Stay Alive in '25
"Know thy enemy"What are you hoping to demonstrate by quoting some random weirdos off twitter?
"Know thy enemy"What are you hoping to demonstrate by quoting some random weirdos off twitter?
What are you hoping to demonstrate by quoting some random weirdos off twitter?
The link between atheists, PUAs, bigots, racists.
No see mentalchik PD is telling us what "most" women want. Therefore he can use your preferences as the exception that proves the rule. Meanwhile Dwyer can happily offer his insight into the minds of your sisters who all secretly lust after Donald Trump and Rupert Murdoch.
It's amazing how one track Dywer thinks women are, as if their sexuality isn't as complex as men, that women can't fancy several different types of men at the time and can't perhaps have a purely physical attraction to someone while at the same time prefer a different type of person as a long term partner.
Ps best not tell Phil about Bisexuals too.
What's his job title?
Another key word or theme in all this is reactionary.
They (MRAs, white-rights, etc) are reacting against social, economic and cultural changes in the direction of equality which undermine their previously privileged position. But because they can't really say they're opposed to equality, they have claim that women now have more rights than men, non-whites more than whites, etc, and that so-called "cultural marxists" who are challenging structures of privilege are actually attacking those individuals who previously benefited from that privilege (and still do to a significant extent).
It's amazing how one track Dywer thinks women are, as if their sexuality isn't as complex as men, that women can't fancy several different types of men at the time and can't perhaps have a purely physical attraction to someone while at the same time prefer a different type of person as a long term partner.
well, considering women's sexuality tends to be more fluid, that would suggest it[s more complez
hence if you delve down the mra rabbit hole, you can find all the stuff about how traditional gender roles privilage women.
Do you mean by this that there is a wide range or fluidity of how women as a whole group (as compared to men) feel/express their sexuality, or that the sexuality of individual specific women (as compared to specific men) has a wide range or fluidity, or maybe a bit of both?
Because without wanting to get into a who's more fluid, women or men, I suspect that men's sexuality is also actually more fluid/wide ranging than it's popularly stereotyped and portrayed.
The whole thing is far more complex than various simplistic reductions would have us believe.
If you were to stop using that word in the sense that only the far outer fringes of MRA use it, you might find that people laugh at you a bit less loudly. x
Googling hypergamy, Dwyer's favourite word, helps a lot to explain where he's coming from:
You get all the best woman-hating websites lined up all in a row (MGTOW, Return of Kings, Rational Male etc).
None of them seem to agree on what the word means but they're very cross about something, basically that whatever it is that women want it's definitely .. not them, not men who write about 'hypergamy'.
First time ever?!The Rooshes of this world (and they are legion) are mad. They are being driven mad by the following circumstance: for the first time ever in the history of the human race, women are free to choose their sexual partners on the basis of their own sexual desires, without patriarchal interference.
I think everyone can agree that this is true.
So the question becomes, how does society deal with this unprecedented development? Because it will undoubtedly have profound effects--indeed it already is.
It's quite interesting to search MRA / PUA sources for the use of the term 'cultural marxism'
I know Anders Breivik's manifesto is full of MRA sort of stuff.
How much cross-over is there between this lot and the racist right I wonder?
this isn't actually true though.for the first time ever in the history of the human race, women are free to choose their sexual partners on the basis of their own sexual desires, without patriarchal interference.
First time ever?!
this isn't actually true though.
society can either shore up (and continue to expect specifically women to fulfil this role) fragile and/or toxic expression of masculinity, or expect this lot to learn what most men are already aware of - that their masculinity is not contingent on dominating women
for the first time ever in the history of the human race, women are free to choose their sexual partners on the basis of their own sexual desires, without patriarchal interference.