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Satanic Ritual Abuse - fundie horseshit or troof?

Fundies banging on about it and using their resources to provide pre-conceived models of it to social services and cops around the world in the form of propaganda, seminars etc.

That pre-conceived model comes with such a wide choice of possible evidence for 'satanism' that the C4 Dispatches team, by uncritically accepting the fundies ideas on 'evidence', managed to "expose" a Derek Jarman film as SRA.

We're talking about two different phenomena.

You're talking about something that is basically a sexual fetish or an exotic hobby for Westerners.

I'm talking about a widespread, popular movement in communities that find themselves suddenly inserted into a money economy.

Both occur in the UK. But IMO the fuss over the former is a storm in a teacup, driven by the forces you name. The latter is a serious problem that will get much more serious if nothing is done to address it.
the witchfinder whose career has been made on peddling evidence free opinion and above is the fanatic - the MP above who shows up nicely the kind of rhetoric of someone who is somewhat obsessed with discussing 'evil'.

You have to wonder why such people have such a powerful urge to label and quantify what is or isn't "evil", and why they need to add Satanism to child abuse, when child abuse is already an unspeakably-abhorrent crime.

...that and he is certainly using whatever evidence there may be of child abuse to increase the influence of his particular version of christianity. get the people out of the libraries where there are bad books and back under the care of the priests.

Because we all know how well that went!!!
I suppose that at least Geoffrey Dickens didn't travel outside of his core beliefs when he took up the SRA cause. He was already a "church and country" type, and as such he'd have been amenable to just about any argument that promoted his belief system, as you say.

and are 'hundreds of letters' 1988s equivalent of 'PMs of support'?

I think he probably did get those letters. Mostly written in green ink.
I do not have any evidence of 'ritual abuse' in the UK. What I have is convincing evidence of it in the Dutroux case, and parallels between the Dutroux case and what is beginning to unfold in the UK. The nature of 'ritual abuse' is that even if it is real, it will always remain on the outer fringes of these stories, at least in part for the reasons mentioned by Regina Louf in the post above.

I'm firmly convinced that "ritual abuse" of a sort takes place widely, but my own take on the term differs from that of the religious types.
To me, the fact that an abuser may ritualise the abuse process is unsurprising - all abusers ritualise the abuse they perpetrate to some degree, those who groom children, most of all. Ritual is any behaviour repeated at each instance of abuse. Ritual is inherent, however:
That ritual is generally not ceremony, and it is ceremony that our good friends with the recovered memories, and their psychotherapists and psychologists talk about so much - ceremonies of child sacrifice; ceremonies of sexual abuse; ceremonies that bind the congregants together. I'm not convinced that this type of ritualised ceremonial abuse is prevalent.
Fundies banging on about it and using their resources to provide pre-conceived models of it to social services and cops around the world in the form of propaganda, seminars etc.

That pre-conceived model comes with such a wide choice of possible evidence for 'satanism' that the C4 Dispatches team, by uncritically accepting the fundies ideas on 'evidence', managed to "expose" a Derek Jarman film as SRA.

Yes, they did themselves proud there, didn't they?
Here's a recent article from Beatrix Campbell on the subject of child abuse.


I've only skimmed it, but three things strike me.
1. The supposedly Satanic nature of the alleged child abuse is pretty much ignored
2. She writes as if the question of believing the children was key, but...
3. A really key point for her is the medical evidence

To what extent has she changed her position on alleged Satanism? I'm not sure - quite a bit, I suspect - but the Satanism angle strikes me as a red herring anyway. If someone is accused of committing a horrible crime while in fancy dress, the fancy dress is not really an important point.

The medical evidence, if I understand correctly, was from doctors who had examined the anuses of children and had come to the conclusion that they had been buggered. Were the doctors mistaken? I remember at the time there was some debate about it (with the suggestion that gaping anuses might have other, innocent, causes), but I don't remember if the debate was ever settled.

Reflex anal dilation was shown to be...a reflex. One that could be triggered in someone who had done a hard poo recently, or (IIRC from critiques of Higgs' work in particular and RAD in general) sneezed hard - it turned out to be all about the sphincter muscles and how hard they clench in some situations.
1) The supposedly Satanic nature of the abuse was something which social workers obsessed about when questioning children for days and repeatedly telling them that they wouldn't be allowed to go home until they'd said what had really happened. AFAIK these days questioning even a mentally competent adult like that would be regarded as dangerously close to interrogation. At the time any sexual abuse, indecent assault, or sex with minors was a prosecutable offence. There was no need to spice it up with lurid details of Satanism etc, as long as you exclude the gutter press and pressure from fundamentalist Christians.

