This is nonsense though isn’t it. Any criticism of Islam is always met with this guff ‘yes but look at what the west did’. I doubt there’s a single poster on this site who wouldn’t condemn colonialism. Islamic nations have varying degrees of sharia law or legally enshrined sexism and homophobia NOW. That’s not because of western imperialism. It’s because of men’s interpretations of their religion and cultures that still value religious dogma over human rights.
It isn't the 'West' thing, it's how so many people have no clue what they're talking about.
Islam, like Christianity, has a lot that needs looking at, but that also applies to a lot of other countries and areas regardless of religious bent. There was a Thai clean water ad of a few years ago showing a dutiful wife serving her husband a glass of clean water. She was acting like some sort of servant, even bowing as she gave him the water.
You, know it or not, seem to have fallen for the anti-Islam propaganda machine.
That doesn't in any way excuse Muslims that treat women badly, just pointing out you've been indoctrinated into thinking Muslims are guilty when the truth is some Muslims, especially in places like Saudi are guilty, but many others are not. Malaysia, Indonesia, and even Pakistan have women in senior government posts, some Muslim majority countries even having a woman president at some point in their history.
Take a look at Hindu majority India where rape is at epidemic levels, move on to China where female babies are commonly killed at birth, and Russia's record on homophobia, then tell me all about Islam being nasty.
Are Muslims guilty of sexism and homophobia?
Some are, but most I'm pretty sure most couldn't give a toss either way ¬ also true for Catholics, Jews, C of E, and most other people.
The upshot is this - Yes there are problems with some Muslims but we have to be careful what we believe because there's a lot of nasty propaganda out there aimed at fostering hate.