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Should Urban Ban 9/11 Conspiracy Drivel?

Should 9/11 Conspiracy Theories Get The Axe?

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the mariani suit is also on the Beebs website
they're quite big, you know
and I repeat - early stages of ONE lawsuit; support from ANY other 9/11 bereaved unknown; documented evidence unknown; chance of Bush taking the stand ZERO.
that's not a story-that's a lawyer's fee
Surely the antics of Jazz are proof enough that any other urbanites wishing to enter into an intelligent and informed debate about any possible 'darkness' behind 9/11 have got absolutely no chance in hell.

You wonder why we're all so cynical about the entire thing but we hear the same thing over and over and practically 90% of it can be destroyed by a flimsy search through google that a 6 year old could do, it's laughable

Far from being an intelligent well structured debate 9/11 threads are now a running joke on the boards, constant repetition, collisions of ego's and constant downright lies, over and over again and when we've successfully got rid of one waste of bandwith another crackpot comes up with another one

It's entirely out of control
I agree with RR. Those threads HAVE served a puropse in the past; they have stimulated debate and analysis.
that time, and purpose is gone, they're a drag now.
edit; didn't use to think so-until i devoted last weekend to reading through them all.
Same pattern every time; first 3 pages good, then a slow depressing descent into the outer reaches of tinfoilhat absurdity.
*I hate the idea of suppressing debate.
but successful debate owes a lot to mofderation/chairing/organising/that sort of thing.
It also means curtailing the silly shop element, at some point.
Like now.
Rocket Romano said:
Surely the antics of Jazz are proof enough that any other urbanites wishing to enter into an intelligent and informed debate about any possible 'darkness' behind 9/11 have got absolutely no chance in hell.
"surely"? why surely? i'd suggest that dr jazzz's threads - and those of other conspiracy fans - rely on more people posting than jazzz and fela fan and the other oddballs on the boards. it's perfectly possible, and likely, that the main poster on the september 11 threads is editor. frankly, if people didn't play ball then these threads would die the death as it would be no fun posting them any more. if the more prolific 9/11 posters (by which i mean those who post on the threads) boycotted the next few i expect we'd see dr jazzz and fela fan turn their undoubted talents to some more fruitful pursuit.

rr - you and other posters adopting a superior attitude to jazz et al have only yrself to blame for the continuing saga of the 9/11 threads. ignore them, they'll likely go away.

You wonder why we're all so cynical about the entire thing but we hear the same thing over and over and practically 90% of it can be destroyed by a flimsy search through google that a 6 year old could do, it's laughable
i don't think yr cynical, i think yr deluded. but enough about yr nufc antix. do you think there's more to 9/11 than meets the eye, or are you satisfied that everything's come out, that every angle's been covered?

Far from being an intelligent well structured debate 9/11 threads are now a running joke on the boards, constant repetition, collisions of ego's and constant downright lies, over and over again and when we've successfully got rid of one waste of bandwith another crackpot comes up with another one

It's entirely out of control
i think that you are more deluded than i thought! whilst some of the more outre claims are easily disproven and are clearly bonkers, there are lots of things about sept 11 and the events since which if i'd told you on sept 10 2001 you would have laughed at, and said were from a third-rate thriller. sometimes i think you are like that bloke in "a few good men" who gets shouted at by jack nicholson - "the truth? you can't handle the truth!"

i only have to look at yr attitude to nufc to see that's the case.
Rocket Romano said:
You wonder why we're all so cynical about the entire thing but we hear the same thing over and over and practically 90% of it can be destroyed by a flimsy search through google that a 6 year old could do, it's laughable
And that's what drives me up the wall - and he's done it more than once as well.

Like most conspiracy obsessives, DrJ digs up some 'fact' from some ridiculous nutjob website or another and never bothers to check the accuracy of the claims before posting it up here as 'fact'.

While he's happy to trawl through any number of anonymous, credibility-free conspiracy sites for 'proof' he never, ever troubles himself to make the effort and find out for himself.

His idiotic claims that the planes on 9/11 "didn't exist" was a classic example.

He was was too busy boasting that he'd uncovered a great conspiracy to actually bother to write to the authorities and ask for an explanation.

It was only after some eminently more sensible posters did just that and revealed his story to be a pack of hopeless lies did he stop repeating his triumphalistic tosh.
Pickman's model said:
"surely"? why surely? i'd suggest that dr jazzz's threads - and those of other conspiracy fans - rely on more people posting than jazzz and fela fan and the other oddballs on the boards. it's perfectly possible, and likely, that the main poster on the september 11 threads is editor..
And that's because I don't want these boards to be seen as a place where bullshit can be piled high.

