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Shrinkflation watch

tbf its being going on for years

This certainly has been discussed here before - but probably indirectly as part of other threads.

IIRC the government/public health bodies have also been pressuring manufacturers to reduce portion/package sizes of foodstuffs they deem "unhealthy" for a few years now, with the thinly veiled threat of legislation if they don't comply.
TBF Hershey's is effectively a homeopathic candy bar - the less of it you have to eat the better.
Hershey's don't fit the UK's definition of chocolate [candy] and there's something in that american junk that tastes like vomit.
Also, there isn't enough cocoa solids for British taste-buds, so given that European chocolate has even higher quantities I would hate to be around when someone such as a Belgian ate Hersheys instead of Lindt ....
I've noticed the cereal boxes have gotten smaller recently. They used to contain 16 to 20 oz. I picked up one the other day that contained 12 oz. Same price though.

I also happened to notice that the cost of bacon went way up since I last checked. Its been a while since I bought bacon, but it was a good double what I last remember. It was $8, instead of the $4 I remember. I'm told that meat is really going up. Maybe people will eat less of it.
If they do anything to Twirl there will be ructions.

Twirl did change after Mondelez took over IIRC. The last one I had was not like they used to be - and they are due to shrink again by the end of this year to fit the government's 200-calorie guideline/suggestion, along with Wispa Gold and Double Decker - which switched to a much more aerated, spongy, not chewy "nougat" a while back.
Space Raiders multipacks shrank from ten packets to six OVERNIGHT. That's an increase in price of 67%. Haven't bought any since, and I REALLY like them :(
Hershey's don't fit the UK's definition of chocolate [candy] and there's something in that american junk that tastes like vomit.
Also, there isn't enough cocoa solids for British taste-buds, so given that European chocolate has even higher quantities I would hate to be around when someone such as a Belgian ate Hersheys instead of Lindt ....
Due to transportation distances and lack of refrigeration back in the day American chocolate was made with sour milk. But not wanting to change things (which upsets customers) when the milk situation improved they started adding butyric acid to chocolate which does indeed taste like vomit.
What I would like to see is the whole of the gross and disturbing, and indeed immensely tedious pustulence that is the tory party, and any and all of their supporters, shrinkflated into a tiny, impotently shrieking, writhing festering yellow-black blob about a centimetre in diameter by a mad scientist with a shrinking ray before being flushed down the bog into the sewer where they belong. OK, it's not strictly speaking shrinkflation, it's basically just shrinking tbh, but I still really want this to happen in my lifetime anyway, preferably as soon as possible as I'm fucking sick to the back teeth of them. Fingers crossed and all that...
Fun size marsbars must need to be eaten with tweezers or something these days.

Always seemed a strange definition of ‘fun’, something being considerably smaller than what you’d like it to be.
I absolutely thought this as a kid and haven't changed my mind :)
Fun size marsbars must need to be eaten with tweezers or something these days.

Always seemed a strange definition of ‘fun’, something being considerably smaller than what you’d like it to be.
I could never really see what was fun about any of those fun size things, unless the idea was that you would eat a handful at a time. :confused:
Marketing bollocks, never use the word 'small' as customers feel they're getting less for their money. Call it 'fun size' instead and it's positive as you're paying for fun stuff. I'd much prefer to see fun sized marketing types, preferably with their heads lopped off.
is this really what we've been reduced to here? talking about decreases in the size of fucking yorkie bars?
TBF Hershey's is effectively a homeopathic candy bar - the less of it you have to eat the better.
The first time I came across some Hershey's Kisses, I was so excited to try them because of having seen them in movies, and it was such a let down, they were so disgusting, I was very disappointed.
And wagon wheels were as big as an actual wagon wheel.
My first thought when looking down that list was 'Where's the Wagon Wheels, everyone says they've shrunk, I need to know if they really have or if it's a trick or perception because of eating them when small versus when grown up.' I felt cheated by the lack of Wagon Wheels statistical evidence.
Something about the cost of a Freddo
I mentioned something to a neighbour about the cost of Freddos a few weeks ago and he - British/English, fifties - hadn't heard of them!

I thought everyone knew about the Freddo inflation index, but he just muttered about the price or Big Macs.
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