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Forgot to say last week, but the 'not very militant' teacher's Union (I can't remember their name) Mrs o87 is a member of, out Strike Ballots last week.
Nah its got a fairly long name (sorry for being vague), Mr o87 voted yes, naturally, but it's extremely telling - she isn't in anyway political, and in her words didn't know 'anything about it' before meeting me.
Ah, mebbe NASUWT?

Sorry, have a pathological need to solve puzzles :oops:

Either way, have certainly seen/heard of similar cases all over the place. Sadly there's few better recruitment drivers than horrendous working conditions, but at least unions are becoming more relevant/supported again.
There's an article in the Times about RM with something from Vince Cable (who I think oversaw privatisation). I can't read it because of the paywall; can anyone access it for me?

Cheers - Louis MacNeice
There's an article in the Times about RM with something from Vince Cable (who I think oversaw privatisation). I can't read it because of the paywall; can anyone access it for me?

Cheers - Louis MacNeice
Is this is it Louis?

Government and Ofcom will need to put their stamp on Royal Mail​

Bloody hell, fucking Shelter??!

I know, I know, the charity sector has serious problems and isn't

Shelter gave staff a 3% consolidated pay increase this April alongside a one-off payment of £1,500 paid in instalments in response to the cost-of-living crisis.

The charity argues that the one-off payment means non-management staff will effectively receive a pay increase of between 8% and 12.3%.

Right, and what abut next year, then? Will they call that a pay cut when staff don't get another 'one-off payment' to top up their wages?
Bloody hell, fucking Shelter??!

I know, I know, the charity sector has serious problems and isn't

Right, and what abut next year, then? Will they call that a pay cut when staff don't get another 'one-off payment' to top up their wages?
I understand that some Shelter staff are giving advice to people with housing difficulties that are earning more than the Shelter Advisors.
Bloody hell, fucking Shelter??!

I know, I know, the charity sector has serious problems and isn't

Right, and what abut next year, then? Will they call that a pay cut when staff don't get another 'one-off payment' to top up their wages?
Maybe I've misunderstood you - are you saying that Shelter employees don't have any grounds for this call to industrial action?

Newsnight interviewed the General Secretary of Unison (who are also balloting 350,000 NHS workers) on Monday. She claimed that staffing levels could increase during days of strike action. Apparently management and unions would have to agree minimum staffing levels for each ward which would be higher, in some cases, than the NHS is currently providing due to staffing shortages.
According to someone involved in Unison in the NHS, RCN don't really have much in the way of an activist/rep layer cos of not really acting like a union most of the time, so a lot of this ballot campaign was just email and similar rather than actual on-the-ground campaigning. I can't confirm that myself, but it sounds plausible, and that is an amazing turnout if so. Unison NHS ballot closes on the 25th, Unite seem to be running a rolling campaign of balloting different areas, with the ambulance service and NHS Wales balloting now, looks like their Scottish ballot seems to have already finished?

Here's the Unite Scottish results:
24th and 25th November, both CWU and UCU are on strike at the same time. Be good to see some inter-union united front stuff going on.
Think they might have picked those dates deliberately? As long as CWU are still out then, I can't keep up with stuff being announced and then called off. Suppose they have a pretty coordinated colour scheme already, which is the most important thing. Reckon there should be some HE Unison branches out on the day as well.
Ah yes, I'd clocked (and subsequently forgotten... :facepalm: ) that overlap, and had similar thoughts.

Not entirely sure quite what it'd look like (aside from, yes, most likely a shitload of pink :D ), but will try to remember to ask around again.
The charity sector has some of the worst employers and poorest terms and conditions in the UK. Unite organise in many of them and some are absolute scumbags.

I'm currently at a charity with no union presence at all. Spoken to some colleagues who are union-curious. Do you know what other unions have a presence in the sector?
There's Unite of course but also Community which specifically organises charity workers Community Trade Union - @CommunityUnion. Dunno how good they are though.

There's also Unison and GMB but I'm critical of both of these.

I see that IWGB also has a charity workers' branch too: IWGB Charity Workers Branch

locomotive if it were me, I'd go with IWGB if they're organising in your area. If not, go for Unite or possibly Community.
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yup, 86% vote to strike on a 51.something% turnout. That's over the threshold in 126 employers, another six were a single vote short of reaching it! All the major groups apart from HMRC (750 votes shy of the threshold) so they're being reballoted early next year.
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