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Shayler - talk in Brixton - Wed. 2nd Nov.

Unfortunately that link didn't answer any of my questions. It missed out the fact that the owner said himself that WTC7 was 'pulled', and so is wrong on the official story. The fact that different people invovled are giving different explanations shows why the official story is so ridiculous.

The link also doesn't explain why the other buildings pancaked. Surely if the steel twisted and bent it would cause the building to fall over sideways or partially collapse; not a perfect demolition exactly as controlled demolitions would be?

Most of the 'experts' cited are of dubious credentials. Notice they omitted the experts that didn't agree with them.

The main critism on this forum seems to be of the damage this will do to the Green Party and not of whether what is said is the truth.

Stop harrassing me everytime I post something you don't like or agree with, editor.
lastmanineurope said:
The link also doesn't explain why the other buildings pancaked. Surely if the steel twisted and bent it would cause the building to fall over sideways or partially collapse; not a perfect demolition exactly as controlled demolitions would be?
Have you ever considered the fact that every single qualified engineer in the world witnessed this collapse and not a single one of them - not even one nutter has come out to support this stupid theory?

Lizards got to em?
lastmanineurope said:
Stop harrassing me everytime I post something you don't like or agree with


lastmanineurope said:
Stop harrassing me everytime I post something you don't like or agree with, editor.
Quit your bleating and answer the question please - and let's see if you're capable of telling the truth.

Have you posted here under a different name?
The only engineers with a platform are the ones who support the official line, whilst the others are left to posting on the internet or in small local newspapers. Its called gatekeeping.

You seem to think everyone who questions the official story of one event has exactly the same beliefs on everything else and are all somehow in love with David Shayler or David Icke. That's a naive point of view reserved for those who are scared of facing the truth head on by discrediting those who hold different beliefs. SOme of you are rather pathetic.
lastmanineurope said:
It missed out the fact that the owner said himself that WTC7 was 'pulled', and so is wrong on the official story. The fact that different people invovled are giving different explanations shows why the official story is so ridiculous.

The link also doesn't explain why the other buildings pancaked. Surely if the steel twisted and bent it would cause the building to fall over sideways or partially collapse; not a perfect demolition exactly as controlled demolitions would be?

blah blah fucking blah... I'm sure you conspiracy theories are of great comfort to the 100,000 odd dead people in Iraq and Afghanistan... and the people languishing in Guantanamo Bay or Belmarsh.

As I said to fela fan; what difference does it make who blew up the twin towers... what has happened since has still happened, and no amount of indulging in the ego of wankers like shayler is going to doing anything to stop the war on terror.

so... as I said to the obnoxious prick himself when he turned up at a Leeds StWC meeting, who really gives a shit what you think?
lastmanineurope said:
The only engineers with a platform are the ones who support the official line, whilst the others are left to posting on the internet or in small local newspapers. Its called gatekeeping.
It's called making shit up to fuel your paranoid fantasies!
lastmanineurope said:
That's a naive point of view reserved for those who are scared of facing the truth head on by discrediting those who hold different beliefs.
Yes! I'm all for finding out and facing the truth!

So let's face this truth head on: have you posted here before YES/NO?
Red Jezza said:
I'm mystifed as to why lambeth Greens are getting involved with this - they seem like a relatively sane and sensible lot, and i've normally giot a lot of time for ol' shane

Well, maybe you need to consider a rethink on the topic then mate. I mean if you normally have time for them, and they're sane and sensible, perhaps they understand something you don't...
TeeJay said:
fela - you didn't start this thread, so I don't see why you would want to see it get binned.

This thread isn't here to debate 9/11 conspiracies - it is here to let people know that Shayler is going to be giving a talk in Brixton in a week's time: something that is probably of interest to a whole range of people, even if they don't like or agree with Shayler.

Mate, i'm not trying to get anything binned. I WANT to debate 911, but fair enough comment from you here.

Can we do a deal? Can you (or anyone else) explain to me why some on here seem to have a great deal of derision towards shaylor?

And it would be great for me to read a summary of what shaylor says at his talk in brixton.

I noticed on your opening thread that the flyer says:

"Part of a worldwide movement to re-open a neutral commission into 9/11."

That interests me. Who is it claiming this? It sounds very reasonable indeed to me.

Why there are so many in this here virtual community who think this could be a problem is mystifying to me. As is the hatred towards someone i thought had exposed lies by those that we entrust to lead our country fairly and justly.
red_hippy said:
As I said to fela fan; what difference does it make who blew up the twin towers... what has happened since has still happened, and no amount of indulging in the ego of wankers like shayler is going to doing anything to stop the war on terror.

so... as I said to the obnoxious prick himself when he turned up at a Leeds StWC meeting, who really gives a shit what you think?

So red hippy, can you explain on this thread your antipathy towards shaylor? So far as i can see he did us all a favour and exposed some of the criminal deeds carried out by the state. Why would you have a problem with that? Whistleblowers are the worst nightmare of those in power.

And are you really so fucking daft as to wonder what difference it makes who blew up the towers? And notice how you said 'blew up'... a freudian slip perhaps?
fela fan said:
And are you really so fucking daft as to wonder what difference it makes who blew up the towers? And notice how you said 'blew up'... a freudian slip perhaps?

yeah because red hippy is really a cia agent, who has just accidentally admitted their responsibility :rolleyes:

you are a paranoid fuckwit - who supports authoritarian and anti semitic islamist scum like the ex primeminister of malaysia
fela fan said:
Can we do a deal? Can you (or anyone else) explain to me why some on here seem to have a great deal of derision towards shaylor?

you mean you can't be arsed to look at the several threads extant detailing precisely that - or, perhaps more accurately, you can, but to do so would invalidate the point you are trying, in your lovable, inimitable way, to make.

you're like a scientologist with a hard-on!

