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I was going to say that it's a bit annoying how, even where they have mandates, Unite won't be striking alongside Unison and GMB in the ambulance service tomorrow...
They didn't even get a mandate for their latest tube ballot. But that branch of Unite runs back through Amicus to the EETPU who scabbed at Wapping so what do you expect?
Not sure where the 72 hours thing comes from either, isn't it the case that you have to get the mandate first and then decide what the action looks like once you've got it?
I thought there was always emergency provision??

When we went on strike on last time we did single day withdrawal of labour to emergency provision levels (i.e. same staffing cover as weekend/bank holiday/nights).

This time:

Subject to a successful ballot, junior doctors in England will begin their action in March with a 72 hour full walk out. Junior doctors will not provide emergency care during the strike
Cos there’s a wide range of views in the membership?
Aye, sorry, I realised that might be where you were coming from after I posted.

That said, honestly still not sure impartiality is called for in this situation. Part of the role of a union/worker org is to campaign and make recommendations.

Of course, I wouldn't (and don't! :D) like it if I felt my union was advocating for what I thought was the wrong course of action, but I'm still not sure I'd suggest they should be impartial about it.

It's not totally cut 'n' dry, though. Hmm...
When we went on strike on last time we did single day withdrawal of labour to emergency provision levels (i.e. same staffing cover as weekend/bank holiday/nights).

This time:

Hmm, yes I assumed it was the same as 2015/16 (ie this time 72-hours but emergency care). I went out the first two occasions, not the third (which included emergency care). Ok, well it’s a clear no from me. Thanks.
TUC have named a date for the sort-of-a-bit-like-but-not-really a general strike, now it's up to the various unions that have mandates to arrange action for that day:
Unless UNISON waived their '3 weeks notice before action' deadline (obviously 1 week extra to the legal requirement), we'd have had to take a vote and inform them today.

Which, we haven't... :hmm:
TUC have named a date for the sort-of-a-bit-like-but-not-really a general strike, now it's up to the various unions that have mandates to arrange action for that day:

Don't think this is the 'general strike that isn't a general strike' day. It looks more like a day of 'protests' about the new anti-strike laws. Not sure the day of generalised strike action will be announced by the TUC either.
When we went on strike on last time we did single day withdrawal of labour to emergency provision levels (i.e. same staffing cover as weekend/bank holiday/nights).

This time:

Huh. I've never seen that thing of announcing the plan of action before the vote's been had before. I suppose there's no official rule against it, but it does seem a bit like counting one's chickens?
Unless UNISON waived their '3 weeks notice before action' deadline (obviously 1 week extra to the legal requirement), we'd have had to take a vote and inform them today.

Which, we haven't... :hmm:
I should hopefully know more about what's going on by this time tomorrow, I think with time-sensitive stuff that happens between big meetings there is some leeway for the secretary/chair to make decisions and then have them ratified by the branch later? But not entirely clear on how all this works, and I think with a lot of other disputes decisions about action are being taken at a higher level of the union anyway. Also, fwiw, have just checked our last minutes, I think we're due to have the new offer from UCEA out on Monday with any decision about further action being taken on the basis of that, which takes us even further along. Oh, and sounds like the reballot at most of the branches getting reballoted closed today.
Don't think this is the 'general strike that isn't a general strike' day. It looks more like a day of 'protests' about the new anti-strike laws. Not sure the day of generalised strike action will be announced by the TUC either.
Maybe, I could be getting the end of the stick but that timing fits with what I'd been hearing. Email I got from the local trades council just said "It would be great if action from as many unions and disputes as possible could be coordinated for that day", which I interpreted as meaning "there is a plan to do this" but might just be more like "it would be nice if...". Anyway, I am going to be so fucking unimpressed if it turns out that there's a sort-of-kind-of general strike, and I'm in a branch with a live mandate but we still can't join in due to the TUC not giving enough notice/UNISON requiring a stupid amount of notice.
Maybe, I could be getting the end of the stick but that timing fits with what I'd been hearing. Email I got from the local trades council just said "It would be great if action from as many unions and disputes as possible could be coordinated for that day", which I interpreted as meaning "there is a plan to do this" but might just be more like "it would be nice if...". Anyway, I am going to be so fucking unimpressed if it turns out that there's a sort-of-kind-of general strike, and I'm in a branch with a live mandate but we still can't join in due to the TUC not giving enough notice/UNISON requiring a stupid amount of notice.

Yeah, it might be me who has got the wrong end of the stick actually, as I’ve just seen that PCSU and the teachers (if they meet the ballot threshold) are out on 1st Feb. As you say, let hope this is being joined up and all unions involved are ready with their notices
PCS all out for a day (Feb 1). Which is a start.