With regard to "interrogation", it's long been realised that the stereotypical interview techniques used by social services depts at the time were counter-productive. The sheer volume of data included in many of the questions meant that even if not done intentionally, many of those abuse victims were led in their testimony.

2) Believing the children was key, as long as the children came out with what adults wanted to hear. If a child repeatedly said that nothing had happened, it was discounted as the child being too traumatised to speak, or having blocked out everything bad. A child drawing a man in the centre of a circle of people and calling him "the ringmaster" was questioned about the picture until he eventually said that the ringmaster was a bad man, at which time it was taken as gospel truth. The fact that watching a circus or hearing about others going to the circus was quite a normal part of childhood at the time is neither here nor there.

3) Medical evidence which even at the time was disputed - it was bad enough when parents whose children repeately got oral thrush were accused of unspeakable acts (although thrush can be an STD, it's often possible to get it without sex); worse when the emphasis changed to anal dilation, for which the test is arguably as upsetting for the child as what it was trying to detect. The upsetting nature of the test would be bad enough if only it were accurate; IMHO using that test, with a high rate of false positives, should be classed as child abuse.
Given that the trigger for reflex anal dilation in some cases was a hard slap, and in others, insertion of a speculum, then I agree - assault, pure and simple.
You have to wonder why such people have such a powerful urge to label and quantify what is or isn't "evil", and why they need to add Satanism to child abuse, when child abuse is already an unspeakably-abhorrent crime.

Because we all know how well that went!!!
I suppose that at least Geoffrey Dickens didn't travel outside of his core beliefs when he took up the SRA cause. He was already a "church and country" type, and as such he'd have been amenable to just about any argument that promoted his belief system, as you say.

I think he probably did get those letters. Mostly written in green ink.

I do think there are some people who genuinely link all evil in the world to satan's influence. I suppose it's a comfort in a way, to believe people cannot do such vile stuff without the influence of an external evil.

But I think there's also a reaction there of gaining power for their brand of faith, we must have a return to the church, because that which is not approved by them is wrongness, from the sort of person who seems to believe that not sharing their beliefs is a personal insult to them. This can also be a power trip.

It is however, exceedingly interesting to look at how closely the pattern of the SRA scares parallels the witchhunt. The need to label evil as coming from elsewhere than human actions and the range of characters that appear
Nice try Bernie. But as I'm sure you know, the word "satan" is not a proper noun in the Old Testament. It just means "enemy." It refers to the enemy of mankind, that which is inimical to humanity or, in layman's terms, "evil."
…bearing in mind this is the night ghouls walk the earth dug out Tim Tate’s Children for the Devil and something jumped out that prompted the thought this thread might be worth another squeeze of the tea-bag…

…sorry this is the worst type of board-post…..too long to read but too short to only scratch the surface of the issue…

Whilst there’ve been cases of “council house cults” ( eg the Colin Batley case ) to demonstrate this stuff goes on, the “real” cases to me entailed high level powerful groups that were organised at a level beyond a single pervert acting out their fantasies and engaged in the extreme end / violence….

……the only absolutley text-book proven case I can think of is entirely NON-satanic – the Order of the Solar Temple

In October 1994, Tony Dutoit's infant son (Emmanuel Dutoit), aged three months, was killed at the group's centre in Morin Heights, Quebec. The baby had been stabbed repeatedly with a wooden stake. It is believed that Di Mambro ordered the murder, because he identified the baby as the Anti-Christ described in the Bible. He believed that the Anti-Christ was born into the order to prevent Di Mambro from succeeding in his spiritual aim.

