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Suella Braverman's time is up.

More culture war bullshit and hate-mongering from the Neo-Hitlerite Home Secretary. What she means by 'not debating gender on twitter' is 'not running adds informing people that inciting hate against trans people is a criminal offence'


Braverman would hate that, not least because of the German pencil at the bottom!
She is working to protect 'the Law Abiding Patriotic Majority of British people' form these migrants. I don't think she means me . :(
It's like a really crap Farage tribute act, but that's the conservative party since about 2015 isnt it.
Part of Thatcher's victory in 1979 is attributable to the fact that she moved rightward from Heath, stealing the National Front's anti-immigrant rhetoric, & making it her own. Braverman is the latest in a long line of Tory wannabes acting out the part of their greatest heroine.
Labour are making a virtue of saying they’d do what the Tories want to do but do it competently. I can’t be alone in thinking that’s really not the big plus they think it is.

I want to see the Tories go. But I can’t summon up much enthusiasm for Starmer’s Labour.
Having read my 20th century history, I get the strong feeling that Sir Starmer's political idol is Philipp Scheidemann, the SPD honcho who gave a nod & a wink to the murder of communists - including Luxemberg & Liebknecht - by police.
Scary, isn't it? Imagine looking for representation in some really important matter (and, let's face it, when you need a barrister, it's going to be important), and that turns up.
Her silk is "honourary". She didn't earn it through distinguished legal service, she was given it as a nicety when she became Attorney General. As a solicitor she was entirely undistinguished.
I think the idea is to run the next GE campaign by shouting 'we are the party who is tough on immigrants and they over there are the tofu munching woke brigade', etc etc, just because that's all they can think of, they can't do brexit or the economy.
sure but there isn't a great deal of scope for actually winning people over with that kind of argument - this new paper from the IPPR suggests the british public are fairly open to immigration, despite what the media narratives try to make out - which seems to bear out a lot of the polling I've seen recently on the topic
yep, it definitely won't win anybody over. I imagine they're just trying to keep hold of the support of as many xenophobes as they can even whilst they know perfectly well that immigration numbers are not going to go down anytime soon, its pathetic.
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