisers recommendations to secure more hotel accommodation. There were a lot of weasel words being spoken and questions not being answered directly.

It reminded me of something I read about her sending emails...
Cooper may not be a headbanger like Braverman, but heres what she had to say in 2014 about immigration and policy... Yvette Cooper’s immigration speech – full text – LabourList
Oh, I'm under no illusions that anyone within sniffing distance of power is a socialist.

I'm likely well to the left of the Labour Party yet don't consider myself 'Far Left' or an extremist, I think my views and values, amounting to human rights and treating people decently and with dignity are actually fairly moderate, or should be.

But I think all those Labour Party folk who say The Left need to get behind Starmer or else we'll have another Tory government are failing to see how dreadful Starmer is as an opposition leader and what little chance he has of winning.

They might stand more of a chance with someone like Cooper at the helm, although the way the Labour Party is at the moment they're just wanting to offer Tory-Lite, and that might appeal to some as a least worst option.

But even if that's what's on the plate, it needs to be served up by someone who seems vaguely competent and in command, whereas Starmer's been sitting on the bench and mostly not even attempting to score while there's been an open goal.

Starmer's thinking it's like all strategic like game of poker and he doesn't want to give his hand away too soon.

But to continue the sporting/gamesmanship analogies, by the time the election campaign is off the ground, he'll be like a boxer who's been pussyfooting around for a few rounds, hoping to strike a knockout blow near the end, except he'll be too lacklustre and lacking in energy to deliver it.
Braverman's answers to questions in the House after her statement were very rehearsed and repetitive, robotic. They were also very lawyerly. She kept saying how many hotels had been contracted since 6 September and emphasised she hadn't 'blocked' the booking of hotels. But if you're fluent in legalese and paying close attention, she also didn't deny ignoring civil servants' and advisers recommendations to secure more hotel accommodation. There were a lot of weasel words being spoken and questions not being answered directly.

It reminded me of something I read about her sending emails...
She wouldn't answer that question the other day about the ERG membership. After a lot of deflection she said the information's available online. I'm pretty sure it's not.

Someone put in a FOI request a couple of years ago. It said "this information is not held."

RFI 202002 9 Response.docx

To view claims made by MPs for ERG subscriptions please visit:

Link just brings up "Page not found.".

So she was almost certainly bullshitting.
its not just the ERG group you have to look at its the spin off the Common sense Group who John Hayes founded
and is the guy that she was sharing secrets with

oddly enough the CSG is a bunch of right wing tory wankers who worrying about the national truss been taking over for being Wokey Marxist
for mention "well this lovely house was funded by the slave trade" amongst other ballocks
sounds better than a work house

let see if it creeps up for unproductive brits if the country keeps going the way it is

poor people just spend their money on lcd tvs if you give it to them
The Times has a front page article that features some quite interesting quotes in response to her dangerous language on Monday:

Sir Roger Gale, a senior Tory MP whose constituency includes Manston, told The Times: “I fear that there is a very great danger with her inflammatory language. People need to use their language carefully because extremists latch on to those words.”

Two former Tory Home Office ministers also criticised Braverman’s language. One said she was alienating her supporters on the right of the party.

“It just shows what a thug she is,” one said. “She’s facile, totally uncompassionate and insincere, hamming it up and that’s the reputation she has now. The ERG is abandoning her, it’s only the dinosaurs left defending her now.”

Allies of Priti Patel, the former home secretary, said Braverman had brought the Home Office into disrepute and described the language as “horrific”.

A source who had worked in government said: “There are a lot of Tories who think we should have a very, very robust home secretary for political reasons. But it was a bridge too far and Priti would never have used that language.”
I don't think we shouldn't care, but I don't think we should be 'impressed' by politicians whose main aim is to administer similar policies more effectively either. Especially as the policies in question have been proved to be unworkable when they come into contact with reality.

The former Home Secretary Priti Patel was one of the most vicious scum to ever hold the position, but eventually they turned on her for not getting a grip on immigration. The same will happen to every home secretary who chooses to set their stall out in similar terms because there is no way of getting a grip on it. The number of people fleeing war, economic turmoil and increasingly inhospitable living conditions across the globe is only going up for the foreseeable future - unless the conversation can be changed so it's more widely recognised as the humanitarian crisis it is, then the politicians - of all stripes - are simply going to end up moving the goalposts further and further right each time a new twist on the same failed policies fails again. I don't see the current Labour leadership making any attempt at doing this. I'm not impressed.

I think every government & home secretary we might conceivably get (unless something completely amazing happens ) will, as they always have done, adopt a posture of 'tough on immigration'.
But this one (and Patel as well) isn't just business as usual, she's an ideological believer, a true zealot. She seems to really not see the immigrants as humans, it was even clearer after watching her speech yesterday.

This isn't the most important thing, but its interesting;
The amount of people sleeping on the floor in tents in kent has gone up because of decisions made by this government and not because there are that many more arrivals.

Using private phone as on a work phone for a call

Maybe use a work computer or tablet? Simple solution which presumably wasn’t used for a sneaky reason
Given the amount they spunk elsewhere on expenses, having separate secure devices for Zoom calls and emails doesn't seem impossible.

I call flimsy, paper-thin excuses. Braverman perfectly fits the profile of the "rules are for the plebs" mentality, and I expect she just decided that she was going to overrule them. I really hope it costs her dear. If there's any justice (and that's an open question), it will.
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