…they really tick all the boxes of the “satanic” mythos – attracting the requisite upper-middle class doctors / lawyers who always are meant to populate these cults, links with fascism and or nefarious agencies… a la Myatt…and criminal activity…

if you add in other child abuse cults like the Finders that are also non-satanic you conclude that religious or spiritual belief in Satan is in no way a necessary or sufficient condition to engage in “SRA”

…having said that however one of the most notable and still controversial rabbit-holes is the whole Franklin Cover-Up issue in the US which very certainly does implicate Satanism whilst the child abuse charges against Michale Aquino of the Temple of Set are pretty incriminating although never proved in court…a child witness was able to locate Aquino’s house & describe a black ceremonial room…

In November 1986, the San Francisco Police Department (SFPD), the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and the U.S. Army Criminal Investigation Division Command (CID) began investigating charges that Gary Hambright had sexually molested several of the children entrusted to his care as an employee at the Child Development Center on the Army base known as the Presidio. On August 12, 1987, Army Captain Larry Adams-Thompson reported to the authorities that his three-year-old daughter, who had attended the Child Development Center during the period of Hambright's alleged crimes, had become visibly frightened upon seeing LTC Aquino and his wife at the Army's post-exchange that day and called them "Mikey" and "Shamby." In a subsequent interview by an FBI agent, the girl implicated "Mikey," "Shamby" and "Mr. Gary" in the sexual molestation of her and other children at "Mr. Gary's house." The investigation of Hambright was expanded to include Aquino and his wife.

Although the SFPD discontinued its investigation of the Aquinos in September 1988 for lack of sufficient evidence, the CID continued and in August 1989 issued a report of investigation designating both Aquinos in the "title block" of the report and describing the various child-abuse and related criminal offenses investigated.

The report concluded that the investigation was closed because all further leads involved adults who refused to cooperate, and the applicable threeyear statute of limitations had expired in June 1989.

…not exactly a ringing endorsement of innocence on their part…

…the common factor may not be satanism at all but the involvement or complicity of the (deep) state …

…..despite the huge problems of evidence something about the SRA testimony does haunt you – maybe the level of genuine disturbance in children esp. even to make-up the extreme abuse or violence that is appaling in itself. Tate’s non-sceptiscism seems to revolve around the idea that very young children can’t possibly invent unbidden – out of whole cloth – such extreme sadistic sexual or violent events such as those in SRA allegations showing such consistent common factors….I think I’d agree……from which point Tate therefore rather leaps towards an assumption of credibility….

..a couple of other snippets I have come across over the duration that make the antenna twitch ….

Satanism and Class Conflict
David Sivier
Posted on 12/11/2009 by johnr
magonia-66FROM MAGONIA 66, MARCH 1999


Beyond this are rumours of organised Satanic groups such as ‘Scorpio’, long the target of parliamentarians such as the late Geoffrey Dickens, who allegedly abduct and kill young children as part of Satanic orgies. I have even heard stories from those with connection to the Class War anarchist group that Anarchist subversives have saved several children from death by decapitation at the hands of such groups. These gangs, allegedly, killed their victims in such a way as to make demons speak through the children’s violated bodies.

( I’m not going into the Scorpio stuff as that is to vague )

A paedophilic occult group Ganymede – that ties into PIE….



…which seemes to link to more established figures in the occult scene…...which leads one to wonder if public above-ground groups run their own “off-balance sheet vehicles” to conduct their more dubious activities…


The following letter appeared in Chaos International issue 5, 1988. I feel it illustrates succinctly the greatest weaknesses of Chaos Magic’s philosophy of ‘Everything is Permitted’. I could not tell you honestly what the meaning of this little exchange was between these two behemoths of Chaos Magic; whether Mr. Carroll is angry at Phil Hine’s stance, or simply that he used the umbrella of Chaos Magic to openly promote it. Certainly, it was something Carroll seems to have been willing to overlook in allowing Hine to rise to popularity whilst ‘flying the flag’.

During my short friendship with Hine, when contributed comic strips for his magazine Pagan News and illustrated his first self-published chapbooks on Chaos Magic, I went to visit him at his high rise flat in Leeds (where he lived at the time).

He had copies of a magazine called Ganymede, a pro-paedophile boy lover’s publication, strewn about on the floor. I do not know if he was a contributor to that magazine, but he did not seem opposed to its contents.


