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Shots fired outside Houses of Parliament

Just edging it in the cunt premier league...this one reckons he came 'under fire'.

You have to give it to poor David Davis, the other David Davis is such a weapons grade cunt, he really has to work hard to get himself noticed.

Firearms filth in plain clothes :hmm:
How many have to die/injured to make it full-arsed? Moron.
there's no set number, but at least one bomb has to go off or an automatic weapon used. this sort of thing's in the great british jihadi tradition of incompetence, which has seen numerous attempts to emulate 7/7 but have met with such scant success.
Complain to RT. I've removed it now anyway but it was there to make a point that this isn't some sort of chortle fest at the expense of MPs. Innocent people have been attacked and hurt.
No one's having a laugh at their expense, just the parasites inside Parliament
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