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Strictly Come Dancing 2021

Rhys even managed to make that boring.

Eta - looks like I’m in the minority. It was really well done but just left me flat.
Watching late... I didn't think Rhys was that great really. It was a terrific routine and he nailed the lifts, but his own steps weren't very elegant.
I would have liked to have seen both dances with the errors again - so John and AJ - but that would mean losing one of them, so I guess/hope we will see AJ again and, assuming they get the lifts and the landings right, she will be through and Dan out.

I think Dan has been great, but it is his time to leave.
I was thinking it was brave of the singers to attempt that intro song, then realised it was a guest singer. then Dave Arch’s singers gloriously fucked up the dramatic harmony bits. Back to normal service.

Salsa for JoJo. Oh dear, another one where Johannes completely outshines John with his energy and he practically crow-barred himself up into that lift (although it was apparently Johannes’s fault!). John was good but nothing compared to Johannes.

Rhys was really good this week. Impressive lifts. He’s another one who’s had a ‘journey’ as he showed such initial promise and then has been super inconsistent ever since.

Rose adorable again.

Poor AJ with the cursed salsa also. On the plus side all she has to do to win the inevitable dance-off is nail that lift.
Sorry but I think Dan was robbed there. AJ is the better dancer by a mile but in that dance alone I thought Dan nailed his dance and AJ made a few nervy mistakes.

He was never getting through a dance off though.
I disagree. And I’m really pissed off at his lack of graciousness.

I’m more pissed off at Kai who gave AJ a stupidly difficult and unnecessary routine
naah, its about the balance between getting everything right and the difficulty level. Doing a simple routine perfectly will b=never be as good as doing a really hard routine pretty damned well. It was obvious as soon as she was in the dance off that everything would hang on whether she pulled off that final lift. And she did. The beginning was worse than earlier (I refuse to say 'last night') and she messed up the same earlier lift earlier again. But just had so much more content in it.

Which you would rather watch again?
I must admit I was literally on the edge of my seat watching tonight. I half saw Petcha's post and was seriously worried. Quite absurd.
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