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Shayler - talk in Brixton - Wed. 2nd Nov.

bristol_citizen said:
According to Indymedia UK the goons were from an outfit called Truth911Bristol. Can anyone confirm this as correct?

Well, here's their site - run by Adrian Connock who's, suprise suprise,a mucker of Tony Gosling, the unquestioning regurgitiator of Shaylers porkies and frequent sender of false e-mails claiming to be from class war...

The dashing pair have also been busy spreading rumours about the London bombs, claiming that they were exploded from underneath the trains...see the articles section on their *other* site here and the main page.
Matt S said:
TeeJay, you are a statistics addict! :D

And yes, some members of the Green Party Exec did discuss it. For one thing, at least two of us post regularly on Urban75, so...:) As for election results, I certainly don't want to get into a 'my local party is better than your local party' thing - that would be silly. But it is worth pointing out that Lambeth Green Party don't do as well as maybe they should in local elections, and that 2006 is the last opportunity until 2010 to get some local councillors. So this upcoming talk is not neccesarily the most focused campaigning in the world! Lambeth are free to do whatever they want, but I would certainly rather see them focusing on local issues to get councillors elected.

Oh, and yes, I am LPS Co-ordinator now.

I can see that this is a difficult position to be in. Interfering with local autonomy is a no-no.

I'd assume that there was a procedure for local groups to be removed from the overall Green ticket though - to take a totally non-911 example, say one was infiltrated by greenwashing industry activists and started arguing against general policy. I'm wondering how this would work in practice.
butchersapron said:
Well, here's their site - run by Adrian Connock who's, suprise suprise,a mucker of Tony Gosling, the unquestioning regurgitiator of Shaylers porkies and frequent sender of false e-mails claiming to be from class war...

The dashing pair have also been busy spreading rumours about the London bombs, claiming that they were exploded from underneath the trains...see the articles section on their *other* site here and the main page.

Was Gosling at The Bookfair with Shayler then?
butchersapron said:
Well, here's their site - run by Adrian Connock who's, suprise suprise,a mucker of Tony Gosling, the unquestioning regurgitiator of Shaylers porkies and frequent sender of false e-mails claiming to be from class war...
What is it about Bristol that you have such a rich collection of world class arsehole nutjobs. Zaskar, Gosling, 9-11 goons... :eek:


Yes there is a procedure for disbanding local parties and expelling members. It's just that, given the Green belief in autonomy and subsidiarity, it would take an awful lot for this to be put into effect. Certainly I don't think anyone would ever suggest such a measure because of something like this! All those of us who look askew at it would do is to put our point of view to the Lambeth Party, which some of us already have.

For those interested, I believe that the body able to shut down local parties and expel/suspend members is Green Party Regional Council, not the Executive, precisely as a safeguard against excessive central executive control. The Green Party system of governance does actually work, in my opinion - and I am glad that we always err on the side of autonomy and free speech, even if sometimes it drives me up the wall...

I'm getting the general impression that it's a good badge to wear round these parts, that of being against 911 'conspiraloonery'. Gives one kudos points.

Chase the fuckers outta town eh...

So, the political discourse rates being a racist number one enemy, while it looks rather like number two enemy is a conspiracy theorist. Conversely, to be labelled one is heresy.

Wonder what happens about racist conspiracy theorists? Do they have to go to coventry to live?
Oh, so, unhappy with your opinion poll being shown to be not quite what you claimed it was, and lacking anything else, you're going to play the "censorship bias clique" card? At least that's all I could get out of that.
Matt: I do see the point there - I was just wondering what the process was. I can very well understand that the principle of local autonomy is central here.
Matt S said:
...But it is worth pointing out that Lambeth Green Party don't do as well as maybe they should in local elections...
It's true that in the 2002 local elections Lambeth GP averaged 12% (0 elected) Full results (nb .pdf file) compared with an average of 18% (5 elected) in the 2004 Oxford City Council elections results.

I'm not sure how you are working out how well Lambeth "should" have done tho'.

You might complain that this talk is not about a "local issue" - but neither is the one the following week:

Peak Oil and a managed collapse.

with Tom Tibbets, Green Party Energy spokesperson and Shane Collins, Lambeth Green Party, Paul Ingrams GP Defence spokesperson

7.30pm Wednesday 7th December 2005

Vida Walsh Centre, 2B Saltoun Road, by Windrush Square, Brixton.

To book a seat email: lambethgreens@postmaster.co.uk

I don't see putting on talks like this as being done *instead* of local issues - but as well as. Lambeth Greens are very involved in all sorts of things and have already started canvassing for next May's local elections.
FridgeMagnet said:
Oh, so, unhappy with your opinion poll being shown to be not quite what you claimed it was, and lacking anything else, you're going to play the "censorship bias clique" card? At least that's all I could get out of that.

