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Security staff contracted by McDonalds soak the sleeping bag of a homeless guy.


Chief seagull hater & farmerbarleymow's nemesis.
This has made me so angry this morning, what low-life human can do this to another human?

I hope the fuckers get the sack.

The video was taken on Victoria Street in London on Saturday night - and shows the man trying to move his sleeping bag and duvet away from the water as it seeped underneath. He was heard saying "leave me alone" as his belongings were kicked out of the way.

Another security guard attempted to stop someone from filming, and bystanders could be heard describing the situation as "outrageous" and "bang out of order". The homeless man had been sitting outside a Nationwide bank branch - next door to the McDonald's where the security guards were working.

Damon Evans, who posted the footage on X, tagged McDonald's and asked: "Do you think it is acceptable for your staff to soak the sleeping bags of homeless people in the middle of winter (or any other time of the year)? Disgusting behaviour. He wasn't even outside your premises."

McDonald's UK replied to the footage, and said: "Thank you for bringing this to our attention. It is not one of our employees but a third-party security guard."

They have also requested more information about the incident so it can be raised urgently with the security guard's employer, the company added.

This has made me so angry this morning, what low-life human can do this to another human?

I hope the fuckers get the sack.

Fuck that's made me so angry 😠 😡 it's good the guards have been binned but how many other venues do this shit and get away with it?
Am I only one who noticed the homeless guy looks like Ed Sheeran?
What the fuck does a McDonald's need security guards for what sort of area is this?
What the fuck does a McDonald's need security guards for what sort of area is this?

They have security guards in Worthing, so I am not surprised they have them in London, TBH.

That branch is in Viktoria St., London.
Any idea which security [heavy-handed door knobs] were involved ?

That behaviour was well out of order ...
and the "branch" of macciDs should be named & shamed as well
Wetting the streets isn’t new, although doing it whilst a homeless person is there seems a new low.

In that case, I suspect the security guards were just being over zealous.

It would be bang out of order if he was outside McD's, but he was outside the Nationwide branch next to it, which makes it even worst.
There used to be quite a homeless community around the Westminster catholic Cathedral. The pavements in that area got hosed down every morning I believe.
Not sure of the motive behind it.
What the f@ck does a McDonald's need security guards for what sort of area is this?

That branch is in Viktoria St., London.

That behaviour was well out of order ...
and the "branch" of macciDs should be named & shamed as well


(Source: as stated in image)

(Source: as stated in image)


(Source: as stated in image)

This appears to be the branch of McDonald's located at 155 Victoria Street, around 2-3 minutes' walk from Victoria rail, underground and bus stations in the centre of London. You can telephone them direct on 020 7828 6911 or email at pressoffice@uk.mcd.com to check.

According to McDonald's UK:

'We are shocked and saddened by this incident.

'The third party security guards involved have been permanently removed from our restaurants and the restaurant team has been reminded of the importance of treating all people with respect including vulnerable people both in the restaurant and within the wider community.'

It is unclear whether any of the individuals involved have been arrested, or are under investigation for a possible common assault.

A month before this incident:

Fury as Braverman depicts homelessness as a ‘lifestyle choice’


(Source: as stated in image)
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There used to be quite a homeless community around the Westminster catholic Cathedral. The pavements in that area got hosed down every morning I believe.
Not sure of the motive behind it.

The area in front of Westminster Palace and the adjacent streets still attract large numbers of rough sleepers. The pavements on Ambrosden Avenue behind the shops on Victoria Street, get hosed down in the mornings because they're used as toilets during the night.
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