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..something about this has always stuck powerfully in my mind aswell….( from the book Powers of Darkness Powers of Light by John Cornwell ( a religous author it should be said )


Philip Tudor lived in a cramped council flat high above the Elephant and Castle district of south London. He met me as I came out of the lift on the eleventh floor. He was, I guessed, in his mid-thirties, tall and broad in the shoulder. He wore his hair almost shoulder length at the back, but he was balding at the front, which gave his head a dome-like, intellectual appearance. He was dressed in black corduroys and a black sweater, and it was quite obvious that he was wearing make-up, which gave his long, oval face a pallid, effeminate look. He could have been an off-duty ballet-dancer.

He offered me some Scotch out of a quarter bottle and when I declined he poured himself a third of a tumbler and topped the glass up to the brim with water.

'I'm trying to get off this,' he said, 'but I prefer controlled drinking to complete abstinance; it's not very realistic - complete abstinence, I mean.'

There were several crucifixes on the walls, a holy-water stoup and a print of Millais' painting, Christ the Light of the World.

He sat opposite me in a battered armchair, leaning forward, glass in one hand, a smoking cigarette in the other. He was shaking slightly, as if he were cold.

'You've heard of phrases like "his hair stood on end",' he said, 'or, "he jumped out of his skin", or, my "blood froze". I can tell you that when you get mixed up with Satanism those phrases become a literal reality. But it's not what people think.

'Let me tell you the whole thing from the beginning... I'm going to be frank with you, and you're going to be shocked, but people have got to understand what they have to be afraid of.' He paused a moment as if to gather his thoughts.

'Three years or so ago,' he began, 'I joined an amateur theatre group; I can't tell you where - it wasn't around here. I don't want any more hassle from them. The bloke that ran the thing, let's call him Michael H., was a very forceful type; people tended to get involved with him. He was bisexual and seemed to be able to pull blokes or girls just as it suited him. I admit that I was quite attracted to him myself. If you haven't guessed already, I'm gay'.

'Michael H. had a strong presence and a very quick tongue. He made me feel inadequate - yet the more he put people down the more they got infatuated with him. He had terrific self-confidence, appeal. I'm not sure what his background was; he gave the impression he'd dropped out from something ...medicine or law. He was well-educated; he knew a lot of people and he was on the fringes of the art world'.

'We did some quite good things, a bit of high-brow and gloomy - Huis Clos, Dr Faustus, The Seagull. I never got a part in a play, but we used to do improvisations sessions, method acting and so on, most weeks in the evenings. The improvisations used to get hairy; he liked to experiment with power situations, like when somebody's taken prisoner or made a victim. He wanted to bring latent aggression and fear out of people'.

'I realized that he had an inner circle and it irritated me that I didn't belong to the favoured few. He would come and have a drink with some of us occasionally, as if he were doing us a favour, but he was always rather cool socially, and sort of knowing - as if he had you taped'.

'Then one day, out of the blue, he rang me in a friendly way and asked if I'd like to take part in a sort of theatre workshop; he said it was hush-hush and involved some experimental work. "I think it might appeal to you," he said. I was flattered, and I agreed to go along; in fact I was fetched by car and driven with several other members of the group to a house somewhere in Byfleet'.

'As soon as I arrived I guessed what was going to happen. There were twelve of us, including myself and Michael H.. It was a large room at the back of the house and a table had been set up to look like an altar; we were asked to take our clothes off and put on long blue robes. At first I thought it was rather pathetic, a bit of a cliche, like Hellfire Club stuff, or The Omen or something. But when we got started I realized that the whole point of it was to give vent to a stream of blasphemy. The idea was to outdo each other ...take it to the ultimate extreme.

'By upbringing I am Church of England, but I hadn't been to church for years and I wasn't particularly interested in religion. But somehow you retain a basic feeling of reverence for it. Michael H. told us that the point of the exercise ws to release ourselves from the stranglehold of subconscious ties, to make ourselves free and thereby powerful.'

'He would begin to recite a prayer - asking us to repeat it reverently with him; then he would suddenly say something obscene and make us repeat it. At one point two or three of the group started to giggle, but each time this happened he stopped and made us do it again. He kept saying, "Come on! Don't send it up! Enter into it!"'

'The next stage was the ritual. There was a chalice filled with wine on the alter and some Communion breads, and after saying reverent prayers like a priest he spat into the chalice and started cursing. Then somebody turned the light out so there was only one candle, and everything started to degenerate.'

