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Suella Braverman's time is up.

Gardner's response almost makes it seem like the question was one of those softball ones designed to simply introduce the subject and allow the speaker to make a speech.

But of course it isn't that, the idiot thinks it's a question that she's going to struggle with. And the reason it then turns out to be such a softball is... she's prepared, and knows what she's fucking talking about.

Which I have to imagine all seemed a completely mystery to him.
Oh it's not a mystery; it's some EU smart arse or a lefty lawyer who think they know it all. He's right; it's the rest of them that are, sadly, quite wrong. That's the view from Gullis towers.

Meanwhile, this: Home Office leaves asylum seekers from Manston stranded in central London :mad:
The group, from Afghanistan, Syria and Iraq, some of them wrapped in blankets to keep warm, were confused about what they were meant to do, he said. “They were also very hungry.”
Refugees from our invasions.
what are these phonecalls like what the hell do they say to eachother ? Even the rwanda plan which got to the point of almost happening, even that was completely shady seemingly impossible to find out what the actual deal was, who was promised how much money and what for.

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what are these phonecalls like what the hell do they say to eachother ? Even the rwanda plan which got to the point of almost happening, even that was completely shady seemingly impossible to find out what the actual deal was, who was promised how much money and what for.

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Rwanda not good enough anymore?

Got tired of telling everyone how great Rwanda is then wondering why loads of refugees would want to come here for a free ticket to a better life. At least that's the logic

It's like some weird inverse-colonialism. The slave trade reimagined; don't believe the victims in all this will likely end up as cheap trans national labour.

Fuck everything
what are these phonecalls like what the hell do they say to eachother ? Even the rwanda plan which got to the point of almost happening, even that was completely shady seemingly impossible to find out what the actual deal was, who was promised how much money and what for.

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I imagine it stats with some government bureaucrat phoning a counterpart in another country and starting with "okay you are not going to belive this but..."

Gale asks her about not commissioning accommodation and she talks about not having blocked any such commissioning. So she's happy to use the flimsiest of semantics to try to evade her responsibilities for keeping people in at best inappropriate and at worst inhuman conditions - remember Manston is meant to be a rapid processing centre for a maximum of 1600 people not a detention centre for several times that number.

Maybe she thinks she's being clever and that those at Manston are acceptable collateral damage resulting from her cleverness. Possibly she believes their hurt and trauma are necessary prices to be paid in a war against an imagined enemy - the alien hordes waiting to invade - in reality a war for Tory votes in an increasingly hostile electoral environment. Probably she just doesn't care because in her personal political arithmetic they don't count. In her mind it's more important to fly in, all guns metaphorically blazing, on board a Chinook - Patel's Home Secretary cop jacket writ large! - than to actually address the human problems her department has created and is presiding over.

Fucking fuming - Louis MacNeice
Gale asks her about not commissioning accommodation and she talks about not having blocked any such commissioning. So she's happy to use the flimsiest of semantics to try to evade her responsibilities for keeping people in at best inappropriate and at worst inhuman conditions - remember Manston is meant to be a rapid processing centre for a maximum of 1600 people not a detention centre for several times that number.
yes, I was surprised she didn't start with "Now let me be very clear about this ..."
i see she travelled to Manston today, in a fucking scary looking military chinook helicopter.
Like its a war zone, the frontline of this 'invasion'.
The longer people are kept in interments camps the more this sort of imagery will work i think, who gets locked away behind barbed wire fences its dangerous threatening enemies .
i see she travelled to Manston today, in a fucking scary looking military chinook helicopter.
Like its a war zone, the frontline of this 'invasion'.
The longer people are kept in interments camps the more this sort of imagery will work i think, who gets locked away behind barbed wire fences its dangerous threatening enemies .
Like I said up-thread, the military posturing is right out of the fascist playbook. She’s working through the checklist nicely.
You are not helping much with my deep sense of foreboding. Is this normal or is there actually a dangerous moment happening in this country I can’t trust myself to tell the difference.
I only know history shows you have to stand up to fascism early. Maybe I’m just feeling unduly dismal. I’m certainly dejected. But maybe I’m wrong.

However, the government has shown a disdain for the concept of human rights, has cultivated a chauvinist and hostile form of nationalism, and is vilifying people fleeing hardship, using them as scapegoats, using alarmist language about them, framing the in fact small number of migrants as an issue of national security, deliberately stirring up resentment against them at a time when people are justly worried about the cost of living, heating, and eating. And now framing the migrant issue with military posturing (coming hot on the heels of the “invasion” hyperbole).

Polls say one in six are not confident they can afford to feed their families (YouGov, 3rd Nov). The government knows what it is doing in pushing the issue of migration up the news agenda at this time.

Someone tell me I’m overreacting, please.
I only know history shows you have to stand up to fascism early. Maybe I’m just feeling unduly dismal. I’m certainly dejected. But maybe I’m wrong.

However, the government has shown a disdain for the concept of human rights, has cultivated a chauvinist and hostile form of nationalism, and is vilifying people fleeing hardship, using them as scapegoats, using alarmist language about them, framing the in fact small number of migrants as an issue of national security, deliberately stirring up resentment against them at a time when people are justly worried about the cost of living, heating, and eating. And now framing the migrant issue with military posturing (coming hot on the heels of the “invasion” hyperbole).

Polls say one in six are not confident they can afford to feed their families (YouGov, 3rd Nov). The government knows what it is doing in pushing the issue of migration up the news agenda at this time.

Someone tell me I’m overreacting, please.
I can't tell you that you're over reacting ☹️

It looks as though Manston has become a concentration camp and that those released have been dumped anywhere with no food, drink or accommodation. Wearing their wrist tags. I suppose at least they haven't been branded/tattooed. Small mercies. My flesh crawls.
It looks as though Manston has become a concentration camp
I’m usually very touchy and defensive about direct comparisons with those but it absolutely does. Saw birds eye view photos today of the long identical tent structures lined up in rows with fencing and guards at perimeter and it did not look like anything else. Wouldn’t be at all surprised if the internees are put to work next, that would probably go down fine with half the country.
I’m usually very touchy and defensive about direct comparisons with those but it absolutely does. Saw birds eye view photos today of the long identical tent structures lined up in rows with fencing and guards at perimeter and it did not look like anything else. Wouldn’t be at all surprised if the internees are put to work next, that would probably go down fine with half the country.
Yeah we've got previous for this. It wasn't the Nazis that invented the concentration camp.
I’m usually very touchy and defensive about direct comparisons with those but it absolutely does. Saw birds eye view photos today of the long identical tent structures lined up in rows with fencing and guards at perimeter and it did not look like anything else. Wouldn’t be at all surprised if the internees are put to work next, that would probably go down fine with half the country.
They're not nazi concentration camps but it's a form of internment. They're not allowed to leave and they're not being charged with any crime.
This photo for some reason felt particularly bad when i saw it.
These blue bags apparently contain items that people had with them when they were interned.
What is in them why can't people have their stuff why is it left there out in the rain and are little labels presumably with peoples names on them even waterproof. Completely dehumanising.
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