That Guardian article links to this one, which says a little bit more:
The government’s standoff with public sector workers has escalated with plans for a coordinated “day of action” by unions, who have reacted furiously to proposed legislation they say could let ministers in effect ban strikes in some areas.

The day of action – discussed by unions representing staff in the NHS, railways, education and civil service at the Trades Union Congress (TUC) headquarters in London – could include some synchronised strike action, as well as rallies.

The 1 February action is formally titled a “protect the right to strike” day, with the TUC saying more information is planned soon on what it involves. It remains to be seen if this will include a highly disruptive coordinated stoppage across sectors.

The tactic was “seriously discussed” at the multi-union gathering, some unions said. However, it did not command enough support and will seemingly not happen in the widespread form its advocates were suggesting.

However, an unknown number of unions plan to go ahead and organise strikes in different sectors that day. Trade unions are legally obliged to give all affected employers 14 days’ notice of their intention to strike, so the identities of those intending to do this will become clear next week.

A union source said: “One of the things that was seriously discussed at the meeting, which [some unions] were trying to get over the line, was a coordinated day of action on 1 February. However, that looks very, very, very unlikely to happen. But some unions will still go out together on 1 February as part of their rolling industrial action that’s happening anyway.”
So, clear as mud as to what the plan is. The article does go on to state that RCN definitely won't be part of any coordinated action, but then considering that the RCN has so far been unwilling to coordinate their own action with themselves that's hardly a massive surprise.
Edie it's not for the BMA or any body similar (like unions) to represent the views of their members impartially (which would be impossible anyway really) it's there to represent the best interests of the members. And the BMA thinks this is best served by striking, so is recommending that.

The accountability to membership is either you don't like the BMA and leave, or you don't agree with their position and don't strike either way.

Sorry if that's all obvious, just was answerin what thought was your queries over it.

Are you saying you won't vote to strike btw?

And for some light evening reading, NHS strike reports Thoughts after the first round of NHS strikes - Angry Workers

And also some health strikes in the US recently for, errr.. comparison maybe? As Nurses Strike, Hospital CEOs Pocket Millions
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Edie it's not for the BMA or any body similar (like unions) to represent the views of their members impartially (which would be impossible anyway really) it's there to represent the best interests of the members. And the BMA thinks this is best served by striking, so is recommending that.

The accountability to membership is either you don't like the BMA and leave, or you don't agree with their position and don't strike either way.

Sorry if that's all obvious, just was answerin what thought was your queries over it.

Are you saying you won't vote to strike btw?

And for some light evening reading, NHS strike reports Thoughts after the first round of NHS strikes - Angry Workers

And also some health strikes in the US recently for, errr.. comparison maybe? As Nurses Strike, Hospital CEOs Pocket Millions
Thanks for that, I hadn’t really understood.

Yes, I’ll vote for no strike. I do support pay restoration, I think doctors are underpaid for what we do. But I think the optics are terrible in the midst of a cost of living crisis when some people can’t afford to eat or heat, and when the nurses and paramedics are out, and they deserve pay rises more.

Most importantly I don’t think it’s safe. I don’t think the NHS can absorb the hit. I don’t think it will change anything.

The NHS is fucked. In 2015 I went out naively believing it could be saved. I’m no longer that person:

Makes me sad but there it is.
AnarCom Network article on the situation with the strike wave

ACG article on the nurses strike

Still not really any closer to knowing for sure if I'll be out on strike on the 1st or not. Does anyone have any idea what UCU are doing?
Still not really any closer to knowing for sure if I'll be out on strike on the 1st or not. Does anyone have any idea what UCU are doing?
Given the unions have to give a fortnight notice for action I guess that’ll be answered by the 18th next week. Unfortunately the unions also have to inform the companies before the membership so more likely to find out from the news first rather than any inside track.
NICE staff striking next week, apparently there'll be a rally although I'm not entirely clear on what time of day it is? (Comment on their fb suggests it'll be starting at 12.)
Still not clear on whether anyone beyond PCS is striking on the 1st, UCU still don't seem to be clear about exactly what they're doing although tbf I understand it must be difficult for them since they first have to make a decision, and then try to get their gen sec to promise that she won't just go on twitter and say it's a shit decision as soon as they announce it. It seems very unlikely that Unison HE branches will be striking then, it seems that they're more likely to be out the week after instead - hopefully as coordinated action with UCU, but see above.
Still not clear on whether anyone beyond PCS is striking on the 1st, UCU still don't seem to be clear about exactly what they're doing although tbf I understand it must be difficult for them since they first have to make a decision, and then try to get their gen sec to promise that she won't just go on twitter and say it's a shit decision as soon as they announce it. It seems very unlikely that Unison HE branches will be striking then, it seems that they're more likely to be out the week after instead - hopefully as coordinated action with UCU, but see above.
Did you even read my last post?
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