'In the end there were people copulating, or at least they were going through the motions - like realistic improvising. Then one of them started masturbating for real and came all over the alter; people were making obscene gestures with the chalice and the crucifix, and Michael H. was urging everybody on with a stream of filth, getting everyone worked up. In the middle of all this he got one of the girls to lie on the alter and started fondling her, then he took one of the Communion breads and pushed it up her vagina, saying, "Fuck Christ! Fuck Christ!" It sounds pathetic, a bit comic, just to talk about it now, but at the same time it started to make me feel really weird. I was taking pleasure in blasphemy. But he still hadn't reached the really scary part.'
'Towards the end he put his arm around me and looked into my eyes. He said to me, "How would you like to make a pact with the Devil, Philip?" Then he kept coaxing me to ask out loud for the Devil to take possession of me. He kept on and on and on; he wouldn't let me go. The others were all joining in. In the end I gave way, and said what he wanted me to say...' At this point Philip was pressing the whisky glass to his head; his shoulders were heaving slightly and the tears were rolling down his face.

'He said to me, "Phillip, if you want to see the Devil, just look into the corner of the room." I was petrified, and I didn't want to look, but he just kept coaxing me, saying, "Come on, Philip, don't be frightened. He's over there and he wants you to look at him." All the others were standing round me and saying, "Come on, Philip, come on..." In the end I looked into the corner... and I saw this thing, I don't know how it got there, it looked as real as anything else in the room; it looked like a sort of monstrous filthy crow, it was as big as a man standing up, and the longer I looked at it the clearer it became. It was horrendous, its wings were covered in shit and slime, and when it opened its beak a huge bloody penis came out and it made this dreadful retching sound...'

'I ended up in complete hysterics, screaming my head off. I don't know how it ended, or how I got home. I suppose they took me. Anyway, I eventually got to bed and fell asleep and I woke up about four o'clock in a state of unbelievable terror. It's difficult to describe; it was as if from moment to moment I was about to be swallowed up in a sickening total abyss, annihilation. I was into a level of fear I'd never encourtered before. I never thought such fear was possible. I felt as if the bird was at my shoulder. It was as if the ground kept disappearing from under me. Somehow we all take our security for granted, but once you've had the experience of losing it nothing is the same again. My mind seemed to be invaded by an endless stream of filth and obscenity and disgust that had nothing to do with my will-power. It was like being controlled. I was so frightened I thought I was going to have a heart attack. Then at about five in the morning the phone rang and it was Michael H.. He just said to me one thing. He said "Hallo, Philip, are you enjoying the feeling?" Then he started to laugh, and I could hear some other people laughing with him. Then he shouted, "Say hallo to Satan for me!" and slammed the phone down.

'The following days and weeks were a nightmare of purest hell. I felt as if my personality wasn't my own, I felt outside of myself in some way. My head was filled with involuntary obscene ideaas like an echo chamber, and I had a constant battle with myself not to scream out obscenities in public. The strangest thing of all was that I couldn't stand the sight of a flower, or anything nice or beautiful, or the sound of pleasant music... And it seemed that whenever I was getting a bit of a grip on myself Michael H. would ring and it would start all over again. The frightening thing was that he seemed to know exactly what I was feeling; it was as if I were completely in his control and that he had a malignant power over me.

'I never went to the doctor, but somehow I couldn't tell him or anybody else the whole story, partly because I was frightened of Michael. The doctor gave me some pills, which didn't touch me, in fact they seemed to make things worse. When I wasn't thinking of vile wasys in which I could kill people, especially little children, I was thinking of killing myself - all day long. I'd be walking along the street and all the time I'd be thinking, "I'll throw myself under the next bus!" It was a constant struggle not to actually do it.


I have only recorded here the barest outline of Philip Tudor's story. There were many other things he told me about the improvised ritual and his reactions to it that cannot be printed. When Philip had finished we shook hands and he extracted from me a promise that I would not divulge his real name.

As we said goodbye, he said, 'I'll never understand why they do it, that's one of the most frightening things, the sheer pointlessness of it. I was lucky to escape. The idea that they're doing this to children is appalling.'

John Cornwell
Powers of Darkness, Powers of Light
Viking Books
England, 1991

...not knowing exactly what physical or mental assault precipitated his experience makes it rather frustrating as that would answer alot of questions...albeit maybe dangerous knowledge...