No mate, it's none of that.

As for that poll, originally i was gonna point out the fragility of polls, how numbers and questions get interpreted in various different ways according to the writer.

Perhaps it's a pity i didn't, coz it would have saved several posts on this thread. But there you go.

Nah, my beef as you well know is the inability of urban to entertain debate about the topic of 911. Soon as it hits the radar, the usual suspects led by editor do what they always do, then contend that the loonies have arrived on urban again.

But, as you were, i don't want to get in the way of committed and serious politicians showing who can be more of the listening type, who can be more inclusive, rather than authoritarian (ie all politicians once they get power - even the greens, cf germany).
fela fan said:
Nah, my beef as you well know is the inability of urban to entertain debate about the topic of 911.
You don't think there's been enough debates on 9/11 already?!!!

FFS: how many more times do you need to see the same fact-free, wildly speculative bollocks being posted up here?
fela fan said:
As for that poll, originally i was gonna point out the fragility of polls, how numbers and questions get interpreted in various different ways according to the writer.
Course you were.
It seems that the fact-free bollocks - and the reaction to this - effectively closes down any *reasonable* debate on the topic.
editor said:
You don't think there's been enough debates on 9/11 already?!!!

FFS: how many more times do you need to see the same fact-free, wildly speculative bollocks being posted up here?

No more times editor, i'm as little interested in such stuff as yourgoodself.

As for how many times could the topic be debated, well, one topic such as iraq has effectively got its own forum!!

I would like a reasoned debate on 911 (always have done), i thought about making another attempt on two months back on the anniversary date, but i fear it's not possible any more here on urban. Sad, but true.

The angle i was going to pursue was to analyse what the USG say happened, then try and provide links and some kind of 'evidence' (evidence only existing, in reality, in court of law) that shows they're lying.

Why they're lying is of course the big bucks question. But we will seemingly never get the chance to pool our resources on this forum to try and pick holes in the official version.

THAT is what disappoints me, but i fully recognise i'm just some nobody typing away in some nowhere land. Don't mind me, i'm just here for those that choose to. No expectations, and all that.
TeeJay said:
It seems that the fact-free bollocks - and the reaction to this - effectively closes down any *reasonable* debate on the topic.

No teejay, quite apart from what 'fact-free' is, and quite apart from whether its criteria apply to other topics on these forums, that is not always what has been posted up with regard to 911.

Sometimes we get fact-free, speculative stuff, other times we get the beginnings of a new angle, a serious go at debating it, some decent links, but whatever the start of these threads, the reaction, and the lexical jargon that accompanies it are always the same.
bristol_citizen said:
Jesus. This is worse than I thought. But at least Dr O'Hara told him where to get off.
Looks like it might be time to have a closer look at Truth911Bristol...

I think it is. While some of those were from Bristol, not all were--there was a distinct transatlantic flavour to some of the goons, in particular a tall Canadian who was digging my co-editor in the ribs & back whenever he attempted to speak. Especially interesting was the woman running the 911 stall, Fran Trutt. Although from London, this woman had been promising (ever since she turned up & recorded my debate with Shayler 21/6) both an MP3 of that debate and the original film of the Shayler/Gosling interview. Nothing so far received. At the bookfair, she told a colleague of mine that she still wasn't able to get this film for 'technical' reasons, and the fact she would have to visit Bristol to do so. She also expressed no interest at all in our DVD--but when Shayler arrived began selling his book on the stall. A clear declaration of partiality. No mention by her that Gosling was in the vicinity--although I am unsure he was in the Shayler meeting itself, to be honest. He could have been--I was too busy fending off hostiles, including a parrot (Ms Sowhat) perched at my feet.

All this said, in the light of previous Bristol shenanigans, the Bristol connection is interesting.
fela fan said:
No teejay, quite apart from what 'fact-free' is, and quite apart from whether its criteria apply to other topics on these forums, that is not always what has been posted up with regard to 911.

Sometimes we get fact-free, speculative stuff, other times we get the beginnings of a new angle, a serious go at debating it, some decent links, but whatever the start of these threads, the reaction, and the lexical jargon that accompanies it are always the same.

