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Should Cadburys remain British, does it matter?


Well-Known Member
Is it even British now as it is sharholder owned?

Kraft is making an offer of some £9.5 billion for the company, to the shareholders.

But I think Cadbury has a history here of good corporate governance.

What do you think?
I don't know if I care either I'll wait for some other people to come along and if they care then i might care too and quote their posts and say 'this^^^'
I want Britain to have companies in which it can be proud!

If we become just the screwdriver country for outside companies it will be a crying shame.
It has to remain British. Look at the name: 'Cadbury's'.

That name screams 'british'. To have it otherwise would make a total mockery out of everything.
Cadbury used to be Cadbury Schweppes. And Schweppes ain't British, so it's not like it's only ever been a British company.
Don't see why it needs to be either. Just as long as they keep making it and keep people in jobs here.
Cadbury used to be Cadbury Schweppes. And Schweppes ain't British, so it's not like it's only ever been a British company.
Don't see why it needs to be either. Just as long as they keep making it and keep people in jobs here.

No --- it was Cadbury's & then became Cadbury/Schweppes.

Since HP sauce went , I don't CARE anymore ! :(

Ed to add : are you ---y'know , YOUNG or something ?
I love the way you say "chocolate".


Kraft buying Cadbury feels like another nail in the coffin of the idea of capitalism with any kind of a social conscience, though I'm not entirely sure how ethical cadbury really have been over recent years anyway.

Not sure how green and blacks is going to fit with the Kraft corporate ethos, but I'd be surprised if it's ethics survived intact.

Kraft should fuck right off IMO, but they probably won't:(
Kraft buying Cadbury feels like another nail in the coffin of the idea of capitalism with any kind of a social conscience, though I'm not entirely sure how ethical cadbury really have been over recent years anyway.

Not sure how green and blacks is going to fit with the Kraft corporate ethos, but I'd be surprised if it's ethics survived intact.

Kraft should fuck right off IMO, but they probably won't:(

I doubt Kraft is very interested in Green and Blacks - I have only seen Green and Blacks in a few countries before. Kraft wants Cadbury as it has a foothold in many developing markets which it can then start pushing its Kraft products into. Green and Blacks is a small business operaing in a few developed countries. I would imagine Kraft would consider offers for it. Kraft wants Dairy Milk and the chewing gum brands so it can start selling Toblerones and Terry's Chocolate Oranges in to the same channels.

If Kraft wasn't so associated with small triangular pieces of plastic cheese, an awful lot of the complaints surrounding this deal would quieten.
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