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HMS ST. VINCENT. 10 x 12" gun dreadnought battleship. Launched 1908.
(I love the RN's habit of reusing names)
found it, but i still don't quite know the function of it, ecept that it's an "offshore, tug, supply or dredging vessel"
Coming out of Yarmouth it will either be working on. Off shores wind or legacy gas.
I can remember playing them when they were still on the drawing board in Red Storm Rising. Class of three, and I think one of them is heavily modified as a special ops boat and not a hunter/killer as designed. Don't think we'll see the like of them again for a long time, if ever.
found it, but i still don't quite know the function of it, ecept that it's an "offshore, tug, supply or dredging vessel"
It's an offshore platform supply vessel, mainly used to service offshore oil production or drilling rigs.

It is dynamically positioned, in that it uses thrusters to remain stationary next to a platform while the platform crane transfers equipment to and from...be that food in containers, drill string or casing for drill ships, or pretty much anything else that gets carried on the deck.

It will also have tanks to supply diesel fuel offshore, mud tanks, for drilling mud, and bulk tanks for cement, all of which are used during drilling.

They are not typically used for wind farms as people are generally not living offshore, so don't need much food, and drilling consumables are not required. Windfarms tend to use stuff with a crane, for maintenance, or smaller stuff for transport of maintenance staff.
this is an offshore wind farm crew transport boat....it will push the bow onto a ladder to get people climb onto the monopole

We also have a couple of smaller amphibious CTVs ( well one is and the other is a RIB modified with wheels) which go out to the Scroby array which is on a sand bank which is almost always partially out of the water…
It's an offshore platform supply vessel, mainly used to service offshore oil production or drilling rigs.

It is dynamically positioned, in that it uses thrusters to remain stationary next to a platform while the platform crane transfers equipment to and from...be that food in containers, drill string or casing for drill ships, or pretty much anything else that gets carried on the deck.

It will also have tanks to supply diesel fuel offshore, mud tanks, for drilling mud, and bulk tanks for cement, all of which are used during drilling.

They are not typically used for wind farms as people are generally not living offshore, so don't need much food, and drilling consumables are not required. Windfarms tend to use stuff with a crane, for maintenance, or smaller stuff for transport of maintenance staff.

it's a stunner.
all the shapes i see here remind me that this school, which offers only one degree, is located not too far from me (with which i have no connection btw).

it's a stunner.
all the shapes i see here remind me that this school, which offers only one degree, is located not too far from me (with which i have no connection btw).

Webb produces some very strange graduates..I guess it’s being a tuition-free (read very competitive) school for males only that’s in the middle of nowhere ;)
Webb produces some very strange graduates..I guess it’s being a tuition-free (read very competitive) school for males only that’s in the middle of nowhere ;)

you know it! maybe i shouldn't be surprised?

do you also know graduates of this nearby school? it's a service academy so open to the pubic. when i was married we spent a couple of sundays lolling on the lovely grounds and gazing over Hell Gate.

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