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Show us yer shelfies!

Blatantly tidied up for the thread :p :D
Popular ones seem to be:
  • Renegade
  • Bass Culture
  • Iain Banks
  • Salman Rushdie
  • Anthony Burgess
  • Anthony Beevor
  • George Orwell
  • Books on Stalin/Lenin/Trotsky/Russian Revolution
I'm not a massive dickens fan btw, my nan gave them to me and they look pretty stacked up so I went with it
You have a book by Richard 'The Hamster' Hammond (he's not a real hamster).
You are dead to me, dotty
my old dear built that bookcase out of random scavenged materials as well, thats why it isn't a venerable oaken shelves of the Big House Library. I like it though, it suits my inner punk sensibilities
You have a book by Richard 'The Hamster' Hammond (he's not a real hamster).
You are dead to me, dotty

you must read Bouncing Back, the bio of Alan Patridge. It works on so many levels but the main one is the inanity which I spoke of. Plus the dishonesty and self importance of autobiogs
As promised, my DVD shelves:

View attachment 90835 View attachment 90836

Most of my films and a load more comedy and scifi are hidden at the back. Front-facing picks are drafted annually :p

Which will prove to be NBN's most controversial boxset I wonder? ;)
Star trek Enerprise :( for real theres only two good episodes and they are mirror universe so don't count :( I only watched a lot for t'pol but you lean the other way so whats your excuse :(

I hope Star trek discovery isn't another shithouse offering.
Can we have requests?

I would very much like to see the bookshelves of marty21 BoatieBird inva and May Kasahara please.

I will do a photo in a bit, but I think you're going to be sorely disappointed Voley :(
All those years of living on a boat meant that I never hung on to books once I'd read them, and now I read most stuff on a Kindle.
What I do have in physical form is poetry, maps, travel, cookery & gardening stuff - little or no fiction.
I hope George RR Martin realises that people have resorted to reading about the Pakistani transport infrastructure of a night time while waiting for WoW :mad:
Note also that they are all the post tv-series editions in paperback. My 'Clash of Kings' hardback predates the tv series by nearly a decade

I'm not saying jonny come lately or anything...wait I am. I also want to know more about pakistani rail infrastructure now.
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