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Shayler - talk in Brixton - Wed. 2nd Nov.

editor said:
I've got more understanding of the English language and the real world than a hopelessly out of touch, deluded, paranoid dreamer sat on a beach will ever have, maaaaaaaan.

You need a memory transplant. I've told you several times i'm about 800kms from the nearest beach.

As for the english language, your claim is impossible. It's my job. And as for understanding of the real world, maybe one day mate, maybe one day you'll get within a spitting mile of me.

But i doubt it. But age can do wonders. So i give you an outside chance.

You understand almost fuck all compared to me. Except where it comes to setting up websites like this and computers in general, then i grant you, you come out on top. We all have our own skills.

But in general life, dream on man. You've a long long way to go... for a start you could learn some listening skills.
Pickman's model said:
i don't know what shayler will say in his speech - but i do know it will be a load of mendacious wank.

Contradictions at work par excellence. You don't know, but you do know.

Make your mind up man.
red_hippy said:
Whistleblowers aren't the worst nightmare of those in power, they're the wet dream of the publishing industry

You have exposed an interesting connundrum. Worth thinking about.
fela fan said:
As for the english language, your claim is impossible. It's my job.
"English" language, actually. Capital 'E'.

Hope this helps, dearest unpublished dreamer boy.

Oh, and remind me - who you write for?
editor said:
"English" language, actually. Capital 'E'.

Hope this helps, dearest unpublished dreamer boy.

capital e eh? Gee, thanks boss.

Ever heard of genre? Ever heard of mobile texting language, and its own inimitable style? Same for boards like this?

Or are you trying to score cheap points in the absence of any substance?

It doesn't work man. Accept it, you're an amateur compared to me when it comes to the capitalE english language. Like i said, it's my job. So, how about the capital 'i' eh???!!!!
In fairness though, if you are going to claim you have a better grasp of the English language than Editor, you should really do it in as legible style as possible yes?
editor said:
"English" language, actually. Capital 'E'.

Hope this helps, dearest unpublished dreamer boy.

Oh, and remind me - who you write for?

"who you write for"? What happened to your grammar eh?

I TEACH writing man. Get it yet?
Rob Ray said:
In fairness though, if you are going to claim you have a better grasp of the English language than Editor, you should really do it in as legible style as possible yes?

It's totally legible man, which part is illegible to you? I can explain if you want.
butchersapron said:
You're TEFL mate, don't pretend you're a linguist.

No longer mate. And i don't pretend. I am a linguist. Have been for four years now.

Be careful when you think you know. Coz sometimes you don't know.
Rob Ray said:
So what? I know professional wordsmiths (journos) who can't string a sentence together without tripping over their own punctuation.

Bully for you. But it don't apply to me. I'm not any poncy journalist. And i know all the rules of punctuation thank you.
fela fan said:
Ever heard of genre? Ever heard of mobile texting language, and its own inimitable style? Same for boards like this?
Ah, you mean like hastily writing "who you write for?", you pathetic, pompous, hypocrite?
fela fan said:
"who you write for"? What happened to your grammar eh?

I TEACH writing man. Get it yet?
You're clearly fucking useless at it.

There should be a capital 'W' at the beginning of your first sentence.
fela fan said:
Accept it, you're an amateur compared to me when it comes to the capitalE english language. Like i said, it's my job.
Mine too.

I've written for national newspapers, magazines and websites and penned a well reviewed book for a major publisher. How about you, dreamer boy?

Taught a few foreign kids how to say "conspiracy"?
editor said:
You're clearly fucking useless at it.

There should be a capital 'W' at the beginning of your first sentence.

Oh, get with it man. I was quoting you. That's what the speech marks were for.

And anyway, you ignored me bringing you up for your appalling grammar...
editor said:
Mine too.

I've written for national newspapers, magazines and websites and penned a well reviewed book for a major publisher. How about you, dreamer boy?

Well done lad.

Instead of looking after my ego, i just try to spread the skills.
fela fan said:
Oh, get with it man. I was quoting you. That's what the speech marks were for.
Still incorrect, dumbo.

For someone making such a big noise about your self-professed superiority you're sure making a complete and utter arse of yourself here.
editor said:
Still incorrect, dumbo.

For someone making such a big noise about your self-professed superiority you're sure making a complete and utter arse of yourself here.

That's my prerogative.

But either way, i'm not incorrect. You are.

So look in the mirror man...
editor said:
Four mistakes in one sentence!

I feel sorry for your students.

Looks like your maths is wrong too mate. Going by your rules, there are only three mistakes.

Counting a problem too??
fela fan said:
So look in the mirror man...
Ah, we're back to the 'mirrors' again.

What a deluded, pompous hypocrite you are.

Still, maybe there's someone reading these boards who believes your puffed-up claims.

I doubt it, though.
editor said:
It's embarrassing, it really is.

Absolutely right. You count four where there is only three.

Totally embarrassing for yourself. Still, just accept it man. It's no big problem, we can forgive you.
editor said:
Ah, we're back to the 'mirrors' again.

And you'd do well to learn the lesson mate.

Here i am, trying to help you, and you just knock it all back.

Ahh, there's no helping some punters.
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