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Should Urban Ban 9/11 Conspiracy Drivel?

Should 9/11 Conspiracy Theories Get The Axe?

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  • Poll closed .
pk said:
I'm no facist as you well know, I am against all forms of facism - which is why I want the immam you refer to - Sheik Mohammed Hook-Hand Bakri - destroyed via copious injections of pigs blood so that in his idea of afterlife, Allah won't want him, or have him sent back to Jordan where he would be put to death.

Zeig Heil mein Fuhrer
<click's heels and salutes with outstreteched arm>

You've obviously entered into the advanced stages of terminal intellectual decay.

But you're not a fascist... right?

"I want ... Sheik Bakri destroyed via copious injections of pigs blood"

pk said:
100 percent yes to a ban.

I'm voting yes.
so, you'd vote yes if you could, but you can't cos the poll's closed.

which means a massive four people (including kenny vermouth) have voted or would vote for a ban. hardly an overwhelming majority of urbanites.
Pickman's model said:
so, you'd vote yes if you could, but you can't cos the poll's closed.

which means a massive four people (including kenny vermouth) have voted or would vote for a ban. hardly an overwhelming majority of urbanites.

I would have voted yes as well. I'm sure thare would have been many more doing the same if the poll was not closed.
Lock&Light said:
I would have voted yes as well. I'm sure thare would have been many more doing the same if the poll was not closed.
it's a bit fucking weedy to come out and say "i'd have voted yes" when you had the chance and missed it. the poll was open for a few days, perhaps a week, and you fluffed yr opportunity to vote.
Pickman's model said:
it's a bit fucking weedy to come out and say "i'd have voted yes" when you had the chance and missed it. the poll was open for a few days, perhaps a week, and you fluffed yr opportunity to vote.

It's a bit 'fucking' weedy to come out with such bullshit. This thread was started on the 6th of September and the poll was closed by Mike on the same day. I have also made my position clear on many conspiricy threads, some with and some without polls.
Lock&Light said:
It's a bit 'fucking' weedy to come out with such bullshit. This thread was started on the 6th of September and the poll was closed by Mike on the same day. I have also made my position clear on many conspiricy threads, some with and some without polls.
the poll was supposed to close on 7/9 anyway - my recollection was that it was open a day or two, but i'll bow to yr grey hairs on that.
Pickman's model said:
so, you'd vote yes if you could, but you can't cos the poll's closed.

which means a massive four people (including kenny vermouth) have voted or would vote for a ban. hardly an overwhelming majority of urbanites.
Don't be silly. I closed the poll after about three minutes and gave my explanation - you really should read the whole thread before making such comments.

I will say though that at every single social function where I've met other Urbanites, all of them (except DrJ, natch) have said that they're either totally fed up with 9/11 threads or find interacting with them a totally futile experience.

But I thought you wanted all the conspiracy theory posters booted off the site anyway, no?
iirc, when i've mentioned this to you i've made clear my antipathy to barking sept 11 threads but also my disquiet that threads based on factual bases might also be affected.
Red Jezza said:
err, how many are posting on C66's board yet? are you?

To be fair mate, I'll speak before I act. Mention my name and/or boards again to try and get leverage in an argument and I'll act as I see fit. ;) I don't wish to be used as a stastistic to prove your fucking point when plain discussion of an issue eludes you. Carry on mate...
Citizen66 said:
To be fair mate, I'll speak before I act. Mention my name and/or boards again to try and get leverage in an argument and I'll act as I see fit. ;) I don't wish to be used as a stastistic to prove your fucking point when plain discussion of an issue eludes you. Carry on mate...
wtf you on? this was a perfectly fair point that I made.
grab those marbles back!
so...how many on there, as yet?
Pickman's model said:
so, you'd vote yes if you could, but you can't cos the poll's closed.

which means a massive four people (including kenny vermouth) have voted or would vote for a ban. hardly an overwhelming majority of urbanites.

The dull pedant strikes again...

100 percent is enough for me.

Let's bin these 9/11 threads. The supporters of the theories don't listen anyway.
pk said:
The dull pedant strikes again...

100 percent is enough for me.

Let's bin these 9/11 threads. The supporters of the theories don't listen anyway.
On the thread in community (which is still open) a majority voted to have no ban whatsoever on 9-11 threads.
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