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Sheridan perjury trial opens on Monday

No i'm not. I'm questioning what your posts are based on. Fuck all - as is now pretty clear.

One post of mine was based on a blog report. As that post stated. Repeatedly.

Your investigative skills aren't really that impressive it seems. A half-dozen posts of blustering and whining from you later, we're still at exactly the same stage.
On an issue where left-wingers are calling each other liars in public, in court, i think you need to be a bit more thorough frankly.

From what I've heard from people who have attended the blog is largely accurate (if in their opinion selective)
I don't think expressing views on the guilt or innocence of an accused while the trial is ongoing is a very good idea.

Why not? The CWI have certainly made their views clear, as have various of Sheridans supporters. Do you think their remarks are a bad idea?
The blog is clearly by somebody at the trial, called James Doleman. Fedayn said earlier in the thread that he thinks Doleman is ex-SWP.

Frank Doleman, I don't think he's ex SWP, I know he is. He's a former SW print shop worker. Not a bad fella as it goes. Doing the blog as he wants to get into journalism so wants to write on contemporary stuff. It's a fairly good blog.

As for inventing, well Jim Monaghan has been inventing things as regards this trial for a fair few years so it would hardly be out of the ordinary frankly.
Frank Doleman, I don't think he's ex SWP, I know he is. He's a former SW print shop worker. Not a bad fella as it goes. Doing the blog as he wants to get into journalism so wants to write on contemporary stuff. It's a fairly good blog.

Would this guy have been in the Kelvin branch of the SSP a few years back?

On another note, here are some mainstream reports of Kane giving evidence that McCombes gave the Sunday Herald the famous affidavit:


According to the Scotsman, Kane gave evidence that McCombes told her in the last couple of weeks that he'd given an affidavit outlining his version of events to the Sunday Herald. As I said when the blog reported the same thing yesterday, assuming Kane is telling the truth it puts an interesting gloss on the "strategy of defiance".

And finally, according to the Telegraph, Katrin Trolle gave evidence today describing events that would raise a few eyebrows amongst even the most jaded:
For me the McCombes revelation was staggering. He went to jail and went to the papers as well?

There's a lot more dirt to come, you feel...all over the fucking place. They're so...I don't know...but none of it's impressive. Every one of them except perhaps Gail, so far looks...well...unworthy of public office to say the least.
Why did Sheridan try and lie about wanting to fuck other women?

The Big Brother thing was about showing off his well-endowed manly physique, tempered with nauseating speeches to photographs of his wife and children.

If we were all 6ft tall with big dicks then I suppose a bit of prison time would be less of a chore/torture.

The Scottish left is fucked - and fuck them.

Even the barren wizened husk of Nicola Sturgeon is better than the sickening feminist scum of the SSP, or the Sheridan cock suckers.
Why did Sheridan try and lie about wanting to fuck other women?

The Big Brother thing was about showing off his well-endowed manly physique, tempered with nauseating speeches to photographs of his wife and children.

If we were all 6ft tall with big dicks then I suppose a bit of prison time would be less of a chore/torture.

The Scottish left is fucked - and fuck them.

Even the barren wizened husk of Nicola Sturgeon is better than the sickening feminist scum of the SSP, or the Sheridan cock suckers.

Nah. You'd need to come down off the fence and take a side mate...

and 'sickening feminist scum' might need teased out a little... for clarity, like.
So...if I remember correctly...and I do....some of you lot were extolling the wonderful virtues of Ms Trolle during the last case about what an honest, decent and upstanding person she was.....anyone care to....hmmm....clarify that? :)
So...if I remember correctly...and I do....some of you lot were extolling the wonderful virtues of Ms Trolle during the last case about what an honest, decent and upstanding person she was.....anyone care to....hmmm....clarify that? :)

Maybe so of some - but looking at what is happening back in the real world today who gives a fuck about this farce?
So...if I remember correctly...and I do....some of you lot were extolling the wonderful virtues of Ms Trolle during the last case about what an honest, decent and upstanding person she was.....anyone care to....hmmm....clarify that? :)

God I hate Sheridanistas. Scum. Just scum.
Foe a bunch of ugly cunts they seem to have been shagging each other more than fighting for the socialist republic. SSP/Solidarity full of midnights, brussels and assorted scumbags.
you're wasting your time and energy on worthless history.

No, I'm wasting my time on worthless scum. Do you not know that everyone who testified in the original case is under investigation for perjury? They maybe just yesterday's people to you, but I don't like seeing them dragged through the courts again. This isn't just some game. The only thing Katrine Trolle ever did was screw around with Tommy. She shouldn't have to be pressured into commiting perjury. She shouldn't be called a liar in court by Tommy. She doesn't deserve that. I don't know what sort of socialists Solidarity are supposed to be, but they are not the type of socialists who care about the individual. It's mafiosi solidarity not socialist solidarity - we're look out for you but if you embarrass the godfather then we'll rub you out.

To be honest I'm not even following the trial. I'm just sickened by some on here who are using it as an opportunity to snipe at various witnesses. Dear leader is going down and they just want to see the maximum harm done to the opposition. Mafiosi logic.
No, I'm wasting my time on worthless scum. Do you not know that everyone who testified in the original case is under investigation for perjury? They maybe just yesterday's people to you, but I don't like seeing them dragged through the courts again. This isn't just some game. The only thing Katrine Trolle ever did was screw around with Tommy. She shouldn't have to be pressured into commiting perjury. She shouldn't be called a liar in court by Tommy. She doesn't deserve that. I don't know what sort of socialists Solidarity are supposed to be, but they are not the type of socialists who care about the individual. It's mafiosi solidarity not socialist solidarity - we're look out for you but if you embarrass the godfather then we'll rub you out.

To be honest I'm not even following the trial. I'm just sickened by some on here who are using it as an opportunity to snipe at various witnesses. Dear leader is going down and they just want to see the maximum harm done to the opposition. Mafiosi logic.

not yesterdays people to me at all. arguing about this on a messageboard achieves nothing.
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