"britain's shit, blah blah blah, thailand's so great, blah blah blah, you peasants can't think straight, blah blah blah, i have found true enlightenment, blah blah blah..."

you're all for debate and discussion, but only when it seems to validate your own peculiar brand of ooh-feel-my-big-hard-cock egocentricity.
bristle-krs said:
you mean you can't be arsed to look at the several threads extant detailing precisely that - or, perhaps more accurately, you can, but to do so would invalidate the point you are trying, in your lovable, inimitable way, to make.

you're like a scientologist with a hard-on!

"britain's shit, blah blah blah, thailand's so great, blah blah blah, you peasants can't think straight, blah blah blah, i have found true enlightenment, blah blah blah..."

you're all for debate and discussion, but only when it seems to validate your own peculiar brand of ooh-feel-my-big-hard-cock egocentricity.

the only bit i'll deal with here is the thailand bit. I've got plenty of fucking problems with the country man. Trouble is, when i've tried to debate them, and the problems of burma, there's no uptake on it. The threads last a day and then piss off. Don't accuse me of things that you've not read me say, that's disingeneous bullshit.

As for the rest of it, well, hope you enjoyed posting at least mate. Now go and get some sleep and resist the urge to try and rubbish me. It's impolite.
rednblack said:
yeah because red hippy is really a cia agent, who has just accidentally admitted their responsibility :rolleyes:

you are a paranoid fuckwit - who supports authoritarian and anti semitic islamist scum like the ex primeminister of malaysia

Another idiot who has nothing better to do than attempt to psychoanalyse other people who they know fuck all about. Grow up will you.

And at least try and get something right if you're going to spend time abusing other people for posting up their ideas and opinions.

islamist scum? Hey big words big man!
fela fan said:
Another idiot who has nothing better to do than attempt to psychoanalyse other people who they know fuck all about. Grow up will you.

And at least try and get something right if you're going to spend time abusing other people for posting up their ideas and opinions.

islamist scum? Hey big words big man!

are you an anti semite YES/NO?
fela fan said:
the only bit i'll deal with here is the thailand bit. I've got plenty of fucking problems with the country man. Trouble is, when i've tried to debate them, and the problems of burma, there's no uptake on it. The threads last a day and then piss off. Don't accuse me of things that you've not read me say, that's disingeneous bullshit.

As for the rest of it, well, hope you enjoyed posting at least mate. Now go and get some sleep and resist the urge to try and rubbish me. It's impolite.

there's nothing disingenuous about it, i've got you bang to rights you twat :D
fela fan said:
Can we do a deal? Can you (or anyone else) explain to me why some on here seem to have a great deal of derision towards shaylor?
Some recent Shayler-related threads:
Annie Machon/David Shayler at Anarchist Bookfair
Tony Blair Spied For MI5
CIA planted evidence at Lockerbie (post 17 onwards)
what's david shayler done for the stop the war coalition?
fela fan said:
And it would be great for me to read a summary of what shaylor says at his talk in brixton.
I'm not going, but maybe one of the brixtonites would be up for doing a report/review/feedback (especially if you paid them in beer/u75donations).
I noticed on your opening thread that the flyer says:

"Part of a worldwide movement to re-open a neutral commission into 9/11."

That interests me. Who is it claiming this? It sounds very reasonable indeed to me.
I'd guess its the same people as this bit on the flyer:
"Link to worldwide movement: www.reopen911.org.uk "
fela fan said:
Another idiot who has nothing better to do than attempt to psychoanalyse other people who they know fuck all about. Grow up will you.
This from the blazing hypocrite who earlier claimed:

"You talk of catastrophes without even a tiny understanding of the word.

I've got more understanding of the English language and the real world than a hopelessly out of touch, deluded, paranoid dreamer sat on a beach will ever have, maaaaaaaan.
Matt S said:
For what it is worth, personally I find this whole topic pretty repugnant. It is also of zero help to the Party, especially at a time when people should be focusing on winning local elections - a subject further from the concerns on the doorstep I cannot imagine than 9/11 conspiracy theories.

what d'you reckon lambeth induced lambeth greens to get roped into this then
fela fan said:
And it would be great for me to read a summary of what shaylor says at his talk in brixton.

Obviously I don't know what he will say in his fiorthcoming talk, but when he was here in early September his talk covered exactly the ground that lastmanineurope outlined in #55.
TeeJay said:
The site appears to be down. Maybe "they" got to them because the "truth seekers" were getting too close to the "real story".

As if!

Incidentally, the uk website is registered to James Walter a stinking rich multi-millionaire from Santa Barbara, California.

Apparenty with more money than sense, his (mainly inherited) fortune amounts to $7 million with a MSNBC show declaring that he's "he‘s gone off the far end" and that "one of his own friends recently described James Walter as an eccentric sweetheart."

So why should anyone believe this rich kid?
fela fan said:
So far as i can see he did us all a favour and exposed some of the criminal deeds carried out by the state. Why would you have a problem with that? Whistleblowers are the worst nightmare of those in power.

Has it not occured to you that the average person doesn't need some fat fucking spy to point out to them the 'criminal deeds of the state'? Anybody living on a shit wage, in a shit job, most places in the world can work that out.

Whistleblowers aren't the worst nightmare of those in power, they're the wet dream of the publishing industry
and loads of others from the Pentagon papers to Katherine Gunn through the bloke who blew the lid off the US tobacco case. And Deep Throat.

What makes Shayler special is that he's trying to make a living and a name for himself as a pundit, simultaneously as professional ex-spy and as lefty critic of government. And now as conspiracy theorist. Spreading himself too thin and damaging his usp, it seems to me.
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