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SOCPA lone mass demo with Mark Thomas

This is an emailable C&P, if anyone has probs with me doing this please PM me.

Help defend free speech!
Please pass it on. Please, please. Thanks very much.

A recent damn-fool law has made it illegal to protest anywhere near Parliament without official police permission, and comedian Mark Thomas is organising a cunning stunt to highlight the danger and stupidity of having this law in a democracy.

Please note that taking part in this is 100% LEGAL, and the whole purpose of the stunt is to overload the system by dozens of people all asking for permission to protest all at the same time.

The law: Under section 132 of the Serious Organised Crime and Police Act 2005 [PDF] it is an offence to organise or take part in a demonstration in a public place within the “designated area” (up to 1 km around parliament) if authorisation has not been given by the Metropolitan Police Commissioner.Participants may be subject to a fine of up to £1000 and “organizers” face up to a year in Jail.Tsk!

DESIGNATED AREA: Dozens of people have been arrested for not complying with the law even when they are taking part in “Lone Demonstrations” - i.e. if they are one person with a placard.

Many people see this legislation as an assault on our civil liberties and human rights. It’s not always practical to plan a week in advance what government activities you may or may not disagree with. Sometimes a spontaneous response is called for. And surely the most appropriate place to demonstrate against the government’s actions is within the newly “Designated Area”, at the very core of this country’s democratic foundation.

And why is New Labour so concerned about peaceful protestors anyway?If you apply for permission 6 days in advance for a lone protest (ie 1 person) they cannot refuse permission, so in order to highlight the ridiculousness of having to ask for police permission to hold a peaceful demonstration, Mark Thomas is organising a mass lone demonstration evening.

Anyone who wants to demonstrate about any issue can come along, or even if you just want to demonstrate your disgust at having to ask for permission to protest in a supposedly free country. Remember. This will NOT be breaking the law in any way!

In fact the purpose of this is to get as many people as possible complying with a ridiculous law. All at the very same time!

Stage 1 - Decide on your protest! This can be something you feel strongly about or something very silly – it’s up to you. Then you need to fill in the official form (which is very simple) and there is a copy of the form attached. Here you go
Stage 2 - Meet on Thursday 24th August outside Charing Cross police station any time between: 5.30pm-6pm to hand in your SOCPA forms. The address is Agar Street, London, WC2N 4JP and a map is attached. You have to fill in form and hand it in to the police 1 week before you protest, so everyone has to turn up at the same time to give their forms to the Police. This will mean if 100 people turn up and apply for permission, then the unfortunate police have to license and approve 100 lone demonstrations. If you can’t make it to hand the forms in but want to demonstrate on the 31st, post them to: Ben Stern S2S Suite Z009 Old Truman Brewery 1 Brick Lane London E1 6QL.

(Yay Ben! Then I suggest we all go for a pint afterwards.)

Stage 3 - The mass lone demonstrations will be 1 week later on Thursday 31st Augustand will again be at 6:00pm for 1 hour, so this event is open to those with day jobs. Come along! Join in! Exercise your democratic rights! The more people who come the bigger an impression this will make!


STEP 1 Forward this on to any friends who have a burning issue that they might need to protest about and persuade them to come as well. This is also for anyone who finds it terrible that we have to ask for permission from the Police to peacefully protest outside Parliament.

STEP 2 Print out form

STEP 3 Fill in form with the issue that you wish to protest about.

STEP 4 5.30 - 6pm Thursday 24th August, show up at the same time as other lone protesters at Charing Cross Police Station.

STEP 5 6pm Thursday 31st August, show up and protest about your personal issue in Parliament Square.

STEP 6 Consider continuing your protest again at a later date.

Again a group session for shy lone protesters will almost certainly be scheduled. Once again this is COMPLETELY LEGAL – in fact we are encouraging as many people as we can to apply to the letter of law simultaneously. Dozens of people have already agreed to do this so don’t worry that you’ll be doing this on your own. See the links below to learn more about SOCPA, the groups it has angered and the people it has affected. This is also likely to be covered by the press. Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns about this event.

Big shout out from me to Ben and Chris Atkins S2S Post The Old Truman Brewery 91 Brick LaneLondon E1 6QLT: +44 20 7053 2190
F: +44 20 7053 2188

Linkies http://www.parliament-square.org.uk/

Link to this blog - http://rachelnorthlondon.blogspot.com/2006/08/simultaneous-lone-demonstration.html

See you there. No loud speakers, yeah?
The form link points to a gmail account?
Sounds like an ace idea though :)
So busy this week moving flat, but would love to make it!
cant make it :(

Ive posted this elsewhere, but someone really needs to build a website that lets people centrally and publically submit SOCPA protest requests. That way there's a public record of how many application there are and what people aare getting turned down for.
Unlocked - but please remember that this is an ANNOUNCE thread not a DISCUSSION thread, so keep comments related strictly to details of the event.
My email application failed Im afraid (I got 2 emails and a phone call back though). my response is below:

Dear Helen,

Many thanks for the reply - no problem about the duplication, it was nice to get a detailed response. Unfortunatly I was unable to attend a police station due to having to work late. As such I shan't be attending the protest on the above date.

Reguarding the use of email/fax as a delivery method, do you know how this decision was reached? From the act in question I can see only that the information reguarding the protest be delivered to a police station. Although it does make reference to Recorded Delivery as a method, there seems to be nothing within the act purcluding the use of fax of email as a delivery mode.

All the best,


next step FOI :)
did you send it just like that?

or did you spellcheck it first??

(sorry :oops:)

let us know what the answer is.
wiskey said:
did you send it just like that?

or did you spellcheck it first??

(sorry :oops:)

let us know what the answer is.

ah, no, whoops I didnt (Im a bit bit dyslexitc - hoping that stats about police education are right)
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