Yes you are pretty predictable aren't you--none of you conspiraloons has responded to my post above. Clearly, you are quite happy associating with real life spooks/disdinformers like Shayler/Machon because they feed your egos and conspiracy theorising. Ironically (if we can call it that) it was the aggressive unreasoning & hostile attitude of your co-thinkers at the Bookfair that has ensured I am going to take you lot & your claims very seriously indeed from now on.
Larry O'Hara said:
Yes you are pretty predictable aren't you--none of you conspiraloons has responded to my post above. Clearly, you are quite happy associating with real life spooks/disdinformers like Shayler/Machon because they feed your egos and conspiracy theorising. Ironically (if we can call it that) it was the aggressive unreasoning & hostile attitude of your co-thinkers at the Bookfair that has ensured I am going to take you lot & your claims very seriously indeed from now on.

Complete nonsense. I noted you addressed me in an above post, but if you read it again why not try and guess why i ignored replying to you...

Anyway, at least we know have some knowledge about the inner workings of larry o'hara.

'Very seriously indeed'.

Indeed :D .
fela fan said:
Complete nonsense. I noted you addressed me in an above post, but if you read it again why not try and guess why i ignored replying to you...

Anyway, at least we know have some knowledge about the inner workings of larry o'hara.

'Very seriously indeed'.

Indeed :D .

I don't need to guess anything--your content-free response shows you to be a conspiracy-minded coward & bull-shitter. End of.
Matt S said:
The Green Party system of governance does actually work, in my opinion - and I am glad that we always err on the side of autonomy and free speech, even if sometimes it drives me up the wall...

You're generally happy that Gosling is a member of your party and has run as a Green Party candidate in the last 2 local elections in Bristol then?
Interesting to note that his brand of 9-11 "truth" is apparently starting to make ground in The Green Party too.
How long can we expect to have to wait before his peculiar attitudes to anarchism and the libertarian left rears its ugly head in your party?
This whole Shayler/9-11/Gosling thing is bad news for you. Believe me.
bristol_citizen said:
You're generally happy that Gosling is a member of your party and has run as a Green Party candidate in the last 2 local elections in Bristol then?
Interesting to note that his brand of 9-11 "truth" is apparently starting to make ground in The Green Party too.
How long can we expect to have to wait before his peculiar attitudes to anarchism and the libertarian left rears its ugly head in your party?
This whole Shayler/9-11/Gosling thing is bad news for you. Believe me.

1) I wasn't aware of Gosling being in the GP--bad news indeed, especially as I regard his Bilderburg rubbish as far too close to anti-Jewish conspiracy theorising I will have no truck with, nor should the Green Party. I didn't get involved in the campaign against Icke in the GP to have a pale echo of his spout similar nonsense--though agree that on current evidence Gosling hasn't gone quite so far.

2) However, I agree with Matt S that the GP shouldn't be too heavy on the censorship angle. In principle also, I don't think (apropos the Lambeth meeting) it is wrong for local GPs to discuss the likes of 9/11 at all. My objection is that it will be one-sided conspiracy theorising, and that Shayler is a lying spook who should only be allowed to speak anywhere on condition he is adequately confronted--as I have done twice in recent times. Though it was the intolerant anti-debate atmosphere of the 9/11 clique meeting he spoke at that concerns me, and of course tonight's meeting is one of those.
Larry O'Hara said:
1)I didn't get involved in the campaign against Icke in the GP to have a pale echo of his spout similar nonsense--though agree that on current evidence Gosling hasn't gone quite so far.
How far does somebody need to go? He claims that the planes that hit the WTC were flown by remote control FFS!

2) However, I agree with Matt S that the GP shouldn't be too heavy on the censorship angle. In principle also, I don't think (apropos the Lambeth meeting) it is wrong for local GPs to discuss the likes of 9/11 at all.
Agree in principle but once the loonspuds get their feet under the table they're mighty hard to shift...
bristol_citizen said:
How far does somebody need to go? He claims that the planes that hit the WTC were flown by remote control FFS

I meant as regards anti-semitism: holding to wacky ideas generally should not be grounds for expulsion surely?
Larry O'Hara said:
I don't need to guess anything--your content-free response shows you to be a conspiracy-minded coward & bull-shitter. End of.

Well now then, larry lad, what if you might have got that all completely wrong??

What might that say about you eh? And your powers of observation? And the fact that you're so quick to pronounce judgements on people you barely know fuck all about? And that you HAVE got it wrong.

Jeez, i've seen that you go in the circles of people like shayler, and your talk about co-editors and the fancylike, so i guess you have some kind of voice you believe you need to project. If you're in the public eye, if you're a journo, then oh dear. What would anything you say or write about be worth if you're so prepared and so quick to diss someone you know fuck all about? At least if in that dissing you'd got it right, then you'd be worth something.

I hope you are not in any position of influence, but i'm not holding my breath on that one.
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