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BBC Panorama 2nd Oct 2023: The Abercrombie Guys: The Dark Side of Cool

Well he looks completely legitimate and above board. I can see why you'd use him to procure people for some kind of nefarious purpose.

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I'm quite depressed by the response (and lack of) to this programme on Twitter and here. Ok, there was a Netflix show last year, which uncovered a lot of grim practices, but nothing like this. These men really took risks being so open and honest - not necessarily from A&F but from the commentators who never believe in sexual assault and need to let everyone know. Is the reaction rooted in homophobia or patriarchal nonsense? Or both?!

The BBC should always do better but anyone expecting them to suddenly become proper journalists and do some blow it all up, establishment-busting investigation has not been paying attention.

Feel really sad for those poor men.
Don't they put bouncers on the doors to keep out anyone considered not cool enough to go in their shops?

Also Iirc there was some story about a staff member put in a back room because of a disability (or something like that). I probably read it in an old thread on here.

So they are known cunts basically.


TBF I think a lot of the lack of response on here is because Abercrombie and Fitch are incredibly American aren't they. Who wears their clothes here?
In my case no access to this new info as yet, so waiting for discussion. It sounds more than a new low, organised assault.
TBF I think a lot of the lack of response on here is because Abercrombie and Fitch are incredibly American aren't they. Who wears their clothes here?
You're right there and it has been one of the main criticisms of the programme elsewhere, too. But I doubt it's limited to A&F and thought it might be the beginning of a conversation about sexual assaults and rape of men in the fashion industry and beyond. Maybe I'm in a bit of a bubble but the muted and mocking responses to it have been really grim.
Surprised it turned out to be this given what I was hearing but there you go! Also, this is probably of the most well known scandals at that firm. But good to see this stuff coming to light.
You're right there and it has been one of the main criticisms of the programme elsewhere, too. But I doubt it's limited to A&F and thought it might be the beginning of a conversation about sexual assaults and rape of men in the fashion industry and beyond. Maybe I'm in a bit of a bubble but the muted and mocking responses to it have been really grim.
The difference is women would have thought "that could've been me".

Men think "I'd have fought them off" and other bullshit. Not that any of us would have been pretty enough to have been selected.

Anyway innocent until proven guilty. I await the court verdict.
Snake Sniffskin
I thought he'd be taller.

RTE radio this morning introduced their segment on this by saying that if you had young children around, you might want to turn the radio off, as they were going to get "explicit". I was a bit surprised, because while the details may be bad with this one, I've heard much worse cases discussed on air without this kind of warning or disclaimer.
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