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Saudi Arabia allows women to travel independently

This is nonsense though isn’t it. Any criticism of Islam is always met with this guff ‘yes but look at what the west did’. I doubt there’s a single poster on this site who wouldn’t condemn colonialism. Islamic nations have varying degrees of sharia law or legally enshrined sexism and homophobia NOW. That’s not because of western imperialism. It’s because of men’s interpretations of their religion and cultures that still value religious dogma over human rights.

It's not the criticism of Islamic regimes that is the problem. It's the idea that you promulgate that all Muslim majority states are similar and that they, with the seeming exception of China are somehow all worse places to live; more misogynistic and more homophobic than non-Muslim majority states. This is a lazy argument that comes from the right, akin to the "not all Muslims are terrorists but all terrorists are Muslims" shit. Do you really think that the position of gay people and women both legally and within broader society is worse in for example Turkey than in North Korea?
This is nonsense though isn’t it. Any criticism of Islam is always met with this guff ‘yes but look at what the west did’. I doubt there’s a single poster on this site who wouldn’t condemn colonialism. Islamic nations have varying degrees of sharia law or legally enshrined sexism and homophobia NOW. That’s not because of western imperialism. It’s because of men’s interpretations of their religion and cultures that still value religious dogma over human rights.
It isn't the 'West' thing, it's how so many people have no clue what they're talking about.
Islam, like Christianity, has a lot that needs looking at, but that also applies to a lot of other countries and areas regardless of religious bent. There was a Thai clean water ad of a few years ago showing a dutiful wife serving her husband a glass of clean water. She was acting like some sort of servant, even bowing as she gave him the water.
You, know it or not, seem to have fallen for the anti-Islam propaganda machine.
That doesn't in any way excuse Muslims that treat women badly, just pointing out you've been indoctrinated into thinking Muslims are guilty when the truth is some Muslims, especially in places like Saudi are guilty, but many others are not. Malaysia, Indonesia, and even Pakistan have women in senior government posts, some Muslim majority countries even having a woman president at some point in their history.
Take a look at Hindu majority India where rape is at epidemic levels, move on to China where female babies are commonly killed at birth, and Russia's record on homophobia, then tell me all about Islam being nasty.

Are Muslims guilty of sexism and homophobia?
Some are, but most I'm pretty sure most couldn't give a toss either way ¬ also true for Catholics, Jews, C of E, and most other people.

The upshot is this - Yes there are problems with some Muslims but we have to be careful what we believe because there's a lot of nasty propaganda out there aimed at fostering hate.

Are Muslims guilty of sexism and homophobia?
Some are, but most I'm pretty sure most couldn't give a toss either way ¬ also true for Catholics, Jews, C of E, and most other people.

it's not individual muslims who are the problem. It's those muslim countries which have sexism and homophobia enshrined into their laws.
it's not individual muslims who are the problem. It's those muslim countries which have sexism and homophobia enshrined into their laws.

It's countries who also have no freedom of speech, repression, torture, capital punishment; basically countries where human rights are pretty low on the agenda.
Absolute shit-hole of a country.

But who are we to say?

Britain colonised half the world 200 years ago.
Make the best of it......buy oil, we encourage them by selling bombs, survellience equipment, train their forces, service and repair their planes etc.
yup, we make the best of it alright.
Absolute shit-hole of a country.

But who are we to say?

Britain colonised half the world 200 years ago.

Not in this case 200 years ago. Britain in coordination with France created the current map of the Middle East and North Africa after WW1. In the wake of WW2 along with the USA they propped up the client states they had carved out. Deposing leaders as and when they felt they weren't acting loyally enough in the West's interest - more precisely cheap and easy access to oil and containing other World powers, for most of the period the USSR. Saddam Hussein and Gaddafi were not got rid of 200 years ago, were they? Modern militant pan-national Jihadi groups were created armed and funded by us to fight the proxy war against the Soviets in 1979 not 1779.

6th form leftie wank.

All of those arab states would be the quintessence of human rights if it wasn't for the nasty Brits, wouldn't they Tim?


6th form leftie wank.

All of those arab states would be the quintessence of human rights if it wasn't for the nasty Brits, wouldn't they Tim?


They wouldn't exist if it wasn't for the nasty Brits, but quite probably something else nasty would exist in their place, as it does in varying degrees nearly everywhere regardless of religion or cultural/ethnic identity.

What I don't understand or a accept is the belief you seem to be pushing that Muslim/Arab states are quintessentially worse than everywhere else. It strikes me as lazy alt-right Bannonesque wank.
They wouldn't exist if it wasn't for the nasty Brits...
Someone needs a history lesson.

What I don't understand or a accept is the belief you seem to be pushing that Muslim/Arab states are quintessentially worse than everywhere else.


It strikes me as lazy alt-right Bannonesque wank.

Yep. Anyone who's critical of islamic regimes is a racist. :rolleyes:
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What I don't understand or a accept is the belief you seem to be pushing that Muslim/Arab states are quintessentially worse than everywhere else. It strikes me as lazy alt-right Bannonesque wank.

Yep. Anyone who's critical of islamic regimes is a racist. :rolleyes:

Since I've had plenty to say on the situation in Saudi Arabia and the Gulf on this thread and on others, that would include me.

My problem was with this sweeping comment

Many people find judicial amputations, public executions, religious law, and the treatment of women and homosexuals in most muslim states to be reprehensible. That's not to say that some non-muslim states couldn't do better but, on balance, the worst state offenders are right there on that list. Chuck in China and you've got the vast majority of the worst human rights abusers on the planet. By all means highlight the extent to which other (western) nations are indirectly complicit in some it but that doesn't diminish the disgusting shit that these cunts are doing all on their own.

What is done in Iran and Saudi Arabia is not what happens in all Muslim majority countries. As to the worst offender being on that list: Myanmar, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, North Korea, Honduras, Venezuela, the Philippines, Zimbabwe, Rwanda, Russia and Belorus aren't there, but Tunisia, and Malaysia are.
The irony of Iran is that the theocracy would not have come to power were it not for the coup against the democraticaly elected socialist government engineeered by the US and UK back in 1953.

This is one of those cases where the west are entirely responsible for the state of a country, Iran in this case.
In case people don't know the history..
The US and UK set up a coup against the democratically elected Iranian government because of an oil dispute, the US installed their mass murdering puppet dictator, then he was overthrown in a popular revolution that put the religious extreme in charge.
Had the UK and US allowed democracy, the extremists would just be background noise.

Much as I dislike what the Iranian government is up to, the US are far worse so have shit all to say on the subject - or at least should have,
Saudi is far different, their pretend royals are just a bunch of murdering cunts, but well supported murdering cunts because the world needs their oil (at the moment). Pity it'll be so long, but they're pretty sure to be out in 50 years or less as oil becomes yesterday's fuel (Hopefully a lot less and yet another really good reason to get more renewables in place ASAP)
I was watching that 'Legend' film and it made a good point (it's about some notorious London gangster firm for the many members abroad) and it said gangsters and aristocracy tend to get on very well because they are basically the same.
"The high rollers loved rubbing elbows with gangsters. Aristocrats and criminals have a lot in common. They're both selfish, get bored easily, and both have access to wads of cash that they didn't have to work honestly to get. The 'topper'? Neither have any interest in bourgeois rules or morality."
Sad, but hardly a shock. The whole thing is more than likely to be window dressing in the hope of putting off actually getting as far as the twentieth century as long as they can.
I have absolutely no problem with a woman who wants to wear a black blanket but I have absolutely no time for men that make them wear it against their will. As for the rest of their 'rights' - Do I really need to comment?
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