Look at his latest pile of stinking horseshit where he proudly proclaims he had proof of massive conspiracy of silence in the media, boldly claiming that "not a single newspaper worldwide" mentioned the Ellen Mariani story.

It took me less than a minute to find ample evidence that he was talking utter bollocks, yet if I hadn't bothered correcting his fantasies, his disease of disinformation could spread over these boards.

Put bluntly: if I stopped 2 or 3 posters endlessly posting up their endlessly repeated 9/11 yarns, these awful threads would disappear overnight and - with luck - be replaced by something approaching a grown up debate.

And it's a very tempting proposition....
Pickman's model said:
i would reiterate that if people stopped responding to sept 11 threads they'd soon stop appearing.
So you think that wild, irresponsible claims should be left to fester here, unchallenged, giving people the impression that these boards are a dandy place to slap up evidence free, bonkers claims?
Walter Mitty said:
A new 9/11 TV show this week on channel 4 so there likely be a proliferation of threads in its wake.
I don't think DrJ will want to talk about it because he's already declared that the Channel 4 film is a complete stitch up and that they're too scared to show the 'hot' slo-mo footage (or some such shite)

DrJ hasn't seen a single frame of the documentary yet.
Oh come on, editor. I apologised for not knowing about those two newspaper articles, which appeared after I had read a scoop article bemoaning the complete lack of newspaper coverage.

Ellen Mariani has to my knowledge not appeared on telly. Certainly, I haven't seen her on UK television. (She might be coming over though, I hear - Simon Aaroniwitz is in touch with her). Given the extraordinary nature of her lawsuit, and the fact that they will put all kinds of boring stuff on the news, it's hardly unfair to say that she has been the subject of a media blackout.

Another HUGE story which was only taken up very reluctantly by the mainstream media is the Diebold voting scandal - that took months of breaking on the internet before they would touch it, and it hasn't been done any justice - just ask FridgeMagnet.

1. i've suggested banning the conspiracy theorists, on several occasions. so far you haven't acted on that.

2. there's been no move, though i would have expected one, to immediately bin barking (ie lizardman &c) 9/11 threads. if you binned the 9/11 threads which were without a factual basis, then perhaps you wouldn't worry so about them.

3. without people responding to the threads, the arsery would soon disappear.

if you choose not to use my suggestions - as is yr prerogative - i'd hope you had a better idea.
Pickman's model said:
"surely"? why surely? i'd suggest that dr jazzz's threads - and those of other conspiracy fans - rely on more people posting than jazzz and fela fan and the other oddballs on the boards. it's perfectly possible, and likely, that the main poster on the september 11 threads is editor. frankly, if people didn't play ball then these threads would die the death as it would be no fun posting them any more. if the more prolific 9/11 posters (by which i mean those who post on the threads) boycotted the next few i expect we'd see dr jazzz and fela fan turn their undoubted talents to some more fruitful pursuit

But its clearly not interesting. What if we get more and more nutjobs on the forums? Urban becomes a retirement home for Mulder and Scully types and a home from home for people who think debate is something that is 'googled'.
As for undoubted talents? Dubious more like, fail to see what is talented about typing a complete shovel of manure then being destroyed in turn by most of the other posters

rr - you and other posters adopting a superior attitude to jazz et al have only yrself to blame for the continuing saga of the 9/11 threads. ignore them, they'll likely go away.

But they won't, because Jazz is obsessive, worryingly so, so much so that Jazz is convinced that practically all of the world is being threatened to keep quiet, which we're patently not. How can Jazz build up a documentary such as the Channel 4 one then turn around and character assasinate it before its even been shown?

It's hard not to feel superior against someone who's stance in an argument seems to depend on the way the wind is blowing

i don't think yr cynical, i think yr deluded. but enough about yr nufc antix. do you think there's more to 9/11 than meets the eye, or are you satisfied that everything's come out, that every angle's been covered]

[/i]i think that you are more deluded than i thought! whilst some of the more outre claims are easily disproven and are clearly bonkers, there are lots of things about sept 11 and the events since which if i'd told you on sept 10 2001 you would have laughed at, and said were from a third-rate thriller. sometimes i think you are like that bloke in "a few good men" who gets shouted at by jack nicholson - "the truth? you can't handle the truth!"

i only have to look at yr attitude to nufc to see that's the case.

