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Shayler - talk in Brixton - Wed. 2nd Nov.

Larry O'Hara said:
Though it was the intolerant anti-debate atmosphere of the 9/11 clique meeting he spoke at that concerns me, and of course tonight's meeting is one of those.

Pah, your own brand of intolerance shines through. Hypocrite eh mate? Just like everyone.
bristol_citizen said:
Agree in principle but once the loonspuds get their feet under the table they're mighty hard to shift...

So you and larry are okay about not having censorship?

Wow, thanks lads. Nice of you to let people say what they think.
fela fan said:
Well now then, larry lad, what if you might have got that all completely wrong??

What might that say about you eh? And your powers of observation? And the fact that you're so quick to pronounce judgements on people you barely know fuck all about? And that you HAVE got it wrong.


1) If you mean Shayler, I know more than enough about him thankyou, fruitloop.

2) If you mean the 9/11 crowd, I judge them by their aggressive intolerant attempts to protect Shayler & prevent him being questioned.

3) Now why don't you go off & play with some tinfoil or a remote controlled aircraft.
fela fan said:
So you and larry are okay about not having censorship?
Remind me. What's stopping you starting your own loonspud site and letting people post up whatever bonkers theory they like, free from evil censorship, maaaaan?
Larry O'Hara said:
1) If you mean Shayler, I know more than enough about him thankyou, fruitloop.

2) If you mean the 9/11 crowd, I judge them by their aggressive intolerant attempts to protect Shayler & prevent him being questioned.

3) Now why don't you go off & play with some tinfoil or a remote controlled aircraft.

Communication problems eh larry?

I meant none of those.

Enjoy the attempt at belittling folk do you? Concurs with your work?
editor said:
Remind me. What's stopping you starting your own loonspud site and letting people post up whatever bonkers theory they like, free from evil censorship, maaaaan?

Well now maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan, let me think...

Oh, i just cannot process my brain fast enough, it got caught up in fuckloads of 'a's. Have no idea what the fuck happened there.

Oh well, forgive me man.
fela fan said:
Oh, i just cannot process my brain fast enough, it got caught up in fuckloads of 'a's. Have no idea what the fuck happened there.

Oh well, forgive me man.
Have you been on the wacky backy, maaaan?
Pickman's model said:
but i've never previously heard a non-cop use the phrase. did you pick it up from a friendly constable? or even an unfriendly one?
A quick search for "wacky backy" on Google yields over 10,000 results.

You'll also see it referenced on a host of drug information sites, so it's clearly widely used.

Unlike you, I've never had a discussion with a policeman on the subject.

So how many policemen have you had chats about "wacky backy", then?

And why?
editor said:
Have you been on the wacky backy, maaaan?

But to actually answer your question, no.

What on earth made you think that? It's actually almost impossible these days.

If it was an excess of 'a's, then i think you're the one on 'wacky backy', coz i only had a stutter on the key 'a' due to a reaction to your own stutter on the key 'a'.

In other words i feigned an 'a' in riposte to your stuttered 'a'.
editor said:
A quick search for "wacky backy" on Google yields over 10,000 results.

You'll also see it referenced on a host of drug information sites, so it's clearly widely used.

Unlike you, I've never had a discussion with a policeman on the subject.

So how many policemen have you had chats about "wacky backy", then?

And why?

Oi, you're not a policeman are you man? That would seriously disappoint me.
editor said:
A quick search for "wacky backy" on Google yields over 10,000 results.

You'll also see it referenced on a host of drug information sites, so it's clearly widely used.

Unlike you, I've never had a discussion with a policeman on the subject.

So how many policemen have you had chats about "wacky backy", then?

And why?
i wouldn't describe them as chats - i don't tend to have involved discussions with coppers searching me.
Pickman's model said:
i wouldn't describe them as chats - i don't tend to have involved discussions with coppers searching me.

How often are you searched?

And maybe more importantly anyway, who on earth 'chats' to a bloody policeman?
Pickman's model said:
i wouldn't describe them as chats - i don't tend to have involved discussions with coppers searching me.
So how many times have you been you stopped and searched in, say, the last two years, then?
editor said:
Care to explain please?

What "things" would it "explain"?

Yeah, the post was meant to be one post higher (ie before PMs).

And to answer your question, if it were the case that PM does have lots of chats (which I'm sure he actually doesn't) with policemen, it may go some way to explaining why he regularly agrees with them on, for example, estimates of demonstration sizes.

It was also a cheap dig and I said to myself I'd make an effort not to post them, so I take back the post, and the implicit criticism.
Larry O'Hara said:
I meant as regards anti-semitism: holding to wacky ideas generally should not be grounds for expulsion surely?
Sorry to interrupt "the debate" but just to go back a bit...
Thankfully I don't have to answer this question, I'm not involved in the GP or any other party so don't have to worry about expelling anyone.
My only observation would be that any party seriously expecting people to vote for them might find there's a bit of tension between this and fundamentalist approaches to free speech and wacky ideas.
Is providing a platform for fruitbats, bearded weirdoes and extraordinarily stoned former MI5 officers really the way to electoral success?
Or perhaps providing a free speech platform is more important than electoral success?
bristol_citizen said:
Is providing a platform for fruitbats, bearded weirdoes and extraordinarily stoned former MI5 officers really the way to electoral success?
I think the Vida Walsh centre has a no smoking policy, so I don't think Shaylor is going to be giving his talk while smoking a spliff. (I didn't actually realise he was a pot-head).
TeeJay said:
I think the Vida Walsh centre has a no smoking policy, so I don't think Shaylor is going to be giving his talk while smoking a spliff. (I didn't actually realise he was a pot-head).
Is there such a thing as a conspiracy theorist who's not a pot-head?
bristol_citizen said:
Or perhaps providing a free speech platform is more important than electoral success?
actually, I think it is. there'll always be other elections. lose yer internal freedoms and you're fatally compromised - look at New Labour
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