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    Lazy Llama

Roosh V, Pro-Rape Pick Up Artist, Announces Worldwide 'Tribal Meetings'

so he wants a perfect partner who does exactly what he wants all the time and is perfect, so he can idealise her, and she should worship him for that. cause he's a nice guy. and it's clearly women's fault they aren't lining up to worship blokes like him.

the problem isn't women sweetie, it's your expectations.

maybe it's just his opinion as a practising homosexual.
I personally dont think gay men should have any opinions about women, nor feel the need to comment on feminism, but many do, I just don't understand why it's a thing for them.
I personally dont think gay men should have any opinions about women, nor feel the need to comment on feminism, but many do, I just don't understand why it's a thing for them.


presumably by that logic, no white person should have any opinions about racism / anti racism?

and that leaves out homophobia being a close relation to misogyny...

presumably by that logic, no white person should have any opinions about racism / anti racism?

and that leaves out homophobia being a close relation to misogyny...

I mean about how women behave, what they do, how they dress, just why?? lol but whatever, facepalm me on the internet like I'm gonna even care lol

and unless youve been out of the loop theres quite a lot of people on the internet who think white people shouldnt have opinions on racisim but y'know, whatever lol
I don't know its true face, just the face presented e.g. Rupaul, Miss Fame, Jeffree Star etc. So I guess mainly makeup. Interested though

I aint knocking the makeup, some of those dudes have skills, but idk what you'd call dressing up and making money from parodying the worst generalised traits of women, I call it a smack in the face. men pay to see these shows, groups of them laugh at the mockery, it's a pile of shit and speaks volumes about how those men view women. we have been manipulated to buy into it. 'it's just a bit of fun'
I aint knocking the makeup, some of those dudes have skills, but idk what you'd call dressing up and making money from parodying the worst generalised traits of women, I call it a smack in the face. men pay to see these shows, groups of them laugh at the mockery, it's a pile of shit and speaks volumes about how those men view women.
Yeah maybe I've got too used to thinking of it as an art form rather than parody.

Edit: thinking about it, that's probably how some drag trends have been fairly unquestioningly imported into makeup trends.
The point is that the opportunities of which you speak are not extended to all young men.

It is true that in the past, young men in general had less sex before marriage than they do today. But it also true that in the past almost every young man could find a wife, and could expect to stay married for life. That isn't true today, at least if the emergence of Roosh and company is any evidence, which it surely is.

Another interesting thing is the anti-white racism expressed on many of these "incel" forums. Lots of Asian men, in particular, moaning that "their" (sic) women no longer consider them worthy sexual partners. That's also a new phenomenon that would have been completely impossible a generation ago.
nostalgia for an age that never existed
"What is the cause of Roosh [the phenomenon]"?

The cause of Roosh being a phenomenon is, as I've commented before, new tech allowing malcontents a megaphone, plus a heritage of patriarchy, plus Roosh as an individual being a damaged, entitled, pampered egomaniac. I could go into the attitudes which may have been inculcated in him by his Persian background, or a messed-up Oedipal relationship with his mother, but it would be pure speculation and likely to get you to accuse me of racism.

as others have noted, your other points make the blindingly obvious mistake of conflating marriage and sex - something even many MRAs don't do! must try harder...
Funny you should show up here Pickers, you've always struck me as just the type to which Roosh appeals.
yeh i thought you knew nothing of me. just as you know nothing of how people's relationships were structured in the past. you might look with profit at e.g. the sale of wives by e.p. thompson. it always surprises me how readily you reveal unexpected areas of ignorance, strange with you being an academic and all.
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