Deluded? I'm not chasing missing missile, airstrikes, imaginary planes, faked passenger lists and het resistant pentagon trees

Why at any cost to the argument do you feel the need to bring football into it? Because you know I'm right, because you know mike is getting pissed off with it, because you know red is getting pissed off? Or is this some hashedup attempt at pseudo psychiatric character analysis, which seemingly you stole from a Frasier script

Yeah I might have laughed on Sept 10th but I didn't on the 11th because I saw what happened as did the rest of the world and the far reaching consequences, arguably up to last fridays' events, are still and forever will be with us

But frankly its absurd and insulting for some posters looking to score cheap points and boost their egos on the back off what in the eventuality was a human catastrophe, the only deluded people are the ones that spend hours trawling the internet cutting and pasting in the hope of getting one over on someone they've never met and probably never will
DrJazzz said:
Ellen Marian has to my knowledge not appeared on telly.
I really, really, really don't know why I fucking bother: Ellen Marian was on MSNBC on April 13th this year.

That took me about 60 seconds to locate.

You're someone seeking the truth, it sure seems that you couldn't navigate your way out of a wet paper bag!

Why the fuck don't you bother to do some very, very basic research before posting up here?
Pickman's model said:

1. i've suggested banning the conspiracy theorists, on several occasions. so far you haven't acted on that.

2. there's been no move, though i would have expected one, to immediately bin barking (ie lizardman &c) 9/11 threads. if you binned the 9/11 threads which were without a factual basis, then perhaps you wouldn't worry so about them.
So you think I should immediately ban bigfish, DrJ, CaroleK and fela fan at the very least, yes?

Well, I guess that would eliminate the need for your second point!
Like I said... temp ban for the most deluded 3, and Fela if he whines about it.

Give them time to come up with Hard Evidence.

Failing that, delete posts 9/11 related that they provide, it will be clear they have nothing but surplus speculation based upon the musings of anti-semite cunts like Joe Vialls.
Rocket Romano said:
But they won't, because Jazz is obsessive, worryingly so, so much so that Jazz is convinced that practically all of the world is being threatened to keep quiet, which we're patently not. How can Jazz build up a documentary such as the Channel 4 one then turn around and character assasinate it before its even been shown?

It's hard not to feel superior against someone who's stance in an argument seems to depend on the way the wind is blowing

I haven't built up the Channel 4 documentary. I promoted the Sky one.

I have just been going on the review of the Ch4 documentary which editor provided - let's hope it's better than the review suggests.

I'm not keen on being misrepresented like this. I do hope we don't get more posters like you! :rolleyes:

And for pk calling for bans quite takes the biscuit, I'm speechless :rolleyes:
DrJazzz said:
I have just been going on the review of the Ch4 documentary which editor provided - let's hope it's better than the review suggests.:
It sounds like a well researched (ever tried that?), rational documentary to me.

Looks like you're scared of facing the sad truth about your bonkers, evidence free yarns...
pk said:
Like I said... temp ban for the most deluded 3, and Fela if he whines about it.

Give them time to come up with Hard Evidence.

Failing that, delete posts 9/11 related that they provide, it will be clear they have nothing but surplus speculation based upon the musings of anti-semite cunts like Joe Vialls.

That's rich coming from someone who was totally discredited and proved to be full of shit and only recently started posting again. Maybe you should be banned eh?
yozz said:
That's rich coming from someone who was totally discredited and proved to be full of shit and only recently started posting again. Maybe you should be banned eh?
Have you posted here under a different name before?

You seem awfuly knowledgeable about pk's past for a 'new' poster....
editor said:
Have you posted here under a different name before?

You seem awfuly knowledgeable about pk's past for a 'new' poster....

I know how to use the search button thanks to your helpful FAQ.
editor said:
Have you posted here under a different name before?

You seem awfuly knowledgeable about pk's past for a 'new' poster....
It would thus appear that his description of pk is an accurate one, according to editor ;)
DrJazzz said:
It would thus appear that his description of pk is an accurate one, according to editor
See that link I posted up about Ellen Marian being on MSNBC?

Aren't you just a little embarassed at your pitiful lack of research being shown up for the second time today?
Oh bring it on cunt!

- where and when have I been discredited?

- by whom?

- for a newbie you have some bollocks, I'll give you that - but I think you know by now that I know who you are, and it's a bit sad you have to hide behind a new identity, if you're who I think you are you'll be quite comfortable repeating your shabby shite to my face.

Comfortable for a few seconds anyway...

Bring it on Yozz, you chicken-shit cunt.

I got your number, had it for a while haven't I, and you know that...

*waves fist around half-heartedly - seen it all before from shit-cunts like this*
totally discredited and proved to be full of shit

Cheek of these fucking newbies... where's your proof cunt?

I am many things, but a bullshitter? Think again.

Admit it - you're clutching at straws here, pal.
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