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Show us yer shelfies!

Significantly more cowboy films than I would have predicted
Someone out me some shelves up will you?

Have got a few stacks of books lying around the house and a storage box full of some I can't quite throw out
I couldn't live with those piles, (how do you get the book you want to read out?) but they look beautiful.
Unlike my music collection that I've always ordered by release date (and broadly following genres/styles over the years), my books are all over the place :D Left politics, feminism, gender/sexuality, history, travel, music and fiction, all jumbled and doubled up :oops:

Another book buddy :cool:

  • Manufacturing Consent
  • Poll Tax Rebellion
  • Altered State
  • The Making Of The English Working Class
And whilst I don't have Congratulations You Have Just Met The ICF, I do have similar :hmm: :D
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