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Sainsburys staff given targets to promote scab tills

If people are worried about "scab tills" why are they even shopping in Sainsburys in the first place?

Sainsbollox and Tescunts are the biggest scabs of all: putting local shops out of business, driving down wages & employment, and taking money out of communities.

Because most of us can't afford to do the daily shop in artisan bakeries/don't live near anywhere that actually has non-chain shops?
Because most of us can't afford to do the daily shop in artisan bakeries/don't live near anywhere that actually has non-chain shops?
Yeah fair enough, I mean I'm lucky to have lots of low cost markets near me for cheap fruit & veg etc. Not everyone has that. Mainly cos the supermarkets have screwed any other model of selling food :(
If people are worried about "scab tills" why are they even shopping in Sainsburys in the first place?

Sainsbollox and Tescunts are the biggest scabs of all: putting local shops out of business, driving down wages & employment, and taking money out of communities.
Because most of us can't afford to do the daily shop in artisan bakeries/don't live near anywhere that actually has non-chain shops?
Exactly. Brixton Hatter answers his own question.
One of the pleasures of living here is the large number of small, what you'd call artisan, shops. I love the fact that they think that paying a premium for artsan is odd. But I miss the big UK supermarkets for the wide choice available.
I mean seriously, the alternative is to go and forage

No, it's to go Farrage!

It's faceless Eurocrats and their social chapters impoverishing British capitalists and so forcing them to resort to these devices
If people are worried about "scab tills" why are they even shopping in Sainsburys in the first place?

Sainsbollox and Tescunts are the biggest scabs of all: putting local shops out of business, driving down wages & employment, and taking money out of communities.

So long as they take your money I don't suppose it matters much to the supermarket in how they take your money.

I guess if you are concerned about how supermarkets take your money then arranging for home delivery is the route to go down. This way someone's employed to pick and deliver your food.

Both technologies are simply there to make operations more efficient for supermarkets. The driver for both technologies is space as well as labour. In the case of scab tills it makes the smaller shops more viable, and for home deliveries one objective is to make better use of existing large supermarkets - more customers from the same space.

IMO 'Scab till's' take the ire of people at they are a visible front for supermarket efficiency savings. Perhaps forgetting that the reason supermarkets exist in the first place is because they've been doing this shit, ie making efficiencies, since they started.

It's these efficiencies that make them cheaper, and push out diversity from our high street.

I should probably add that I'm making no value judgements in using the word 'efficiencies' - the last time I wrote a similar post it was assumed that I meant it in a positive way.
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