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Interview with an RMT militant on the strikes, the union and the wider situation.

Only patriotic strikes will do. Fucking pathetic.
Why is this a bad thing? To have any chance of winning this strike the RMT needs to keep the public onside or at least not alienate them completely. The same as with striking during Brenda's funeral they had to decide which of cancelling the strike or continuing with it would play better with public opinion. It's a difficult choice personally I feel Lynch made the right one.
Less public opinion, more likely members' opinion. You need to ensure the maximum number of members actually strike for it to be effective. What you don't want is your more patriotic-minded members wavering. You want a solid strike turnout, you need to pick your moment for maximum effect.
That's utterly shameful if it's just two guys they can surely work out some kind of medical severance package.
For some bosses every employee's personal cloud has an economic silver lining.

In this case it's being able to reduce labour costs (even if only marginally).

Obviously it is at the expense of the workers' quality of end of life, but hey ho those share holder dividends and executive bonuses won't make themselves.

Cheers - Louis MacNeice
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Current Royal Mail dates, sounds like a big change from previously:
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Waiting to hear from UCU but sounds very possible that they'll be out on the 24th-25th too.
Yep those are the new dates. The rolling action sector by sector (e.g. deliveries one day, distribution the next) has been called off following a legal challenge from RM which threatened both strike ballots in their entirety.

So we are now targeting black Friday and cyber Monday with more dates in the run up to Christmas.

RM has made a new offer, which if anything is even worse than their original one (it is no longer back dated and it only provides 1.5% for next year). This will be put to members in a workplace ballot with a very firm recommendation to reject; I don't think the recommendation is needed, people can see it for what it is.

Onwards and upwards - Louis MacNeice
At a meeting this morning our office manager informed us that RM is looking to remove over 350 hours per week work from our office; this is the equivalent of three and a half full time posts plus a large amount of overtime. They went on to say that they were given this information at a meeting with 40 other delivery office managers all facing similar cutbacks; as they said 'we all had our heads in our hands'.

We were then asked to come up with suggestions for new ways of working that could deliver both the p[proposed cut in hours and delivery targets. The manager suggested moving to Monday to Friday postal and parcel delivery for all staff, with Saturday and Sunday parcels only service to be worked as overtime on a sixth/seventh working day. The idea of his being that currently the best part of 100 walks or rounds are failing every week; by failing all walks on Saturday this would reduce the amount to 46 failures. It was gently pointed that this wouldn't solve the problem of failing walks since there was an absolute certainty that walks would still fail in the week due to lack of cover for absent staff (on sick leave or annual leave for example) and that it would demand a significant increase in the number of people working 6 and 7 days a week.

This is just another example of how committed RM is to breaking the postal service in pursuit of their objective of running a casualised parcel courier operation. Colleagues are not impressed and we do feel that we are really up against it, both in terms of defending our pay and conditions and perhaps more importantly the service we provide. So if you are in positions where you are approached for help by the CWU or where you can reach out to your local posties or where you can just spread the message about what is at stake any help would be much appreciated.

We aren't going anywhere but we do need your support to see this through.

Cheers - Louis MacNeice
"AROUND 700 workers at Princes Group sites across the UK, including at Bradford, have been secured a pay rise worth 11.5% through the efforts of Unite the Union.
The workers at four sites, located in Glasgow, Bradford, Cardiff and Long Sutton, Lincolnshire, will receive a seven per cent pay rise backdated to April 2022 plus a £750 one off payment. The deal was negotiated without the need for industrial action."

Would love to know just what "intensive negotiations" means... :hmm: :confused:

But aye, fingers crossed it's positive for the members, and not the bosses pulling a fast one. Would presume the RMT organisers wouldn't be taken in too easily?
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