...is there any occult significance in leopards as a symbol...?
...is there any occult significance in leopards as a symbol...?

I've no idea if this is significant in this context, but in my copy of Dante's Inferno, Mark Musa says the following
early critics thought of the three beasts [leopard, lion, wolf] that block the pilgrim's path as symbolising three specific sins: lust, pride and avarice, but I prefer to see in them the three major divisions of Hell. The spotted leopard represents fraud and reigns over the 8th and 9th circles where the fraudulant are punished...
I've no idea if this is significant in this context, but in my copy of Dante's Inferno, Mark Musa says the following
Not at all OT, but good find. Dante's representation would work well with our entire political class....

Dante uses the leopard to represent malicious or fraudulent sins because the leopard, having a spotted pelt, will disguise himself from a potential creature of prey. The leopard will bide his time and strike at the most optimal moment, when its prey least suspects it. Dante develops this association because those who commit sins of fraud usually present themselves respectably, rather than revealing their true motive. In Canto XVII Dante introduces Geryon, the embodiment of fraud. He is described as a horrid beast who at first glance seems an innocent man. Dante writes, "His face was the face of any honest man, / it shone with such a look of benediction; / and all the rest of him was serpentine…" (Inferno XVII 10-12).
Not at all OT, but good find. Dante's representation would work well with our entire political class....

It had been a while since I read Inferno, but the idea of the leopard being symbolic of something stayed with me, for some reason. Easy enough to look it up :)

Where is your quote from?
William of Walworth said:
John Cornwell = John Le Carre?:hmm:

(The link does seem obvious, but I don't really know whether it applies with the above writing that hot air baboon posted ... was/is there another John Cornwell?)

Different John Cornwell. The one quoted above is a journalist who seems to specialise in catholic/political historical fringe stuff.

Was Pope John Paul murdered by the CIA sort of thing.

Thank you, I too am relieved its not the spywriter one :)
…..despite the huge problems of evidence something about the SRA testimony does haunt you – maybe the level of genuine disturbance in children esp. even to make-up the extreme abuse or violence that is appaling in itself. Tate’s non-sceptiscism seems to revolve around the idea that very young children can’t possibly invent unbidden – out of whole cloth – such extreme sadistic sexual or violent events such as those in SRA allegations showing such consistent common factors….I think I’d agree……from which point Tate therefore rather leaps towards an assumption of credibility….

Disturbance in children is a well-researched phenomenon, and one that doesn't require physical violence or abuse in order to occur. Cognitive and emotional development can be retarded and/or damaged by neglect, or by purely-verbal violence. It's also the case that unless one is aware of, and can cross-check, the modes of questioning used when interviewing putative child victims, it's entirely possible for the "extreme sadistic sexual or violent events" to be manufactured from what the child picks up from the interviewer's questions - so, not invented "out of whole cloth". This was certainly shown to be the case in the Orkneys scandal. As I mention quite forcefully above, when questioning a putative victim, one needs to ask "open" questions that encourage the interviewee to elucidate on their own terms. Anything else has the potential for "feeding" into the victim's narrativisation of events.

…which seemes to link to more established figures in the occult scene…...which leads one to wonder if public above-ground groups run their own “off-balance sheet vehicles” to conduct their more dubious activities…

Anyone who's au fait with Chaos Magick and Chaotes (and the dynamic between Peter J. Carroll, Phil Hine and Chaos International's editor Ian Read) know this is part of a campaign by Carroll, that Hine isn't a paedophile, that assuming a transgressive paradigm can be part of Chaos ritual practice, and that "everything is permitted" (the completion of which motto is "nothing is true" - have a think about that) is no more a licence to misbehaviour than Crowley's "Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law" (another motto whose tail-end is often elided, the missing part being "Love is the Law, love under will").

John Cornwell
Powers of Darkness, Powers of Light
Viking Books
England, 1991

I got sent a proof copy of this back in the day (I was "solicited" at a Pagan event, and asked if I'd like to be sent a proof, and suggest any revisions). I posted 6 sides of A4 to the publisher with necessary corrections to "facts" Cornwell had stated, giving sources (multiples sources when possible), none of which made the 1st edition - I'm aware of others who did the same. It's a book that was written for a particular market - the book-buying classes who bought into the anti-occult hysteria of the times.
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